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A few words of Caution

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posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:01 PM
A few words of Caution
By Paul R. Mays

I wanted to write about the concept of a book on a friend says hes writing about “Failures of This Administration” . I have issues on even the writing of such a book and let me explain a bit. First I think the 1st amendment is critical to a free society but with that freedom come responsibility. Let’s first take a look back at WW2 as many people have never lived through a winning of war.

Let’s say that after the attack on Pearl Harbor we had a bunch of writers write about the failures of that administration, and there were many. What might be the effect on what would happen in the future? First off the writings would be used by the Japanese to show how the Imperialist Americans have a corrupt government and was bent on ruling the world. Remember that only the Allies had freedom of the press. Our enemies would take the writings of well meaning Americans and use them to ramp up propaganda on how the people must stand and support the dictatorial form of government they have always had. So instead of our enemy feeling we are united as a nation we, are seen as a defeatable foe. This would have caused our enemy to fight just a bit longer and just a bit more fanatically . Each day longer means each day American boys die. Now if the writings of those that truly have issues on the way our government has been acting leads to our enemy fighting harder, hanging in 1 more day, workers making one more plane, should those that write this be held to account for the hundreds of American boys that die in the extra day, killed by that one more plane.

War is never fought in a vacuum. When a nation faces an enemy bend on the destruction of that nation I feel that if you cannot write about solutions or giving alternate ways to win against a determined enemy then they should keep quite until our men and women are out of danger.

If our newspapers and radio stations had been producing a running tally of the thousands of men that fell on the shore of Normandy on the first day might have we withdrawn? If instead of the newsreels showing the flag rising above Mount Sarabochi we saw stacks of body bags being loaded into Higgins boats for a slow trip to Arlington, would we not have had politicians voting on pulling funding to the troops instead of rallying behind them . And if pulled off that black sand beach may not of we had to later face those forces on the sands of California a few years later.

Now I know we do not have a perfect government. We have corrupt politicians, Presidents that make mistakes and companies that take advantage of others but before you write of how bad we are you should consider entering the arena of ideas with workable solutions not just writing of failures.

Today we are at war. The enemy has attacked us on our own soil. They have told us that their goal is to kill You and your children. To cause us to withdraw from the middle east and for them to set up a Islamic World. Let’s say we were to totally disengage from the entire middle east. What do you think would be the outcome? Do you not think that such a success would not embolden the Islamic Jihadist? In the future do you not think that those same people would use the resources to build bigger and better weapons? And as they have told us before, would they not seek a Islamic World?

I suggest that those that scream and yell about how we should not of entered Iraq, should pull funding, side with those that ban freedom of the press, should take full blame when they find themselves living in a country where they have the right to speak of such things is taken away.

What I see is a lot of people today that are upset about an election have such hate that they would risk there freedom and their lives for an uninformed political view.

I hate War. I’m a old hippy that seeks peace and would love a happy world of sitting around the camp fire sing folk songs. It’s a great idea but for that to happen everybody else has to feel the same way. And, its sad to say, there are others that Believe that your way of life should be destroyed, that you should be forced to the bidding of dictators and fanatics. They wish to tell you what kind of work you will do, what you can and cannot read or write, where you can go and what religion you will follow. And they are willing to kill you, your family, your fiends and themselves to do it.

If during WW2 the press was doing as it is today we would not have to worry about Terrorist today as there would be none, because the Gestapo would be going into the Muslim nations and killing every man, woman and child. The World Nazi Party would be wiping entire populations from the oil fields and using vacant deserts to bury the Billions of rotting bodies.

Viet Nam should have been a lesson to us all but those that caused us to withdraw have never addressed the aftermath. All in all it is estimated that more than 1 million people were killed after we left. The killing fields of Cambodia has been written about but have you ever heard any of those in the press write about their responsibility in the mass deaths. In the mountains even today there are entire villages that are hunted, starved and killed because we left them behind and took flight. In Somalia we ran after loosing brave young men and a couple of blackhawks. Our enemy told us that the prime reason that 9/11 happened is that they Knew we would not take any actions because they Knew we would not support any action that caused us to leave blood on the ground.

