I hate making a post like this.
I hate it because of the fact that i've read countless other threads/topics of the same sort.
I feel somewhat "compelled" though, because even though I will get shat upon by many--perhaps a few members might U2U me with insight.
I hate hoaxes, I hate liars, and I hate wasting time on topics that have no real substance.
What I am about to share is short, sweet, and 100% true to my personal experience.
I can/will answer any questions as my time permits.
*sigh* okay, here comes the shat-storm of "your insane" or "your nuts" or "your a fake".....
I just hope one or two people out there have
had an experience similar to mine. . .
Thursday night I went to be fairly late, but I remember going to bed as-per usual. Nothing abnormal "seemed" to happen that night. I didn't wake
up, have nightmares, or even dreams for that matter.
What was odd, however, was that on Friday my right shoulder hurt; and I mean HURT.
I played it off as, "ah, I must have slept on it wrong..." or "I must have done somthing yesterday to it..."
But as the day wore on (Friday) it started to hurt in a way I knew it shouldn't for a pulled/strained muscle.
I have been an amature bodybuilder, and competed in shows...I know what muscle fatigue and injury feel like--this was not the same.
The more I pondered the pain, I suddenly realized where I had felt this before.
To my amazement/dismay (because it's so freaking far-fetched) I realized that the "burning pain" in my right deltoid was IDENTICAL to that of an IM
(intra-muscular) injection.
Please don't ask me how I know what IM shots feel like--I don't want to violate the TOS.
So I got to thinking, "how...?"
So whilst peeing Friday night in my bathroom I got the odd urge to get up and "see if I have a bruise or whatever"... on my right arm.
To my surprise I had a red puncture mark in the exact center of where the pain was coming from.
I compared the mark to other freckles and "spots" on my skin in the surrounding area, and it indeed seemed to be red and and not brown.
I have no idea what this means, but if I was somehow "secretly" injected with something, what was it? How the hell did anyone get into my house? How
the hell did my dog not wake up? Why can I remember my entire day up until I faded into sleep w/out any anomalies?
This sounds BAD, I know...I hate to even admit it...The mark is so small that I don't even think if I had my friend take a picture of it (who would
think i'm insane for askign) it would really look like anything.
Seriously though, this really happened...and im perplexed.
Perhaps I am over-reacting? I want this to all be totally explained away as something normal/natural.
I just can't explain it though.
I just hope someone can assuage my worries about government or alien abductions paranoia--or give me more information about government stuff is this
might be true.
Yeah, I told you this wasn't going to sound good to the ATS skeptics around here.