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Rainbow Girls?

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posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by spirit7
I cannot and will not be comfortable with Freemasonry.

Why is that? You obviously do not fully understand it.

I will however love my in-laws and try to remind them of the Bible as much as possible.

Nothing wrong with that, but I fail to see what it has to do with a Fraternity.

Appak, I have a hard time believing that you and I are marching toward the same goal,


How can you say that with a grave face? You have NEVER heard or read me STATEA my goal. How do you know our goal is not the SAME?

Just because I'm a Freemason? C'mon. That's silly. You do NOT know me...nor how I feel...nor how I believe. To draw conclusions just because I'm a member of a fraternal organization would be to close your mind....and God GAVE you that brain...that brain with which to THINK and REASON....right?

but the All Mighty lord tells me differently and that is what is so great about our Lord and Savior. AMEN.

Yes. And as a Mason I am taught that the Almighty God gives us our very being...and it is NOT folly to pray to Him and put our full trust in Him.

If you want to know everything there is to know then read the bible.

Yes, the Bible is very important, but it does NOT teach you "everything there is to know" God surely does not mind us learning things. Based on what you say, our children should never read history books (which is what Morals & Dogma is) nor should they read books on economics or statistics or government, etc.

I think God doesn't mind us educating ourselves....goes back to Him having given us a brain with which to think, etc.

Honestly spirit7, you obviously cannot grasp the fact that Freemasonry is NOT a religion....NOR is it a SUBSTITUTE for religion. It is a Fraternal Organization...a "Fraternity" . . . a "Brotherhood" and God DID tell us to "Love One Another" THAT is what Freemasonry is all about....nothing else (regardless what anti-Masons may say)

I wish I could send you my personal e-mail address so that we could discuss this more directly, but alas, I sent my secondary e-mail address to a former member of this forum, and he did nothing but send insults and death threats to me (and my daughter) so I cannot do this.

But I do wish I could make you understand that Freemasonry is simply a Fraternity and not a substitute religion.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 12:19 AM
You can send me your personal email adress if you want. I'm not going to threaten you. I guess I would like to know more about Freemasonry. To be honest it frightens me by what I've seen so far but it's only been a few short weeks since my father in law mentioned it to me, and although I've always seen the sign on the side of roads "G" free and accepted (from what?) and symbols, I've never given them any thought or payed any attention to them until my father in law suggested it to me a few weeks ago so I started doing some internet research. Also, in all of my 34 years of age, I've honestly never really gone to church until about a week after my father in law mentioned Freemasonry to me. So I guess it can't be all that bad if it got me excited about Jesus, LOL! So hypocritically in a way it also stirred me in the right direction LOL!

To each his own and I know in my heart you are saved because you confess that All Mighty God, once Jesus Christ, is your lord and savior. But I just cannot get over the fact that you bow to a "worshipful master" with the Holy Bible at the side of his "thrown". I have a very difficult time with that. Especially that "G" right above it. It almost gives me that sickly feeling that Lucifer designed it himself as a deturent.

Good post Appak, I'm glad we could honestly post how we feel without insults. Knowlege is ok, but Wisdom is where the true power comes in. An old wise man once asked me, "If I'm the bad and your the good, then who's the ugly". Not entirely sure what message I was supposed to transend from that but my interpretation was that (and Im no prophet) we should not judge each other because that's what the devil wants us to do.

Your a good soul Appak, I have no doubt about that. Go ahead and send me your email address if you still want to = - )

[edit on 20-8-2007 by spirit7]

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by spirit7
But I just cannot get over the fact that you bow to a "worshipful master" with the Holy Bible at the side of his "thrown".
I have a very difficult time with that.

Masons do not bow to the Master of a Lodge. Nor does the Master of a Lodge sit on a throne, and nor is the Bible at his side.

Especially that "G" right above it. It almost gives me that sickly feeling that Lucifer designed it himself as a deturent.


posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by spirit7
But I just cannot get over the fact that you bow to a "worshipful master"

Nobody bows to the Worshipful Master in lodge.

Worshipful is an Old English term meaning "full of worship", and was an honorific term implying that the recipient was worthy of respect because of the amount of worshiping that he or they did. Organizations were often called worshipful as well as individuals.

