posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 03:44 PM
There have been assorted supergroups in the past and they have spanned multiple genres, and now is the time to nominate your pick for supergroup.
If you had a choice, who would you put in your supergroup?
Keep in mind that the 4-5 members can be from any time period, any genre and any talent, alive or dead. And feel free to give your group a name if
you wish.
(Pardon my first picks, but I am a rap/hip-hop affeccionado)
A couple of thoughts for a supergroup would be:
Str8 Thuggin
Notorious BIG
50 Cent
The Game
Hood Connect
Kanye West
Pink Zeppelin I know its lame...
David Gilmour
Roger Waters
John Paul Jones
I could go on forever...