We are not a perfect nation but we are a caring and peaceful nation and only step up when others need our help. All those that write of how bad we are should think long and hard before writing words that in the long run kill our men and women of Honor as surly as a full metal jacket.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:09 PM
I was asked of Iraq
By Paul Mays

I was asked my opinion on going to war with Iraq. So I thought I would write my opinion here so the next one that asks can just check it out instead of me having to type way to much.

I’m an old ex solder and I , along with almost everyone that took the field, hate war. The death of friends, the destruction of the land, the cost to our country all make me wish for world peace so our children can study science and history and live safe in a world of flowers and beauty.

I from the months before troops hit the ground in Iraq thought we had to lay a heavy hand down to the Iraq’s government. But I always disagreed with putting troops on the ground as I think we should have just leveled the place a little bit at a time until they stopped firing at our aircraft , which they were doing every day, and opened the country to the U.N. to verify that no WMD’s were there or being built.

I always have thought that we should have stated that we would start taking out every oil rig, every dock, every power plant, every TV station, every communication site and every military asset unless the agreed terms of the first gulf war was followed to the letter. I always thought that we would not have to worry about WMD’s if the whole country was living a stone age existence. It’s hard to build a reactor if you can’t produce the electricity to run your microwave. It’s hard to make anthrax spores if your trying to hunt dogs for food.

That being said we are in country and we have produced a battle field where those that would try to come here and kill my family are coming to fight. This has allowed us to select the ground which is one of the first rules of war. The one that choices the battlefield controls the flow of the war. We have killed 1000’s of people that if not fought there at some point in the future would have to have been fought on a field of their choosing. And that field may have been Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans or any city U.S.A. . And if not for those in our own country that have done every thing in their power to undermine that effort we would already be bringing our troops home.

Our enemies see the news and believe we are a weak and divided nation and that causes them to believe if they can just kill a few more, make a bigger noise that we will just fold up our tents. But if those same people Knew we would bring our entire nation into the battle they would have been the ones to fold up their tents.

We are not now in a War in Iraq, we are in a battle in Iraq and in a World War that is for the very existence of our culture. While we go about life chatting on the computer and gazing at photos our enemies around the world is studying us to find a weak spot. They are trying to find a haven to mass, they are looking for any weapon that they can hit us with that can kill entire cities. They are moving populations into our countries to gain political power using our freedom’s and right’s against us.

Iraq is a place where we can draw many of them and kill them, nothing more. We as a nation have yet to get pissed. Some of us are very pissed but for the most part we are not engaged as a people. We take a lot to piss off and our history shows that. We were long waiting before we were dragged into WW1 and it took a direct attack to get into WW2. The attack on Pearl Harbor was at a time when a couple of thousand dead was a large number. September 11th was a much smaller number because of population and would have had to kill 8 to 12 thousand to equal the numbers that forced us into WW2.

In WW2 we got pissed and we put the entire nation on a war footing. We called the Japanese Nips, slants and every other thing we could think of. We locked them up in our country an we destroyed there cities with every thing we could come up with. This war will bring the same thing in the future. And I’m afraid it will take a strike on U.S. soil that will wipe an entire city from our maps before we Get It.


posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:09 PM
I would have taken out every mosque, every hut and every vehicle in Iraq from the start. If we would have done so today we would not have the slow creep that we face. Someday I see us getting pissed and turning every Islamic country that allows training of our enemy into smoking holes. I support going into Iran, Syria and any other country that supports our enemy and stating clearly that for each attack on us or our allies will cause a wiping of an Islamic city from the earth, no quarter given for any people that give support to those that want to destroy our culture. If you want to stop these fanatics it must be stopped by their own people and until those people pay a price, for not stopping those of their faith from attacking us, they will never act.