Somebody somewhere has managed to corrupt this meaning and use it as yet another false stick to beat freemasons with. Sadly ignorant people fall for it, and all because they didn't pay attention in history class.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 07:38 AM
TextText GreenText
m\ My graet uncle was high up in the masons in the early 1900's
my daughter was invited by her friend to join "job's daughters"
i found out that she had a sure way "in"
due to her family being involved in the past.....
THis turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to her
She was on the wrong path for a while and they changed her
direction immmediatly by teaching her how fun it could bne to be a
"little lady"
and she is now dressing nice , looking foward to innocent girl activitys because they make her feel like a beautiful little angel.
they dress in pretty dresses, and vote in a different "queen, princess, and
other titles often....and i love them for all they have done'

it is an old fashioned way to teach girlls that it can be fun to be proper ladys and i can think of nothing that anyone can critize concerning their
methods or practices,
i recommend any one who can to give it a try.
God bless them!

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by lenisey
my daughter was invited by her friend to join "job's daughters"

Job's Daughters is similar to the Rainbow girls. Close scrutiny will reveal them to be a very good place for a young girl to be. These days, marketers are trying to turn them into sex crazed consumers, they need a place to socialize with friends in a wholesome environment.

Judge a tree by its fruit.
Masonry is a science of civilized behavior. In the dark ages when masons were building churches that took three generations to complete, a system was required that would keep the project organized and stable for the several generations it took to bring the project to completion.
Compared to what the Catholic church did in the dark ages.... Not to bash Catholics but masons never tortured and burned people by the tens of thousands for thought crimes. During this era, the catholic church branded the Freemasons along with many other groups like the Cathars as evil. Most of them were annihilated but masonry survived and unfortunately so did the rumors that were used so commonly back then by the church to justify the massacre of whoever had the audacity to question their divine authority. To this day the Catholic church remains cold toward Freemasons. As for masons, we take a more forgiving view.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by lenisey

i recommend any one who can to give it a try.
God bless them!

Great story, Renee, and thank you for sharing. The Jobies are a great bunch.

For those interested, you can visit the order's website here.

posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 12:56 PM
Since i first posted that about how good job's has been to us
they called out of the blue and were taking the girls all to santa cruz for the weekend
as a back -2 school surprize party
all expenses paid.......
they just picked her up
They really are saving my little girls future
she had been arrested 2 times before(she is 12)
for violence
and was on my space acting like she was 21 yrs old

2 months ONLY
into job's daughters and i have my innocent little girl back
how can anyone think this kind of success has any "bad"
at all in its agenda?
get real
it probably has this power to do such good only because


posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 08:14 AM
I was in Demolay many years ago.. I can attest it is used for recruiting future Masons. There was also Jobs Daughter's for girls in our area. Dances were held on Masonic property for the two organizations. They also worked in the community things like car washes and paper drives ect.
I do not believe there was any deep conspiracy going on.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 08:30 AM
aaa and i thought i will never find a different,exotic,unique girl for me^^
now rainbow girl thats sounds soo cool like an unique item in rpg.
excuse me for being stupid thou.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by spirit7
You can send me your personal email adress if you want. I'm not going to threaten you. I guess I would like to know more about Freemasonry. To be honest it frightens me by what I've seen so far but it's only been a few short weeks since my father in law mentioned it to me, and although I've always seen the sign on the side of roads "G" free and accepted (from what?) and symbols, I've never given them any thought or payed any attention to them until my father in law suggested it to me a few weeks ago so I started doing some internet research. Also, in all of my 34 years of age, I've honestly never really gone to church until about a week after my father in law mentioned Freemasonry to me. So I guess it can't be all that bad if it got me excited about Jesus, LOL! So hypocritically in a way it also stirred me in the right direction LOL!

To each his own and I know in my heart you are saved because you confess that All Mighty God, once Jesus Christ, is your lord and savior. But I just cannot get over the fact that you bow to a "worshipful master" with the Holy Bible at the side of his "thrown". I have a very difficult time with that. Especially that "G" right above it. It almost gives me that sickly feeling that Lucifer designed it himself as a deturent.

