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Are YOU a Racist?

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posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 07:48 AM
a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement.

Who ISN'T racist? Isn't it a natural instinct to distinguish yourself from those that are different and congregate with those that are similar or the same?

I have been to just about every state in this country and everywhere I go I notice a pattern. There are always areas of each town I go into that seem to be "reserved" for a certain race. We're all familiar with "China Town" and those of you in the southern states I'm sure have heard of "Little Mexico". Then, of course, you have your predominantly white and predominantly black neighborhoods. If we are all so "politically correct" and "color blind" as we claim to be, then why the self segregation? Could it possibly be that we are all racist to an extent? Perhaps we segregate ourselves in this fashion because in some deep dark cove of our conciousness we ALL feel that our race is "better" than all the others.

Now, don't get me wrong, there have been many instances of violent and uncalled for bigotry. I think it's abhorrent that whites use to hang black people like it was going out of style because they "thought" they had done something that warranted it or just because they were black. But, it pisses me off JUST AS BAD when 4 black guys rape and kill a white woman just because she's white and driving through "their" part of town at night. (this happened about 3 miles from where I live a year ago. And yes, they actually used the excuse that "that white b**** should have kept her ass out of our neighborhood".

Now, this is how I feel about "racism". It is an EXCUSE and nothing else. Racism and discrimination have been around since the beginning of documented history (and before) and they will be around until the day that we all suddenly become identical. However, certain people like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and David Duke play this race card (with overwhelming success) to further an agenda and it's disgusting. If ANYTHING is aiding the future of "racism" it is people like this. Every speech one of these guys (and others like them) gives creates new and more bitter racists and bigots. Yet, all too often these propagaters of bigotry and hate, in oh so ironic fashion, use the edict of "racial tolerance" to CREATE more racial intolerance. To demonstrate what I mean, I'll include a few quotes.

"When we're unemployed, we're called lazy; when the whites are unemployed it's called a depression. " -- Jesse Jackson

A statement like this is a perfect example of using racism to further an agenda. All a statement like this does is create more bigots by putting forth the idea that "whites think they are better than us".

"The truth is there are two hundred white women raped in America by a black man for every one black woman raped by whites. " -- David Duke

See my above response. This is on par with the Jesse Jackson quote as far as being "racism" to further an agenda.

People like Jesse Jackson and David Duke have made a living off of exploiting a natural instinct amongst races. They use words and stereotypes to WIDEN the rift between the races while at the same time screaming that we need "racial tolerance".

I don't know about you guys, but I see racial tolerance every single day. Every time I walk in Wal-Mart I see at least a few mixed race couples. I also see whites, blacks, hispanics, asians and just about every other race imaginable shopping alongside each other without brandishing firearms in an attempt to kill or maim members of a different race. You know what else I see? I see white people, black people, asian people and hispanic people ALL WORKING TOGETHER at that same Wal-Mart. Is that NOT tolerance?

We don't need racial "tolerance" in this country. We already have that in droves. What we need is racial ACCEPTANCE in this country. We need to accept and admit the fact that most of us have at least a few naturally racist ideals (some more or less than others) and we need to MOVE THE **** ON!!

Those people that play the race card everytime something doesn't go their way are the people responsible for the lingering racial violence in this country. People like Jesse Jackson and David Duke incite more violence and hatred with their diatribes than they will EVER prevent. And they do it so they can have a little extra money in their pockets. They prey on OUR stupidity to make themselves rich. They make their living off of keeping the IDEA of racism alive and well and on the forefront.

This country would be so much better off if we could just accept our differences, realize that it's human nature and move on.


Note: I am not trying to offend anyone with this thread. I'm also not purposely singling out any particular race so please don't take it that way. I speak more about whites and blacks because whites and blacks make up the majority of this country and this seems to be where the most rampant "racism" or, more correctly, "race baiting" goes on. If you feel the need to respond, please do so ONLY after actually absorbing what I am saying here.

I am of the opinion that racism is a fact of life that we will ALWAYS have to deal with. But instead of brushing it aside and letting it fester, we need to accept it and learn to move BEYOND it.

