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Christian, you are FREE!!!

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posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 10:35 PM
Words and Music by Ginny Owens: BMG Songs, Inc. (Gospel Division)/Above The
Rim Music (Administered by BMG Songs, Inc.) (ASCAP)


Turnin' molehills into mountains,
Makin' big deals out of small ones,
Bearing gifts as if they're burdens,
This is how it's been.
Afraid of coming out of my shell,
Too many things I can't do too well,
afraid I'll try real hard, and I'll fail--
This is how it's been.
Till the day You pounded on my heart's door,
And You shouted joyfully,
";You're not a slave anymore!";

";You're free to dance-
Forget about your two left feet
And you're free to sing-even joyful noise is music to Me
You're free to love,
'Cause I've given you My love,
and it's made you free
I have set you free!";

My mind finds hard to believe
That You became humanity and changed the course of history,
Because You loved us so.
And my heart cannot understand
How You accept me as I am,
But You say You've always had a plan,
And that's all I need to know.
So when I am consumed with what the world will say,
Then You're singing to me, as You remove my chains-

Free from worry, free from envy and denial
Free to live, free to give, free to smile

My Christian brothers and sisters, you are free from the World (strife, guilt, shame etc) rejoice!!!

We all free to dwell in other places along with folks who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

2 Tim 2:22-26

22 Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

23 Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. 24 And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.

25 Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth,

26 and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.

2 Tim 3:1-5
3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such
turn away.

posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 11:26 AM
You're enthusiasm for Christ is refreshing and appreciated my friend!
Any good word about Christ and his people is uplifting to the soul, thank you!

There is no weight God cannot bear.

posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 10:27 PM
That qoute describes this age to the tee. I have grown up with it and have been it myself without his Grace.

I was a lazy, ungrateful kid, not evil, with some graces, by disobedient, not wanting to work or help others. Threw things at my mother when mad.

Now by his grace im completely different, and im sure you souls are as well.

Truly a transformation for me, and you will see what I mean after death.

Now before I learned of Christ teaching me goodness, I was a pretty bad kid, not evil, still had a sense of innocence and stayed away from major sins and trouble, but just lazy and grumpy and terrible.

Some souls I think like to believe they are always good, as if they never experience bad attitudes and so forth, but I grew up real, in a real life, with no heart and no feeling and I can tell you his grace is amazing.

I give God all the credit, because its his grace. Now if I ran on pride I would be built up on my good works and never experience true grace and heart.

But its his grace.

Oh one point of advice Jesusisreal. I like your post, but watchout that you dont go around pumping versus into strangers heads, it will turn them off.

But if your just trying to spread the good news, then its perfectly ok.


posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 10:31 PM
I wish I hadnt read all the research on christianity, maybe I would join.

To late now, Im aware.

edit: actually nothing is ever too late I admit.
I guess what im saying is convince me without trying to force it on me.

[edit on 23-8-2007 by earth2]

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by earth2
I wish I hadnt read all the research on christianity, maybe I would join.

To late now, Im aware.

edit: actually nothing is ever too late I admit.
I guess what im saying is convince me without trying to force it on me.

[edit on 23-8-2007 by earth2]

I think you're feeling something? Maybe it is true perhaps?

A man can't convince you, he can plant the seed of faith, the nagging thought of "well, maybe it is true, what's to say it's not?". To be convinced however, you must go to God on earth. His word, the Bible. Study it as you would a new conspiracy issue or a textbook of your favorite subject. Study his word, it's alive with his power, that's why whenever you read it you find that it perfectly applies to you, a perfect fit. Then the other pieces of the puzzle will fall into place. It's the most exciting life.

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by depth om
To be convinced however, you must go to God on earth. His word, the Bible. Study it as you would a new conspiracy issue or a textbook of your favorite subject.

i've done this, many times in fact, and i came up with nothing.