Many in our country have this view that war should be sterile and only that tank here or that gun emplacement there should be targeted. If we had done that in WW2 we would have lost and today we would have a different world. We targeted the people to make war so ugly that our enemies see the light.

To those that think I’m cold and evil for speaking of targeting civilians, killing women and children and trying to wipe a whole nation out I only ask that you consider what you will do when we are defeated and all those nice freedoms and rights they have are taken away and your children are taken to train in some madrasa. Will you take responsibility for the deaths of Millions in your own country. This is what our enemy has sworn to do and while you think their just nice folks that want peace like you I tend to take them at their word and I take it personally when someone wants to kill my family and country.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:10 PM
“I Want to Speak of Warriors”
By Paul Mays

I want to speak of warriors. A long time ago I stepped from a plane onto a strange new land along with several dozen others. As we stepped down the ramp we all had a fear that ripped at our guts and just as we tried to figure out where we were to go and what we were to do , along came a truck filled with body bags to fill the plane for its return flight.
I saw in the eyes, of those that had been sitting with me and speaking of how now that this one or that one was now in country the enemy would just turn and run, a panic that caused them all to go dead quite.

War is not pretty. War is not a great thing that young men strive for. War is ugly, dirty, smelly, and causes the soul to numb. But War is a price a nation, and the children of that nation, sometimes must pay.

When others make efforts to destroy all that make life, liberty and freedom possible then a people must stand and loose the dogs of war.

Today we are at war. Not the war of our forefathers but a war of a new nature. This war we find ourselves in is never the less a war that in many ,many ways is larger than any war we have every found ourselves in. If we take the words of our enemy at face value and we consider that 2 % of the Islamic world have sworn to kill my son, my family, you, your family and all that hold freedom as a fundamental right of men then we are looking at an enemy that is larger than Germany, Japan and Italy armies combined.

Today we are in several battles. We have men and women fighting in the Iraq battle, Afghanistan battle and even within our own country. These are not Wars. We are not in an Iraq War we are only in a battle there. No different than in World War 2 when we were in battles in France, Italy, Belgium, ect. .

But this is not a article of War but a article of Warriors . We today have men of Honor placing their lives on the line for the future of our nation and many other nations. These brave men and women walk boldly into the lion’s mouth while many of us stay behind and go about daily life as if nothing has changed. But make no mistake All has changed and we have just yet to realize it. These young people that step forward have been called stupid by some, have been told they are not capable of winning and told they are themselves terrorist, torturers, and criminals .

They are not. They are men and women of Honor that have vowed to defend against the Islamic Jihadist that have sworn to destroy our very way of life. These young people leave their blood on the field of battle every day for you, your children and all you hold of value. The very Rights many use to speak of how bad our country is are being preserved by the Valor of these men and women of Honor.

These are Warriors, These are the best of our nation and we have many that do not understand what they put on the line.

Coming up is Memorial Day and while we Honor those who fell in wars gone by we should also stop and remember those that stand in the line of fire in the hope that our next generation will have the right to complain about the price of gas or to protest in the streets.

These are Warriors , These Men and Women of Honor and from this old war dog I salute all those that today step from a ramp in a land far away and watch as those that fell return to a home land that has yet to fully understand what is at stake.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:18 PM
If when two agree, the second of them is unnecessary . Better government is a product of a vigilant and active population. If nothing is said in fear of "rocking the boat" then you will sink when the storm comes and no one says anything. What would be better total compliance. I do not trust a REPRESENTITIVE DEMOCRACY to remember me or anyone I know and love when the decisions are made that change my life. No, I think if they wish to enjoy unaccountability then government is not their best carear choice. My leaders are responsible for me, and I for them. We are a whole and if they dont see it that way we must be the ones to either remind them or replace them. There is no short supply of noble people with good ideas we could let have at it. Our leaders just want us to beleive they are "specialized" for the job. Truth is we are all born able to live life, and part of life is the leading of men. There is always some one better for the job. How else are we to find that person if we never question the powers that govern our lives?