I have used some "harsh" language in certain parts of this thread. I did so because I DESPISE "political correctness" and look at it as a tool of the weak willed and simple minded. Nothing I have said and no words I have used are meant to offend. I use them simply to point them out as I am making a point.

If you disagree with anything I have said, please feel free to post your disagreement here and we can discuss it for as long as you like. However, if you jump on this thread and just start spewing garbage, I will simply ignore you and go to the next post.

Also, keep in mind that I am speaking my personal opinions here. I am open to ANY counter opinions or arguments you may have. As with any open minded opinion, my views are dynamic.

Take it easy

[edit on 19-8-2007 by SimiusDei]

Mod edit: removed personal references

[edit on 19-8-2007 by Duzey]

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 08:20 AM
I will not lie, I have been conditioned to stereotypes and such as a young child. I am a pretty good guy with a good heart, but once in a while I have preconceived judgments about people because of their ethnicity which I know in my heart is wrong. Like I said, I was conditioned, if you look at todays kids or any children for that fact are not racist, its just something that sadly grows on us with time if we don't learn to have the right view as Buddha taught.

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by PontiacWarrior
I will not lie, I have been conditioned to stereotypes and such as a young child. I am a pretty good guy with a good heart, but once in a while I have preconceived judgments about people because of their ethnicity which I know in my heart is wrong. Like I said, I was conditioned, if you look at todays kids or any children for that fact are not racist, its just something that sadly grows on us with time if we don't learn to have the right view as Buddha taught.

Anyone, and I do mean ANYONE, who says that they have NEVER had at least had a derogatory and/or racist thought about a member of a different race is a liar. Not only are we "conditioned" to feel this way, but it is also human nature to differentiate ourselves almost to the extent of having "herd" mentalities.

Racist thoughts and words are harmless as long as A. the person who receives the racist words realizes they are just WORDS and turns the other cheek and B. violence stays ENTIRELY out of the picture. Why would you want to lower yourself to someone else's ignorant ass levels?

I think the most OVERLY demonized word in our culture is the word "'n-word'". Sure, it's an INCREDIBLY derogatory word. However, it's no worse than "cracker" or "kike" or "slope" or "spick" or any other junk word used to belittle a particular race. But, for some reason this word in particular has taken the role of THE word that you don't say. I find this laughable for several reasons. 1. It is just a damn word. I don't get pissed when someone calls me a cracker, I just think of how sad they are that they couldn't come up with a better one. 2. If it's so bad, STOP F'N SAYING IT!! I don't think anyone on the planet uses this word as much as black people do. And don't even start with the "'n-word'" vs. "nigga" crap, it's the same word even if you change the last couple of letters.

Why do I mention this? Because, this word, perhaps more than any other, is used to keep the "race hate" going. It is a tool used by those who profit off of "race baiting" to keep imaginary race problems in the headlines and on our minds. (And it is used by blacks AND whites who want to keep the race "war" going)

Imaginary race problems? Yep! IMAGINARY. Now I know some of you will jump all over me for this. I am NOT saying that there aren't REAL racial issues and discrimination going on. I am, however, saying that most of the "race" issues in this country could be avoided if people would CEASE TO USE RACE AS AN EXCUSE.

The first step to really getting past the whole race issue, as I said, is acceptance.

We ARE different. People of certain races get diseases that people of other races do not get. Certain races live longer as a rule than others do. We have different cultures and different beliefs and, in some cases, different attitudes. SO WHAT? Does that make any of us any better? We need to accept that we are different and move past this "color of skin" bull****.

I wish I would live to see the day that it was OKAY to be proud of your race and not be called a bigot. As long as you don't hurt anyone else in the process because of THEIR race, what is wrong with being proud that you are white? or black? or asian? or any other race under the sun?

As they say, two wrongs don't make a right and you cannot fix this problem by throwing the "racism" back and forth.


posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 09:00 AM
Well I belive racism started out of ignorance of the unknown, but especially here in America, we ((different races and cultures)) have gotten to know each other quite well and have even taken on or merged cultures. Now I think racism is used as a means to a personal agenda, not out of ignorance, like using the race card when we want something or calling names to hurt someone because subconsciously we humans understand that words are powerful.