Study his word, it's alive with his power, that's why whenever you read it you find that it perfectly applies to you, a perfect fit.

really? that never happened to me... i mean, all those laws and fables, the racism, slaverly, misogyny, and homophobia, none of that really applied to me. the unscientific assertions, those didn't either. abe and his son? i found it abhorent. the teachings of jesus? buddha did a better job expressing the same ideas.
the genocide of the middianites and the raping of all their virgins? nope, didin't apply to me one bit, found it very sad that the character of god ordered it.

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 10:17 PM
Well madness, you seem to be comfortable in your understanding of reality. Good luck!

Edit: Did you find out those passages through looking for things in the bible that contradict or portray christianity as just another mass delusion, or did you read through the bible and stumble upon them. You always find what you're looking for!

Empty your mind, then look at the book. Empty your mind, polish it's mirror and reflect the word. If you look at the bible as a book full of lies and contradiction, what else do you expect to find.

I'm 19. I was pretty wild. My life is gone now, it's Gods. Yes of course I still fall into sin, but I have the universe at my back, God. He controls my chemistry, he can help steer your will if you let him, then you aren't so inclined to desire things or certain activites.

That's what scares people. Giving up your life for God.

utter foolishness, is what a christian is to the world. and I praise God for that.

[edit on 24-8-2007 by depth om]

posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by depth om
Well madness, you seem to be comfortable in your understanding of reality. Good luck!

Edit: Did you find out those passages through looking for things in the bible that contradict or portray christianity as just another mass delusion, or did you read through the bible and stumble upon them. You always find what you're looking for!

i read the bible to look for god. i was honestly trying to search out for the deity you believe in, i did it with every fiber of my being. i read it the way multiple pastors, preachers, and priests suggested, read specific passages etc. i found no god, only the words of man.

and without evidence to support the existence of any god, i'll continue to consider myself an atheist.

Empty your mind, then look at the book. Empty your mind, polish it's mirror and reflect the word. If you look at the bible as a book full of lies and contradiction, what else do you expect to find.

empty your mind?
oh, you mean abandon reason. how about you abandon all the products of reason along with it?

I'm 19. I was pretty wild. My life is gone now, it's Gods. Yes of course I still fall into sin, but I have the universe at my back, God. He controls my chemistry, he can help steer your will if you let him, then you aren't so inclined to desire things or certain activites.

i'm 18, honestly, my life is exponentially better as an atheist than it was as a theist. i'm happier, i sleep better (especially on sundays), i do more charitable works, etc.

and you're more than a bit arrogant if you really believe all of that.

That's what scares people. Giving up your life for God.

no, what scares me is that you actually believe in a being whose existence doesn't rest on any evidence.

utter foolishness, is what a christian is to the world. and I praise God for that.

well, then you're more than a bit irrational. foolishness = bad. you persist in irrationality, please look into reason

posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 11:21 AM
well madness, this (what I wrote last) is what being a christian is like. Persecution, mockery, all of those fun things you like to wield as the spearpoint of atheism.

Yes, you must empty your mind of all pre-conceived notion, God refuses to fit in your mold.

And yes, we are fools to this world, that's how it works. If another person is getting something other than someone else out of christianity, alot of people say "that's not fair" and are turned off, seeing that it's not "equal" for everyone. That's because faith is a personal experience, God works differently in different people.

You do know by mocking a christian it only makes them stronger right? what upsets a christian is indifference. Because we believe this is not the last stop on the bus ride. You don't have to pay fare till the end though. This is not a free ride.

I'm arrogant in God, oh yes I am. My king is better than yours, has more land, food, armaments, subjects and power than any idol of the mind (worshipping a thought or state of mind) or world (buddha idols etc.) God's backyard is the universe, his eyes in every particle.

Madness I really do enjoy these conversations and I'd like to keep going!

One who challenges my faith because they worry it is meaningless, is one who cares about me! And I truly care about you brother!

