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Scientist Believes Aliens Are Real!

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posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Valhall
I work in the scientific community. I work with chemists, physicists, and engineers from a vast array of cultural upbringings, religions and philosophies on life. You would not believe the number of people, that if the topic is just slightly referenced (even in a humorous way), will make a statement that lets you know they believe life is out there.

Apparently the only people who do not believe it are the U.S. government, and in particular the DOD.

Val, I'll bet my bottom dollar that there are many people in the government (particularly as you say, the DOD and the Military-Industrial establishment) who not only believe in Alien life, but it's possible that these very people also have access to ET technology which has been back-engineered to produce some esoteric hardware.

But, of course, they cannot admit it, can they? It's Top Secret - Eyes Only, stuff being researched under so called 'black projects' like Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works.

These guys know a helluva lot more than they would ever care to admit.

Cheers! Here's to mud in their eyes!!

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 07:11 PM
Speaking of the military and EBE's here is an interesting article from a Canadian National Newspaper. The military are paranoid over ET's.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 10:26 PM
Excellent find oldone!

I was particularly interested in this portion which says...

Dean also reported that government insiders feel that we are dealing with hundreds of ET civilizations, some intergalactic, some interdimensional. He noted that over 10 years ago, NASA set up a scientific committee, which came to the conclusion that there are an estimated 10 billion planets with intelligent life.

Wow! So I'm not far off the mark when I contend that the government knows much more about ETs than they would ever care to admit!

posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 04:50 PM
mikesingh -- this portion of the article is my favorite.

"There was a human group that looked so much like us that that really drove the admirals and the generals crazy because they determined that these people, and they had seen them repeatedly, they had had contact with them…. These people looked so much like us they could sit next to you on a plane or in a restaurant and you'd never know the difference.

It make me wonder if I have ever met any of them. In the past I have met a person with very intense blue eyes and when you got close to them you could 'feel' the intelligence surrounding them. I remember being 'uncomfortable' being around the person. this has been a number of years ago but the impression stayed with me.

posted on Aug, 23 2007 @ 07:22 PM
Sorry I am still new at this and this old dog can learn new tricks.
I should have put these around the quote. I'll do better next time.

There was a human group that looked so much like us that that really drove the admirals and the generals crazy because they determined that these people, and they had seen them repeatedly, they had had contact with them…. These people looked so much like us they could sit next to you on a plane or in a restaurant and you'd never know the difference.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 11:03 PM

Carl Sagan says, “An advanced civilization millions of years old is as much beyond us as we are beyond a bush baby or a macaque.”

Yeah ... who would want to talk to a bush baby

and to the person who said bugs aren't sentient ... please tell me how you know for certain?

In the same sense, how would a far more advance mental being determine we are sentient? Do we not look like ants? We take stuff from the ground and build our mounds. We cater to a central structure (gov't or QUEEN) ... we do mindless activities nearly everyday, following the same paths and routines.

For the most part, we, are just common animals to a society that travels the stars.

Oh, you say that we have drug abusers ... well, lab rats will shock themselves, koalas eat eucalyptus ... we have physical relations for pleasure ... so do dolphins. How different are we? Not much from an outside perspective.

We kill each other. That isn't very smart. We cannot communicate with everyone ... we make funny noises ... we are still quite primitive, honestly. So we harnessed a bit of energy ... well, 150 years ago we were pooping in the ground and lighting wicks at night across the majority of the planet. We needed other animals just to get anywhere with any amount of swiftness.

In fact, we are way too primitive to be allowed out in the rest of the universe. We are like the Ferengi (sp?) from Star Trek, minus the space technology. Greedy, arrogant, immature beasts. Of course not all of us, but most. If we fight over our own land, we fight over our own resources ... we abuse and allow people to die in poverty because of a false concept called money ... why would you want to associate with us? Why would you want us tainting the rest of space with that nonsense?

I think we are a teenage species, that won't be allowed to play until we mature.

Sorry for the rant, but, when people think they understand everything, just because it is said as so ... well, their limited thinking irks me.

I have watched this scientist on tv before, I always respected his views and ideas ... and think he speaks well. I would try to study under him if I still aspired for that field.

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by mikesingh
That's according to Dr Michio Kaku. Who is he?