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by PontiacWarrior
Well I belive racism started out of ignorance of the unknown, but especially here in America, we ((different races and cultures)) have gotten to know each other quite well and have even taken on or merged cultures. Now I think racism is used as a means to a personal agenda, not out of ignorance, like using the race card when we want something or calling names to hurt someone because subconsciously we humans understand that words are powerful.

I agree. I think initially all hatred is born of ignorance and fear. (when I say ignorance, I mean "not understanding", not stupid) However, it is now more of a means to further an agenda and an agent of control than an actual "problem".

I wonder who is worse in the long run, the person who judges you...or the person that's always in your ear reminding you that you are being judged.


[edit on 19-8-2007 by SimiusDei]

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 09:45 AM
Mod edit: removed personal reference

[edit on 19-8-2007 by Duzey]

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 11:11 AM

to make a distinction in favor of or against a person or thing on the basis of the group, class, or category to which the person or thing belongs rather than according to actual merit; show partiality: The new law discriminates against foreigners. He discriminates in favor of his relatives.

We all discriminate based on race, gender, education, etc.. all the time. Does that make someone a "racist" (that word is used way too often these days)?

Would you hire a 40-year old man to watch over your children? I hope not.

Would you cross the street if it meant running into a group of young males at 3am in a part of the town that's known to have it's share of gang violence? Probably not, especially if you're alone.

I have a tendency to be more cautious when I'm around particular groups of people in certain places, parts of town or wherever. It's not being racist, it's being smart. Based on locale, statistics show that situation or crime-X is more likely to involve someone from group-X. I not trying to put people into "groups", but you know what I mean.

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 11:15 AM

Your a good person of insight!, I will not go into details as to why I feel the same in allot of respects.

It is sad, in all elements of life we tend to ignore how we are of the same Race... Human!

I gringe, how man treats each other in total disregard of life needs.
From the explotations of children to the person on the streets that have given up as a result of our way of life. Were far from the reality of what is fair for each, it's called greed, at the price of life! Race has nothing to do with it. It is what is in the Hearts of Men that goes to the way of a selfish side. Which in my opinion keeps this regression ongoing.

If I need to expand on that, take a look at the current waste of monies at the cost of life for the benefit of the few....

Yea, I hope there belly is full of food, their house is warm, and all of the other comforts that we provide for the sake of getting less.

I keep asking myself, When will there be a true relationship of men, dispite our differnces, that will prevents this from reoccurring?

I trust the true Power that can change this will intervene soon.
In my Heart, I can't take the Hate/Hurt/ Total disregard of life of others
to end soon.

Thanks for expressing your inner self!


posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 12:28 PM
I have been called racist on numerous occasions, and I generally find that when the accusations of racism come out, the accuser is basically admitting they can no longer debate fact.

I have been accused of being a racist both in real life as well as on the internet for some of the following reasons:

- The disproportionate amounts of minorities on social services such as welfare.

- The disproportionate amount of crimes committed by minorities

- Being against and pointing out the problems with illegal aliens.

and finally..

- Opposing the idea of diversity being jammed down everyones throat.

Some people have a very hard time accepting facts and dealing with reality. Those are the ones who will usually be screaming racism the loudest.

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 12:42 PM
forced "diversity" is no better (if not WORSE) than forced segregation.

it's not in everyone's nature to cohabitate and if it were, you wouldn't see the natural segregation of different cultures and races that I talked about in the OP.

when you try to force anything together that doesn't want to naturally be together you get nothing but trouble on all sides.

As far as being called a racist goes. I'm sure I am in the eyes of those that throw that useless word at me. But, I'll tell all of you exactly what I tell them.

I hate NO ONE because of the color of their skin. However, if you CHOOSE to live the stereotype (ie: black teens worshipping Scarface and thinking they are "gangsta") when the stereotype is nothing but garbage and ignorance...then....yea....I can't say I care for you that much. And yea, I hate rednecks too if they are of the ignorant sort.