[edit on 25-8-2007 by depth om]

posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 12:35 PM
Depth, while I am certainly not going to put words in madness' mouth, I have been watching his posts for quite some time. My impression of him is that he would like to believe, but there is no empirical evidence for what he wants to believe.

To where I, on the other hand,as well as I am sure your the same, don't need physical evidence. I don't put such a significance on this "physical" reality that "I can't see" what I can't see, if that makes any sense.

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by depth om
well madness, this (what I wrote last) is what being a christian is like. Persecution, mockery, all of those fun things you like to wield as the spearpoint of atheism.

no, christianity is the perpetuator of persecution. there is no "spearpoint of atheism"
atheism is a lack of belief

Yes, you must empty your mind of all pre-conceived notion, God refuses to fit in your mold.

well, any being that violates the basic morality of not commanding a genocide isn't a god, now is it?

And yes, we are fools to this world, that's how it works. If another person is getting something other than someone else out of christianity, alot of people say "that's not fair" and are turned off, seeing that it's not "equal" for everyone. That's because faith is a personal experience, God works differently in different people.

honestly, that's not what puts me off, what puts me off is THE LACK OF REASON.

You do know by mocking a christian it only makes them stronger right?

i have mocked no christians, all i'm doing is being critical of a religion, not people

what upsets a christian is indifference. Because we believe this is not the last stop on the bus ride. You don't have to pay fare till the end though. This is not a free ride.

honestly, i

I'm arrogant in God, oh yes I am. My king is better than yours, has more land, food, armaments, subjects and power than any idol of the mind (worshipping a thought or state of mind)

i don't worship a thought or a state of mind...
your king also doesn't seem to exist........
and honestly, subjects i could argue that you don't know... as you're not aware of the entire universe and would be ignorant to exclude the possiblity of other planets (and i'd gamble my entire fortune that other intelligent life forms would have a different religion if they hadn't moved past it)

or world (buddha idols etc.) God's backyard is the universe, his eyes in every particle.

buddhists don't worship anything...

One who challenges my faith because they worry it is meaningless, is one who cares about me! And I truly care about you brother!

i don't think that it's meaningless, i think YOU give it meaning, i just think it's pointless and you could live just as well (if not better) through your own reason.

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Depth, while I am certainly not going to put words in madness' mouth, I have been watching his posts for quite some time. My impression of him is that he would like to believe, but there is no empirical evidence for what he wants to believe.

close, it's not that i'd like to believe, i simply would believe if there were evidence and i'd admit that my lack of belief was wrong but that i was right at the time i lacked belief because i was making the best judgement based on the available evidence.

honestly, out of all the religions i'd much prefer that buddhism were right

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 10:48 PM
About buddha idols, I really just meant all the gold buddhas, statues, etc.

They just seem like an idol as characterized in the Bible. Not worshipped but deified.

I practiced zazen meditation for 5 years and was absolutely enthralled with what I found out through my own study. By looking at one thing you learn about another is what I found out. I learned that this chain goes on and on, (this is this way because this is like that etc.)

Anyways, I was lead to Christ through my own calculation. I arrived at the source and the source was God. And that coupled with what he told us through his mouthpieces, his disciples and teachers, is all I need in this existence.

I believe all man knew of the original God for centuries after man was created, then, through the advent of tribe and race, race being one family line and so on, people turned their backs on God but remembered him in myth and tale. The true word survived amongst all the others.

Madness, seldom do I run into a person like you, I mean that as a compliment.

Answer me this though man, for fun. A koan I bet you haven't heard.

Where does light come from?

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

I, on the other hand,as well as I am sure your the same, don't need physical evidence. I don't put such a significance on this "physical" reality that "I can't see" what I can't see, if that makes any sense.

Yes my friend, our eyes merely recieve and translate vibration. We cannot see things we know exist with our eyes, so who is say what is or isn't out there based merely on physical evidence. Physical is just a word, we know not the true nature of anything but God, knowing only this, that he created love, he reconciled man and he has a plan that will not be delayed.

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