Pic Courtesy: Whipnet

Place of birth: United States.
Japanese American theoretical physicist, turned professor.
Co-founder of ‘string field theory’, a branch of the ‘super-string theory’.
New book to be published: Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration of the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel, (set to release January 22, 2008).
Received a Ph.D. in 1972. In 1973, he held a lectureship at Princeton University.
Presently, engaged in working on Einstein's "Theory of Everything," seeking to unify the four fundamental forces of the universe
Visiting professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, as well as at New York University.

So then, with his credentials, he couldn’t be talking through his hat when he discusses the physics of extra terrestrial civilizations!

While it is the belief by many that mainstream scientists reject any notions of extraterrestrial civilizations or aliens, Kaku is very unique. Not only does he believe in ETs, he also lays down a framework for their existence in his numerous books.

Kaku in his book Hyperspace compares humans as fish in a pond, only aware of the environment around them, not realizing there is a huge world outside the pond.

So the question most debunkers ask is that if they exist, then why don’t they announce their presence? That’s because as Carl Sagan says, “An advanced civilization millions of years old is as much beyond us as we are beyond a bush baby or a macaque.” (Carl Sagan). Would you want to communicate with a macaque?

And then our methods of communication using the electromagnetic spectrum may be vastly different to theirs. Why do we expect them to follow the same ‘scientific principles’? They could very well be using esoteric means or even telepathy as a matter of course!

Dr Kaku’s Civilization Ladder

A Type 1 Civililization is one that is truly a planetary society, which has mastered all forms of terrestrial energy.

A Type 2 civilization is a civilization who have an energy output of a small star. They would be so advanced that they could build a sphere around their planet to maximize their energy output.

A Type 3 civilization is so advanced that they have begun colonizing other star systems. Their energy output is massive compared to ours. A civilization this advanced would be able to bend space and time at will. They would probably be capable of interdimensional travel and even time travel.

So where are we here on planet Earth? Well, we are Type 0.

Probably, there’s even a Type 4 civilization, so advanced that it could be indulging in space engineering, terraforming planets by changing their orbits around their parent suns. What of the Quasars and Pulsars that we’ve discovered? Could they have something to do with this space engineering?

Cheers! We may not be alone after all!


[edit on 19-8-2007 by mikesingh]

Mike, 19/20 times I am very critical of your posts, but you actually found some true, provable information this time. So thank you for not posting utter crap this time.

This man is fairly popular, as he appears on tv quite often.

If anything in your post, you have understated how many scientists truly believe in alien life.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by Platinumstorm

Mike, 19/20 times I am very critical of your posts, but you actually found some true, provable information this time. So thank you for not posting utter crap this time.

If anything in your post, you have understated how many scientists truly believe in alien life.

At the outset let me correct your English. You said, “So thank you for not posting utter crap this time.“

Well that is YOUR perception. NOT most others who probably think otherwise. Your sweeping statement should have read, “In my humble opinion, most of your threads are crap.” So that makes it YOUR opinion and not that of others.

And hey, Sticks and stones are only thrown at fruit bearing trees!

That said, let’s proceed…

If anything in your post, you have understated how many scientists truly believe in alien life.

I know! But what keeps them from going public on the issue? What are they scared of? Their reputation? Do they lack the spunk to do so? Are they scared of being treated as outcasts in the 'scientific' community? This is sheer hypocracy, because these are the same guys who outwardly trash anything concerning the truth about aliens. They are the ones who are denying the truth except to themselves! Because they know that ETs are as real as the nose on your face!

I have an open mind. I don't know if aliens exist. I haven't seen a UFO either. But plain logic says that aliens and UFOs are a reality. For example....

ETs could have evolved hundreds of millions of years before the Solar System was even formed five billion years ago, considering that the universe is +- fifteen billion years old. Their technological levels must be mind-boggling and much beyond our comprehension.

So is it too far out to suggest that their technology is so unimaginably advanced that traversing the galaxy is all in a day's work, frequently 'visiting' planets of other systems? And have 'bases' too on the planets of our Solar System? Mars....Moon...Saturn? Is that an impossibility?

What do we know? What do you? Next to nothing about what's going on out there! There are more things in heaven and earth than can be dreamt of.....


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