Live, Love and Respect the motto: DENY IGNORANCE.


posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 12:48 PM
Mod edit: removed personal references

[edit on 19-8-2007 by Duzey]

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 02:08 PM

First off, I have to compliment you on your writing style. You come across with fiery intelligence and well-directed passion. Nice to see...

Personally, I agree with you in regards that all races tend to acknowledge their own kind before any others. I'm a Caucasian (white) female, and most of my friends are different races than me; Egyptians, Middle Eastern, Asian, African American and even Australians. I LOVE culture, diversity and believe in accepting others regardless of appearance or what land they were born in.

Now, as much as I respect each and every one of them, I would be lying if I said I didn't see some 'barrier' present in each race. We usually don't converse on race together, to avoid any remarks that could unintentionally offend each other, but there have been times when a few of us had pretty heated debates on the difference of race.

Its always a very sticky feeling when the subject/topic makes its way into our conversations. I understand that each of us are most accustomed to our own kind. Take for instance, your parents. Most often, they are your same race -- and for years, that's all a child knows. They were the ones who raised you, cared for you (hopefully) and made sure that you had a place in life here on earth. Subconsciously, that remains with you. You always remember the ones who cared for you, so naturally you will have a softer spot for those who are similar...

I remember one time when I was visiting a friend of mine who is from Africa...

During my visit, a neighboring child came knocking on their door to play with their son. They opened the door and invited him in. Well, as SOON as this little boy saw me, his eyes grew huge and he gasped for air -- like he was absolutely terrified. (And I know I don't look that scary.

I tried talking to him, and he backed into a corner -- frozen. So I then went into another room to give him more comfort. Later, I was told that he had never been that close to anyone of my "race" before. He didn't even know how to react to me, besides almost-crippling fear. It was such a shame.

Never would I blame the child for this, but I believe that his family's beliefs, the media and the education system are somewhat to blame for fueling the barriers, which appeared in the shock and fear he demonstrated to me.

It was so sad to see, but this is the sort of behavior that remains with children as they grow older -- later becoming "racism" or "prejudice" in the eyes of others.

A family member of mine was born in the 50's. When he was a teenager, the 'Black Panthers' invaded his high school and raped 2 of his sisters in front of him -- while raping and beating countless others. He couldn't do much, and neither could the teachers at the school. Now that he's older, he's pretty much a racist and I can understand that completely.

Though I don't enjoy being around racists, I still can't fully blame them for what they feel. I love diversity, but that doesn't mean everyone else does. To each their own...

You presented some very good (and strong) ideas, SimiusDei.


posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Veritas Lux Mea

Though I don't enjoy being around racists, I still can't fully blame them for what they feel. I love diversity, but that doesn't mean everyone else does. To each their own...


It is a damn shame all proponents of diversity do not think the way you do. Great post

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 02:55 PM
Thank you very much for the nice comments Mea.

As far your heated debates with your multicultural friends, perhaps you can try the method that stopped my best friend and I's. He, being a self respecting black man and me, being a self respecting white man spent years debating the issue of race. One day I finally got fed up with it (all of our convos started deteriorating because of the race issues). So, just out of the blue I brought up the Saturday Night Live skit involving Richard Pryor (2nd best comedian EVER) and Chevy Chase (DEAD HONKY!!!) dong a back and forth Since he knew what skit I was talking about, we instantly got into ANOTHER race related convo.....only this time it was about how "silly" the whole race debate/ordeal was. Guess what? No race based tension or arguments since then.

Why? Because I had the "balls" to call him "THE N WORD" (For those of you who are senstive to the whole WORD issue, sorry.)? NOPE
We left that battle because we both came to the same conclusion that I have posted here (this OP is but a short snippet of what we talked about.) The race "wars" in America are nothing BUT a means of control in the hopes that you will line the pockets of those who seek to exploit the "oh so touchy" topic of race. And for my fellow conspiracy lovers, I add this...

Some people feel/hope that this race v race battle is being overplayed as a means of starting a White/Black civil war. For someone like Jesse Jackson or David Duke, I'm sure the prospect of death isn't a very unpleasant one for them since they both feel they are going to see their "God" when the time comes.