Good post Appak, I'm glad we could honestly post how we feel without insults. Knowlege is ok, but Wisdom is where the true power comes in. An old wise man once asked me, "If I'm the bad and your the good, then who's the ugly". Not entirely sure what message I was supposed to transend from that but my interpretation was that (and Im no prophet) we should not judge each other because that's what the devil wants us to do.

Your a good soul Appak, I have no doubt about that. Go ahead and send me your email address if you still want to = - )

[edit on 20-8-2007 by spirit7]

Will they be passing the collection plate at the end of this sermon ?

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:29 PM
I have two comments on Freemason

One Secrecy
If a group needs to maintain secrecy you might ask why, what self role do they cast themself in that does not allow for open discussion. Furthermore is it good to teach people to be secret.

This group adds to the idea of seperating society, some are us others are them, even secret greatings when meating other brothers lends to this. This seperation of people for self interest and self importance takes away from my notion that all people deserve respect. Eventually most masons believe they are better then the common peasants of society.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Redge777
If a group needs to maintain secrecy you might ask why, what self role do they cast themself in that does not allow for open discussion. Furthermore is it good to teach people to be secret.

There are far fewer "secrets" in Masonry than what you might think. Most of the "secrets" are limited to modes of recognition (i.e. handshakes, passwords, etc.) so members can easily tell who else is a member. As far as what is contained in Masonic teachings, you can certainly find the same information in public libraries, and nearly every book explaining the symbols used in Masonry are available to the general public (on and regular bookstores).

Originally posted by Redge777
Eventually most masons believe they are better then the common peasants of society.

This statement shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the history of Freemasonry; it's one of the least "elitist" organizations in the world. It doesn't matter what someones station in life is -- inside the lodge room, the President of the USA, the King of England, or whoever, is no better or worse than the guy who works in the factory. This is called "meeting on the level," and in my experience, it's true in practice at every lodge I have been in. Furthermore, Masonry teaches a belief in the "brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God," which includes ALL people, not just other Masons.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by JustMe74

I understand what they teach, but it is my understanding, and I believe posted earlier in this thread that Masons help each other out, lets say if their is a job opening, a premotion or a contract to deliver.

Be honest.

And yes the information is available everywhere, but no attempt to further the education in these areas of enlightment is done outside the organization. And that assumes that all masonic information is available, it is possible you do not know all the information.

I understand you have a personal bias that makes you like the organization, I have a bias in the opposite direction, I also know many if not most people are good people in the organization, and your comments have shown you to be civil and polite in a respectable manner. I just do not like secrecy nor my experiance with secret societies.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 04:07 PM
Ok, I'll be honest. I'm a Mason, and I was laid off from a job that I worked at for 3 1/2 years in December. I belong to a Lodge that has many members of different vocations, some are business owners, some have political connections, some are retired and some just regular guys.

With that in mind, if Freemasonry means we are so connected and can willie nillie hire, or promote any member, then why am I still unemployed? I have a degree in architecture, tons of experience in engineering and still no job.

The real truth about Freemasonry is the same truth we all face the same issues as every person does. Often in life it isn't who you know, its what you know.

Freemasonry has secrets, so does every government, so does every corporation, so does every office and employer and so does every person, so what.

Freemasons are the same as everyone else, no conspiracy, no professional bias for employment, we're just like you. Fear of the unknown is not a reason to fear Masonry nor those associated with it.

My $0.02.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by spirit7

Have no fear. Lucifers light shines down on you to ease your worries

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Redge777
Eventually most masons believe they are better then the common peasants of society.

This statement shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the history of Freemasonry; it's one of the least "elitist" organizations in the world. It doesn't matter what someones station in life is -- inside the lodge room, the President of the USA, the King of England, or whoever, is no better or worse than the guy who works in the factory. This is called "meeting on the level," and in my experience, it's true in practice at every lodge I have been in. Furthermore, Masonry teaches a belief in the "brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God," which includes ALL people, not just other Masons.

I can attest to "meeting on the level" even outside the Lodge room. My husbands job has him traveling frequently and during one of his trips he ran across two fella in an airport with DeMolay shirts on. While he knew them to be with DeMolay he had no idea of their positons.

