posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 09:41 AM
Ok so this may seem strange...
Early this morning at around 4:00am I received a phone call from my brother. He was watching CNN and said there was a breaking news story of a small
pox outbreak somewhere in the mid-west united states and also there was a health threat in NYC. It was very early and he woke me up, so I don't
remember all the details. I didn't turn the TV on either, I figured something this huge would be all over the news outlets in the morning, but when
I got up and checked, not a mention of it anywhere. Was anyone out there watching CNN at 4:00-4:30am monday morning, august the 20th 2007? This
would be very interesting indeed if it were true and then covered up, or perhaps it was a dry run for the start of the "pandemic" hype that will put
everyone in FEMA camps for refusing to get a vaccine....