posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 12:56 PM
This theory isn't entirely new. But I'm posting my variation of it because I don't think my reasoning has been touched on very much. Personally, I
am not even sure if I subscribe to my own theory, but it seems to make sense.
They could be humans from an alternate timeline, or possibly even dimension. But whatever they are, they seem to VERY similar to us.
Let's first take their skin color, and other physical traits.
Grey- Not to be racist, but if all of the human species intermingled and bred together into one homogenous color, what would that color be?
Head- Their heads are huge in proportion to their bodies. In can be assumed, based off of what we know about evolution that the dominate or (most
desireable) trait for this lifestyle they find themselves in is intellect, knowledge, intelligence.
Body- Their bodies are not suited for physical tasks. You never see a "muscular" grey. They rely on machines to do the work for them. Based off of
what we know about evolution, if for generations muscular qualities were not required, or under-emphasized, size and strength would diminish with the
requirement of labor.
Eyes- Their most prominent feature. We can assume this has evolved through of eyes in study. We are a very visual people, as they likely are.
Nose- They are used to a sterile, techno-lifestyle. They have little need for sensitive smell, so the process of evolution is gradually eliminating
Ears- As they seem to communicate with telepathy, the need for ears gradually evolves away.
Mouth: Most accounts I have read do not show Greys using their mouths, either for speech, or for taste. We can assume this is another fature evolving
Hair- They are bald critters. In the animal kingdom, hair is used for warmth and protection from the elements. However, as they are not exposed to
nature, they did not require hair.
Genitals- They don't appear to have much, if anything going on downstairs. It is assumed by many that they actually require other creatures (such us
as, cattle, etc) to breed. These could have evolved away from lack of use, possibly as a means of preventing STD's. Physical mating was no longer
nessicery as their technology was able to achieve the same ends.
Now let's have a chat about technology. This is their big thing. They'r enot physically strong, they don't have accute senses, but what they do
have is a tremendous wealth of scientific knowledge.
Let me take a step back. As we look at the anatomy of Greys, they're not well suited for interaction with nature. They may not be able to eat or
breed on their own. Their bodies are frail so they certainly could not endure the elements, and slipping on a rock could be disasterous. Most of their
senses are evolving away. This is a species that has evolved away from nature, completely dependent on technology.
Now, look at human beings as we know them today.
Skin- We still come in many colors and shades. However interracial relations are becoming more common.
Head- We are the most mentally advanced creatures we know about. With an expansion of scientific awareness, we're becoming more reliant on our mental
Body- We are a stronger people. However, as our technology becomes more advanced, we're doing less work ourselves. We do not need to be strong,
because our interaction with nature is still limited at this point. These days, physical activities, games, outdoor activities are on the decline,
while video games, simulation, and other means of entertainment are replacing the physical.
Eyes- These are in most cases, our most used sense organs. We're a very visual people.
Nose- We still have noses, but the requirement for strong sense of smell is deteriorating as we spend more time in controlled environments.
Ears- We have ears, and still use them frequently. But visual media (texting, and other forms of communcation) are gradually replacing the spoken
Mouth- We're a loud-mouthed people. With technology on the rise, vocal communication may start to decline. It is possible now to feed a person who
cannot eat, whether tehy are unconcious or otherwise.
Hair- We are the baldest of primates. We can make shelter, build fires, or sit in climate controlled comfort for that matter. The need for hair is
decreasing. Shaving is very popular as well. With less outdoor exposure, the need for hair may decrease further still.
Genitals- We like to get our freak on, but it is no longer a biological requirement. We can get around it to varying extents with technology. Also,
STD's are on the rise, as pathogens mutate further and become more contagious, our sexual desires may be conquered by our fear of death.
Our technology is very important to us. With it, we no longer need to hunt. Each generation there is less manual work that needs to be done.
Electronic entertainment is replacing physical activity. Each successive generation, as a whole is becoming less active, and more reliant on
technology. If you don't believe me, think about the stories of hardships your grandparents, or great grandparents had to endure. It sounds brutal,
but with less scientific advantages, they had to be a more rugged people.
With increasing technology, I see a gradual evolution away from nature. As we become increasingly reliant on our machines, we become decreasingly
capable of surviving without it.
If we continued on this path, using evolution as your guide, what do you think we'd become?
Thanks for enduring this theory.