P.S. Sorry for any major grammatical errors. Working on 48 hours of no sleep hahaha. Hopefully this post makes sense.

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by SimiusDei
Anyone, and I do mean ANYONE, who says that they have NEVER had at least had a derogatory and/or racist thought about a member of a different race is a liar.

I, as a matter of principle and ethics, do not lie, and I can say that no, I have
never thought badly of someone just because there skin pigmentation was different.

The only times I've ever thought negatively about a group, was Russians, and that was
simply because it was at a yard sale, and a previous group had come through and
stole some stuff, but even than that was only at that time and was a localized event.

Not only are we "conditioned" to feel this way, but it is also human nature to differentiate ourselves almost to the extent of having "herd" mentalities.

Maybe in the South, but people are'nt conditioned around here.

And it's not human nature that does that, its human stupidity.

Humans, by our very nature our social animals, and are programmed to only avoid danger,
like lions, not other humans or non dangerous things.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 12:40 AM
Racist? No, I don't HATE any ethnic group. Prejudiced? Unfortunately, I thinkk prejudice is a trait that everyone has...

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by iori_komei
Maybe in the South, but people are'nt conditioned around here.

And I suppose you have spent enough time in the South to qualify your answer,eh..

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

And I suppose you have spent enough time in the South to qualify your answer,eh..

Agreed, if anything, in the South we are better conditioned to NOT be racist bigots since we are far more intermingled.


[edit on 20-8-2007 by SimiusDei]

[edit on 20-8-2007 by SimiusDei]

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei

Maybe in the South, but people are'nt conditioned around here.

And it's not human nature that does that, its human stupidity.

Humans, by our very nature our social animals, and are programmed to only avoid danger,
like lions, not other humans or non dangerous things.

We must really be a continent full of idiots then. Or could it possibly be that you live in one of those places up north (like Oregon) where white people make up 97% of the population so you really have no idea at all about diversity?

I have noticed a trend amongst people in places like Oregon and other states that have an almost all white population. They seem to be the first ones that talk bad about the south and how "racist" we are. Just before they go back to their home where there isn't a person that isn't white for 50 miles.

You really should come to the south and learn a bit about it instead of believing what you hear. You do not get more diverse than states like Georgia, Florida and Texas. And guess what? There really is a natural segregation in where most of us choose to live, but we still intermingle on a daily basis without having race riots. Actually, we all get along pretty well down here aside from the few occasional idiots (of all races and ethnicities) who do want to cause problems.

Perhaps you are of the mentality that we still have "Whites Only" and "Coloreds Only" bathrooms and water fountains?

Please make sure to go back and read what we are talking about here. Perhaps you would be able to tell that we are talking about racism and NOT bigotry. Yes they are two different things if you care to actually think about it.

"A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own."

"Racism is a belief or concept that inherent differences between people (such as those upon which the concept of race is based) determine cultural or individual achievement, and may involve the idea that one's own 'race' is superior"

notice the MAY part of the definition of "racism".

Almost everyone has at least a small part of them that is racist and it is NATURAL. However, the racial BIGOTS like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, David Duke and other black and white supremacists are the main cause of the problems that I speak of in this thread.

By the way, I have spent roughly 3 years of my life in northern states and the other almost 24 years in the south. I encountered more bigotry in the northern states BY FAR than I ever have in the south.

Don't believe everything you hear. But then again you probably think the Civil War was fought because the northerners wanted to free the southern slaves didn't you?


posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by SimiusDei
Agreed, if anything, in the South we are better conditioned to NOT be racist bigots since we are far more intermingled.

Not exactly. Much of the south (especially in the Deep South - Alabama, Mississpi, Arkansas and Louisiana) still have many people who were around during and before the Civil Rights Movement. I doubt these people changed their beliefs along with the Supreme Court's decision to Integrated Schools.

The Civil Rights Movements was only two generations ago. That's not long enough to rid a population as large as the south of all the racism and hatred of that time. Sure, it's not even half as bad today as it was then, but there's still alot of it left, much more than the in the north.

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