Recently we attended the DeMolay (boys youth group branched off Masons) Convention in our home state. While our son is the Chapter Master Councilor, we are simple people and hold no rank. Out of the blue enters the two fella my husband had spoken with in the airport. Seems they are part of the Supreme Council of DeMolay. They not only made sure to seek us out but we spent a good hour chatting with them like we had known each other for years. Upon our departure, as our families are not in our local area, they invited us to join them for Thanksgiving this Fall. We will be in their area and they want us to have a home to go to and friend to share Thanksgiving with.

For anyone that thinks Masonry is corrupt, evil, a secret society...all I can say is...Thank God for this "Secret Society". They have saved my sanity more than once and I can't imagine my life without them in it.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by spirit7

Spirt 7,

I was a Rainbow Girl, father and hubby Past Worshipful Masters (fancy for club president with a little honor). Not a Cult in now way. Great Men were Masons, Norman Vincent Peale for one along with George Washington, John Wayne, John Glenn, Henry Ford, Gerald Ford, Danny Thomas -great actor, and philanthropist. Rainbow was founded by a Pastor. It is just a fancy Girl Scouts, which I was that too. If your FIL was a Mason- you would know it or I know your wife would. Its no secret. They are not from unions and I have never heard them ask each other that. They do help one another in circumstances such as job finding but guess what so does my college sorority- Called Networking. If you do not go to church then that is something you need to work out. Rainbow is based on teachings of the bible but its not my church, I am just plain old Southern Baptist - No yelling, Amen praise God type church. I am not saying if you are into that, go for it. As long as your Saved, baptisted and try your best to me thats it. Do not be afraid, its ok. Also I do not think a Priest doing a funeral is a mason. Priests dont join, though we have many Catholics. Its really just a closely knit club that is supposed to do good for others.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by Masonic Light

I'd like to make clear, that the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is open to ANY girl between the ages of 11 and 20. They need not be the relative of a Mason, but only to express a genuine interest in joining and in serving others through their work in Rainbow.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 02:43 PM
Who are members of Rainbow?
Rainbow members are between the ages of 11 and 20 years old. Rainbow welcomes everyone, regardless of race, creed, color or national origin. You do not have to be Christian to join, but parents can be assured that the values promoted by Rainbow are positive and uplifting. The lessons encourage members to be strong in spirit and kind in heart, respectful toward nature, and giving toward all humanity.

Is Rainbow a secret organization?
In today's world, parents are apprehensive about any activity that may be considered "secret." But Rainbow is different. Here are a few facts to keep in mind:

Similar to a sorority that brings groups of women together, Rainbow does have some closed meetings that only members attend. However, parents, grandparents and/or legal guardians are always invited to attend closed meetings.
Families are welcomed and encouraged to participate in many activities and, if they choose, can become involved with Advisory Boards.
No actions will ever be required of members that would be against their personal beliefs or the beliefs of their church or home. Further, members are never asked to make pledges or participate in activities that would be contrary to their moral values or make them feel uncomfortable.
Do Rainbow Girls have a uniform?
Rainbow does have a dress code policy that applies to members and adults, whether attending a local Assembly, Grand Assembly or Supreme Assembly, or when representing Rainbow elsewhere.

The dress code specifies formal dresses for special meetings and semi-formal attire for other meetings. Surprisingly, Rainbow Girls enjoy the chance to “dress up” and discover the difference it makes when presenting themselves with grace and self-respect.

What is the Ritual?
The formal meetings and open ceremonies of Rainbow can be found in a book called the Ritual. When a member holds an office in the Assembly, she learns her station's lecture from this book. By presenting a memorized lecture, Rainbow Girls learn about public speaking and leadership.

Are Rainbow Girls part of the Shriners or the Masons?
Yes and no. Originally the Rainbow Girls were created for Masonic daughters and their friends, but today any girl who is interested in joining Rainbow Girls is welcome.

There is a connection between Masons and Shriners. All Shriners have a Masonic heritage, but not all Masons choose to become a Shriner.

Today there are over 411,000 Shriners in the world who work to keep the 22 Shriners Hospitals running. To date, Shriners have helped more than 800,000 children facing serious medical problems at no cost to the parent or the child.

and just for the record i am a DeMolay and my girlfriend is a Rainbow Girl and Job's Daughter.
and im petitioning my blue lodge

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