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Quantummist
I feel that if you cannot write about solutions or giving alternate ways to win against a determined enemy then they should keep quite

In other words, freedom of speech is great as long as it conforms to your beliefs.

Let’s say we were to totally disengage from the entire middle east. What do you think would be the outcome?

Well, if we would have disengaged from our lopsided pro-Israel foreign policy, we never would have been attacked in the first place. If we disengaged now, we'd stop being a legitimate target. If foreign soldiers were on US soil, would you want to strike back? I rather think so.

I suggest that those that scream and yell about how we should not of entered Iraq, should pull funding, side with those that ban freedom of the press, should take full blame when they find themselves living in a country where they have the right to speak of such things is taken away.

I'm always amused when someone suggests that using our freedom of speech leads to our loss of freedom of speech.

I’m a old hippy

You may be old, but you lost the hippy.

Viet Nam should have been a lesson to us all

But apparently you haven't learned that lesson.

All in all it is estimated that more than 1 million people were killed after we left.

So you're suggesting we shouldn't leave Iraq. Have you seen the estimates of how many civilians have died in Iraq because we went in?

Our enemy told us that the prime reason that 9/11 happened is that they Knew we would not take any actions because they Knew we would not support any action that caused us to leave blood on the ground.

You really have no idea whatsoever how Israel plays into this, do you? And why are you equating 911 with Iraq in the first place? Do you disagree with the administration and think Iraq attacked us?

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:35 PM
not mention that every generation in this country has had a war, are we to expect one for every generation to come, something has to change, because the wars we are fighting are for profit which the american people never enjoy. Freedom, try normal life, so many of us dont have it because of the presure leaders put on us to produce, just to survive, for us. Produce for them, just to continue an unnatural life style of decadence and abuse. No, we must question everything or give up on having a mind at all. If it cant be explained to those that it effects then it should not be done to them, since it is impoossible for them to support it. they dont understand, so they dont condone the bad behavior.

[edit on 17-8-2007 by newyorkee]

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by yuefo
In other words, freedom of speech is great as long as it conforms to your

Not at all.. Scream Solutions from the roof tops, Yell and print alternate methods to the masses.. Complain about the way those that actually Do something and have no solutions and the point is moot

Well, if we would have disengaged from our lopsided pro-Israel foreign policy, we never would have been attacked in the first place. If we disengaged now, we'd stop being a legitimate target. If foreign soldiers were on US soil, would you want to strike back? I rather think so.

We , and the many other nations created Israel long ago and gave equal lands to Palastians at the same time. Where upon most of the Arabic world tried to wipe them from the face of the earth. So yes we take their side as well we should.

I'm always amused when someone suggests that using our freedom of speech leads to our loss of freedom of speech.

You obviously have a comprehension issue.. Our Freedom of Speech does not lead to loss of freedom of speech.. Our not standing against those that promise to kill you and your children leads to loss of FOS...

You may be old, but you lost the hippy.

Then you have No Idea what a Hippy was when they ran rampant in the world

But apparently you haven't learned that lesson.

Oh but I did.. I learned that after I left that land that Millions were killed in mass and those that caused us to leave have not the integrity to take responsibility for the lives they as good as took themselves

So you're suggesting we shouldn't leave Iraq. Have you seen the estimates of how many civilians have died in Iraq because we went in?

Yes I have. And I also understand that we have a place in a land far away that is drawing those that would otherwise be seeking a way to visit your home town. Yes its sad that civilians are dieing but you seem to thing that its Americas fault that a guy in a car that can't get here targets civilians there.

Thats tantamount to saying that the we were the blame for the Germans killing cilvians in Poland in WW2.

You really have no idea whatsoever how Israel plays into this, do you? And why are you equating 911 with Iraq in the first place? Do you disagree with the administration and think Iraq attacked us?

