posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 12:45 PM
Yes, next year we have to get htis going sooner, becuse this is lame, i realy wanted to lay against the people on here, as it is i am Detsrorying my
fantasy league, with my best Roster i have ever had.
I have LT, Tom Brady, and randy Moss, it just isn't fair for the people in my league.
SO, shall we start discussing next year...
We should have the draft during week 4 of the preseason, i hate those leagues were you draft months before the season starts, and then a player gets
hurt in the preseason, and you wasted your 1st round pick on him.
So, lets get the ATS FF 2008 leauge going, or at least discusion about it, i don't want to have the same fate, mabye if we get a bunch of people we
could have a 16 team leauge, i have never been in a 16 team leauge, but that owuld be fun... or mabye 12 teams...