posted on Aug, 18 2007 @ 01:46 PM
The biggest and boldest lies are the ones that come first : " These all have been thoroughly debunked ". A blanket statement and a total lie. The
main and most compelling features of the 9-11 events have never been, and can never be, thoroughly or accurately debunked because to do so requires
the suspension of rational belief and the alteration of the laws of physics.
Tell David Ray Griffen that he is an ' anti -intellectual ' and see what laughs you get. Common sense is not the worst thing possible!! Imagine
that! Now we are to believe that common sense, a rational determination of an event from all available evidence, is the wrong way to approach this
subject, and no wonder!! If you approach it with no common sense then you just might be able to believe the official story!!
There are a core of FACTS, PROVEN facts, that the ' debunkers ' cannot handle. Oh, they come up with ludicrous and nonsensical syuff, but never
anything serious or likley. These main facts CANNOT be explained away.
They cannot be hidden. They stand as an embarrassing beacon of proof that controlled demolition was a FACT, and that the entire 9-11 event was an
inside job. Only the weakest and most silly excuses are given to try and counter these. I will list a few, there are hundreds more easliy
1. The vast majority of the concrete and steel in the Towers turned into dust; dust the consistency of flour. Buildings crumbling from weakened
supports are pulled by gravity. Gravity CANNOT explain the massive energy used to turn all concrete, etc. into a fine powder. Where did this energy
come from?
2. Both Towers fell prey to this new and unknown force on the same day within minutes of each other! For the first time in history! Since both Towers
were being shredded from the top down ( see video), there was no substantial weight bearing down on the remaing massive support structures. 90% of the
volume of the buildings was dispersed outside the footprint area because it had dustified!! What caused the massive steel beams in the center, 47 in
total, to turn into dust? Gravity cannot be a cause. An example of the steel supports turning into dust is available online. How can localized
fires far away and below the steel supports turn steel into dust all at once? thye ciore columns below the strike level were intact; what made them
turn to dust?
3. Massive explosions were reported by many people on scene, including firemen, reporters, etc. Film shows explosions. Trained observers report
many explosions and massive damage in areas that could not possible have been affected by the plane strikes above. Far underground, massive blasts
were experienced with injuries. The elevators CANNOT conduct fuel down them as they terminated at levels for that exact reason, to stop fires from
moving up or down. Many areas were destroyed due to explosions that CANNOT be explained by any cause othert than planted explosives. Explain all those
explosions and damage far from the strike zones.
4. Five dancing Isreali's : The five men arrested and then quietly sent back to Isreal ( by Michael Chertoff) when they learned that they were
Mossad agents , stated on an Isreali TV show that they were sent there to' film the event '. Since the Isreali's knew in advance that the Towers
would fall that day and had their agents filming the event, and since the Isreali messenging service, Odigo, gave warnings to several customers about
the collapses, and that Dominsk Sluter, the ' moving company ' boss who was deeply invol;ved in the whole scene fled to Isreal before the athorities
could question him..this leads one to suspect that perhaps a foreign government had a hand in things that day. Any ideas on this one? All just
COINCIDENCE?? Explain Isreali foreknowledge.
5. Pools of molten metals under all three buildings ( Towers and 7 ) show that extrememly high temperatures were generated at the lower levels at
bedrock or support levels. These pools were reported by several reliable contractors and others, filmed and verified. The hot spots persisted for
weeks, temps above that to melt steel. But kerosene ( jet fuel ) fires can NEVER reach those temps even under perfect conditions. How to explian the
source of energy needed to maintain extreme temps without additional fuel and or air? Gravity cannot be a cause.
I could go on and on, all off the top of my head, but you get the point: there is NO way that anyone can refute the belief that the 9-11 attacks
were an inside job and the Towers were brought down by controlled demolition. Therte is NO evidence to the contrary!! ALL of the evidence points to
demolition!! NONE of the evidence points to gravity!!
The source of all that energy is a debatable subject, but the amount needed to do what we see is so massive that it cannot be accounted for in any
of the ways that so far have been offered as likley, and the official story is an embarrassment to the scientific and engineering professions. Only a
govt. stooge working for the bad guys could accept a paycheck for agreeing with the nonsense presented by the official account. They will not even
face other scientists. Why? Why won't the NIST crowd sit down with fellow scientists? Because they would be shamed into silence at the first
question, thats why. they could not look their colleagues in the eye and try and explin these collapses as being gravity driven. Shameful.
No real engineer on earth is satisfied with the official story; only the bought off and Federally controlled would dare to suppoprt such
The deniers are unable to find a way to explain away the obvious, so they resort to the grand assertions: " It has all been debunked ", and expect
the sheep to beat and agree and move along. Will you?