Yes I do know how Israel fits in the picture very well and no Iraq did not attack us. Got That.. But I also remember that most of the free world thought that they were breaking the rules they agreed too in DS1 and that every day they were firing at our aircraft while we followed the UN's rulings on no fly zones.. Unlike you I actually remember what took us into Iraq in the first place... I know " Bush Lied" no he didn't he went with what we knew at the time.

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[edit on 18/8/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Quantummist

I’m a old hippy

You may be old, but you lost the hippy.

Then you have No Idea what a Hippy was when they ran rampant in the world

To those that think I’m cold and evil for speaking of targeting civilians, killing women and children and trying to wipe a whole nation out I only ask that you consider what you will do when we are defeated and all those nice freedoms and rights they have are taken away and your children are taken to train in some madrasa.

Now I remember--my dope-smoking friends and I back in the 60s were actually prototype Neoconservatives who advocated genocide. Thanks for the reminder.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 02:20 PM
Precisely ! By Yelling and screaming without rational thought of unintended consequences you allowed PolPot to commit genocide on a massive scale. But of course you won't take any responsibility for it cause you were sitting smoking dope while others did their duty...By now following the same path you wish to allow the Muslim Jihadist to commit genocide on the the Jews.. but I bet you think that would be just fine.. Genocide means to Wipe Out an entire culture and its people , If you can show me where I even come close to that you may have a point.. where as those we now face state that as their goal clearly and regularly.. And you and your family are included as their targets.. Sit around the campfire singing CumByYa all you wish.. there will still be young men and women of Honor that will stand and protect you even as you try your hardest to commit suicide....

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 02:29 PM
hey let this guy rant about how the evil boogy man is going to kill everyone if it makes him feel better. Apparently he was asleep during the 80's too when he didnt realize that the soviet union was the evil boogyman of the time. He advocates sending americans to a bloody death for the profit of our leaders. Glad to see some one from the radical era in our history actually preserves the spirit of morality and radical thoughts. Yet he thinks that we are allowing genocide. Ok so by killing people we save people right, that is the general thought today. Kill everyone untill your sure they are dead. what about their children, you think they wont want to play when they are old enough. Maybe you want their kids to kill or be killed by your kids when they are all old enough. end war. period. Acts of agression are not acts of self defence.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Quantummist
Genocide means to Wipe Out an entire culture and its people , If you can show me where I even come close to that you may have a point.

Well let's see here...

Originally posted by Quantummist
I would have taken out every mosque, every hut and every vehicle in Iraq from the start.

Every mosque? Would that perhaps fall under wiping out their "culture" as you said?

Someday I see us getting pissed and turning every Islamic country that allows training of our enemy into smoking holes.

Are you splitting hairs here a bit? Maybe? Are there any people left in smoking holes?

To those that think I’m cold and evil for speaking of targeting civilians, killing women and children and trying to wipe a whole nation out I only ask that you consider what you will do when we are defeated

Most people think that when someone talks about "targeting civilians," "killing women and children" and "trying to wipe a whole nation out"--most people (but not you) think that person is talking about genocide.

When you suggested that people might think you "cold and evil," you got it just right. I've got no use for views such as yours.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 03:09 PM
Quantummist- Fair enough points there, i'm not American but British. Your partly right in my opinion your country isn't all bad, theres nothing wrong with your people you are good people with bad elements like any other country. And you do need a country united in a war.

But not unilaterally united, when things go wrong there must be crictisim and people must be hled to account. This is not ww2 so i feel it is a poor example, your administration has lead you into the quagmire that is Iraq and has no intention of leaving whatever the cost.

Words of crictisim will not be any more use to your 'enemy' than they already use. Your administration has provided enough ammo for them to chew on. Another problem is i don't think you know who your enemy is? I don't know if i do. You have been attacked once i repeat once, granted it was spectacular but isolated, not a pattern like the IRA in the UK.

