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Jets Scramble After UFO in UK

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posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by shots
There is nothing wrong when you admit you were wrong and I clearly stated I did not think the recording sounded out of the norm to me it sounded as if you were in the aircraft.

As I clearly stated in the original thread, the JSTARS/SINGARS upgrade has not been completed and has in fact been delayed for 15's while the first 22's enter operational status. Therefore ship to ship comms tends to be open and very clear.

Originally posted by shots
atleast I did not claim there was a nato aircraft involved that would be you so there you too were wrong

May I remind you of the "caveat" I gave in that post, "Before I even begin let me state categorically that the following information CANNOT be confirmed nor corroborated. It is PURELY information I have heard second-hand and therefore I cannot confirm it's validity." Obviously you chose to ignore that bit?

Originally posted by shots
As for my experience it stands on its own the facts even pointed out I was right when it came to the call sign didn't they? If I had my hands on that tape and if I were still in the AF their commander would be having a few choice words with them as I can assure you they did not follow standard radio procedures.

Be that as it may, was it an excuse to come in here months after the event and pour scorn on my reputation? I registered here purely to provide the information because I was privy to it outside of the channels the investigators were utilising. I DID NOT register here to have the likes of you blatantly insult my credibility. My posts were purely for research purposes, I did not claim anything extraordinary and where I did give information of a questionable nature, I added a caveat that it could not be corrobarated and may not be reliable.

And finally, my approach to questions about my career were completely justified. Do I really need to post information about my position on a public forum? If you'd like to send me a PM I'd be more than happy to tell you what I do... I have to admit, you have soured my taste for what I found to be an intensely interesting forum and I'll certainly think twice before posting again!

[edit on 22-8-2007 by PW229]

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by paul76

Part of the mission was to baby sit these UFO craft.
Thats all they do these days.
If the UFO crashes they pin point it and sends out the rescue team.

Believe ... or try a little conspiracy minded thought control.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
reply to post by paul76

Part of the mission was to baby sit these UFO craft.
Thats all they do these days.
If the UFO crashes they pin point it and sends out the rescue team.

Believe ... or try a little conspiracy minded thought control.

Hope you can check out delayed response to your post (bottom ...)

I've spent a bit of time looking at the resources and hope to speak with you further, later. Cheers, 9

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 03:45 PM
Yeah, OK.
Your on the X - Conference page
I'm all over any interesting thread.
With the Tesla connection mostly.
And with any alternate twist to being spoon fed an inconsistent lie
of events at least since 1945.
So far with Tesla the conspiracy goes back a few more years.
And still continues today alive and well in the UFO.
Wadda you know Joe.
I haven't heard much to belay the lies.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by shots

3. At the very beginning of the audio, you hear one pilot refer to the other as Dude. Say what terms like those are not used by military pilots, they use their call signs. Another Red Flag.

I just want to say that I served 4 years in the USAF as an AGE mechanic. I got to hear lots of radio communications of pilots and I can promise you they do talk like that. I've heard records where the pilot # himself and they are making jokes about it the whole time, in the middle of missions.

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