posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 01:29 AM
this event happen to me about a month ago,im sharing it now because i fear we are headed towards a police state in the us,and this is what made me
decide to look more into i got into my trouble when i was a teen....but since reaching adult hood have not had any arrests or run in's with
the law besides once being pulled over for "fitting the description" of some white guy with a red truck... who happend to rob a bank down the road
from my house(i happen to be mixed black and white and was driving a blue ion) and once being pulled over for noise violation...wich i did i like my
music loud. now that being said i was enjoying a festival in my town called fiesta were its a week long outdoor celebration of the spanish culture
held in the "hood" area of topeka,ks...let me stress that ive been going there for many years and never anything more then a few fights broke
out....but this year the police department put out a statement in the local paper..the topeka capital journel...spelling may be wrong but im sure
gogle will fix if you want to look up the article....neways the article stated a dress code for this outdoor public property event...under the
justification that it was to curb gang activity...wich would make sense.....if it was an ascelating problem...but it in it it stated that
no du-rags,dickie pants,skull caps,colered bandana's,baggy cloths,hats were to be wore straight etc, basically unurbanizing the that was
cool and i was comliant untill i noticed that there were white teenaggers walking around wearing exactally what was stated as unaceptable and not
gettin a second i turned my hat sideways....they told me to turn it straight or id have to leave so i turned it straight....i returned two
days later 1 day before the event ended....and decided id try my luck with my hat turned slightly again...because the girls tell me it looks cute lol
neways i had a du-rag but removed it and had it hangin off the back of the chain on my neck...wich was im walkin around socializng
and a officer approaches me...tells me i was warned about the hat now i have to leave....i comply but state to the officer in a very nice tone....i
dont like you can i have your partner escort me...his partner agree's and the officer follows about 5-10 feet we are walking on a side
walk behind the carnival games setup and come to a juncture were we cant proceed any further...i politely tell the officer we have to go the other way
and he say keep walkin...i say we cant there is a fence...he replys o i geuss your rite....i get cocky at this point but never we
are walkin and i see a friend as im being escorted out by police and he says ay whats goin on i say im famous dog i got a police that
point the officer for mo reason atempts to yank the du-rag off the back of my neck...but remember its attached to my chain so when mr police man
yanked it my chain came to and choked me...while im walking forwaord....out of pure natrul reaction when someboyd gets assualted like that out of no
were i turn around to defend myself and quiccly ask in a very angry way why the f-word did you choke wich point the oficer starts to cuff
me...while i say what did i do u choked me wtf! roomate who was not being escorted out but was walking with me starts freakin out and yellin
because he sees me being fasley arrested at wich poin three officers wrestle him to the ground and proceed to spray him with pepper spray 7 times....7 while we are being escorted to the police cars he's yelling cuz he got sprayed and im yelling flase arrest...they get him in the
car...and tell me im going to get a ticket...for what they did not say..after a few minutes they put me in a car and take me to the wich
point im held overnite in a holding cell from 10 pm untill 7 in the morning without knowing what i was even charged with.......
read continuaton on next post