Everything your administration has done since that event has been misguided, corrupt and terrorist creating. They must be held to account, it is they who will bring more death to your country not those within who crictise.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 03:16 PM
Quantummist- I just read some more of your posts. You said it's not our fault some guy blows up loadsa people in a car bomb. Hmmm it wouldnt' of happened if you hadn't invaded, and Iraqi civilians are being killed by U.S soldiers and planes as well in the thousands, you do not seem to be well informed on the Iraqi conflict.

Plus this isn't world war 2, Japan attacked you, Iraq didn't, you attacked them for reasons unknown still. How does crictising your government threaten a genocide on Israel, what are you actually going on about?

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Peruvianmonk
Quantummist- I just read some more of your posts. You said it's not our fault some guy blows up loadsa people in a car bomb. Hmmm it wouldnt' of happened if you hadn't invaded, and Iraqi civilians are being killed by U.S soldiers and planes as well in the thousands, you do not seem to be well informed on the Iraqi conflict.

Plus this isn't world war 2, Japan attacked you, Iraq didn't, you attacked them for reasons unknown still. How does crictising your government threaten a genocide on Israel, what are you actually going on about?

Say What? Seems you been reading too many of the conspiracy blogs.. Iraqi civilians are NOT being killed by U.S soldiers and planes as well in the thousands. And not its not our fault It the fault of a culture that thinks its just peachy to kill that guy over there because I don't like the other guy on the other side.. I think its you that are Mis-Informed on the Iraqi conflict.

You also have a reading is fundamental issue .. at no point did I say anything about "criticizing your government threaten a genocide on Israel".. I said that Muslim Jehidist and even a country or two Has stated they wish to Wipe the whole of the Jewish people from the face of the earth.. theres a difference there don't ya think.. And Like WW2 Germany didn't attack us either .. Japan did.. We didn't Just go after them .. we made the decision that we would have to fight in several fronts to survive.. We are not at war with Iraq..Never have been.. We are in a battle there much as we were in battles in Poland, Belgium, France ect when we were in WW2... In this case we picked the field of battle.. I tend to prefer that battle waged there than here and glad we didn't wait until we had to fight in in say Detroit or New Orleans..

Like the other feller you miss all the details.. like the Genocide thingy.. If I target ALL the mosques in Iraq thats not genocide.. as I have no wish to Wipe the Islamic World off the map. as they have stated they wish to do to Me, my Son and my country along with Israel and western culture altogether. I want them to live in peace and go about there day.. But a group of them want to kill me.. I take that personally.. And until the Muslim countries stand and stop those that wish for an Islamic world at the end of a gun I say they are the responsible parties and must pay the price until they do stop those that come from there land and attack others.. If we had a 2 % of our population that pledged to go there and Wipe all of Islam off the earth and take actions, we as a People would stand and stop them.. Our governments would stop them.

Now since you seem to want to speak of how America is such bad guys maybe you would like to detail what you would do at this point to solve this problem.. Now do that without even talking about what has happened up until now.. Because you can't change the past .. We are Here, Now.. Tell me what your brilliant solution would be if you had full charge of American right now.. Then I'll try to tell you what would happen with Unintended Consequences of those actions.. As I've said before I have no problem with those that speak of solutions and alternatives and even hope upon hope that some new one comes along, but All I hear is telling US what we do is wrong with out ever coming up with an idea of their own..

Do you want to Move Israel and all its people? Do you want the US to pull all interest out of the middle east? Do you want to pull all support from Israel and let them go it alone? Tell me your solution.. Mine is maybe cold and mean but I know of no other way to stop folks that want to kill me other to fight back and make war so nasty that no one wants to do it.

But your right about one thing. This is not WW2.. This is WW3 and before its over I'll predict that we will loose an American City and several hundred Thousand American and maybe a Million in Europe. Maybe that will piss you off

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by newyorkee
hey let this guy rant about how the evil boogy man is going to kill everyone if it makes him feel better. Apparently he was asleep during the 80's too when he didnt realize that the soviet union was the evil boogyman of the time. He advocates sending americans to a bloody death for the profit of our leaders. Glad to see some one from the radical era in our history actually preserves the spirit of morality and radical thoughts. Yet he thinks that we are allowing genocide. Ok so by killing people we save people right, that is the general thought today. Kill everyone untill your sure they are dead. what about their children, you think they wont want to play when they are old enough. Maybe you want their kids to kill or be killed by your kids when they are all old enough. end war. period. Acts of agression are not acts of self defence.

So Lets End War.. I'm all for it.. I'm as Antiwar as they come.. As soon as you get the other side to agree with you I'll go right along with it.. Lets say your home alone with your family having a nice meal and along come a gang into your house and says they are going to start shooting you all one by one.. Gona hold up your fingers and say Peace Brother as the pop your son? .. OK What if there you sit and the group of thugs send you a note and tell you that they are coming for you. You just gona sit and contemplate your belly button till they get there? No you would call the cops.. those mean old gustopo jack boots.. to save your ass.. Well I think I would pick up a weapon and go for a visit at their place.. and maybe have to take out a couple so the rest decide its not that good of an idea to come see me at my place..

Peace and love are wonderful but it only works when both sides feel the same way.. If you think that way and the other doesn't then you are just committing suicide by compliance.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 04:12 PM
you are not anti are scared of an enemy that is supposedly going to kill you. They argue the same thing since our track record proves we have the cojones to do it. you can say what you will but your trying to gain support for a war that was 1 illegal, 2mislead, and 3 is a ecconomic drain on our country. If you are so scared of being killed by an nuclear /gang execution/ invasion/ jihad on our lands put up a fence and buy all the canned food you like. I am quite sure that in the end our goverment will just fill some body bags, sign some checks, and move on to the next boogy man. Good luck to you sir and good night. this is politically loaded and is nothing but bait. What is the conspiracy? you just want to convince people that killing is ok because some BOOGYMAN is trying to kill us. stop it. war =death./ death=immoral. acts of agression are not self defence.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 04:25 PM
Jog on 'Hippy', you wonder why people hate your country, it's becasue of people like you! You can try and come across as intellectual as you want about this . You just seem to hate muslims. All this Israel is gonna be genocided, what are they doing to Palastinians now?

Conspriacy sites? It is well documented about civilian deaths by the U.S airforce. This is from early in the war

The Lancet report states 'deaths attributable to the coalition accounted for 31% of post-invasion violent deaths'
Hardly a conspiracy site.

And as for soloutions call on Israel to begin 2 party state talks with Hamas and Fatah without conditions set to prevent this from ever being possible. A phased withdraw from Iraq with the U.N taking it's place. Restore diplomatic ties with Iran. Stop selling arms to the middle east.

[edit on 17-8-2007 by Peruvianmonk]

[edit on 17-8-2007 by Peruvianmonk]

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 11:06 PM
the solution to this problem is quite simple, Stop Buying mid eastern Oil, and stop suppling money/arms to Israel, cut off the Money and they will have no more power, Start growing Hemp for fuel, that way we don't NEED the Mid east oil. that would screw them up totally. No money, no food, (crops don't grow that well in sand) no food, no population. No population no more terrorists bombings.

If I had the Power, I would cut off the oil, let Russia and/or China have it , and all the aggression as well. Ban SUV 's and only allow fuel efficient cars.

The USA need to go back to the Monroe Doctrine, the Hell with the rest of the world. Trade yes but no more meddling.

In the words of Mel Brooks "let the rest go to hell, just save cave 76"...............

posted on Aug, 18 2007 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by Quantummist
We , and the many other nations created Israel long ago and gave equal lands to Palastians at the same time. Where upon most of the Arabic world tried to wipe them from the face of the earth. So yes we take their side as well we should.

Hmm, I missed the part where the Palestinians were given equal territory. Do you have a link to a map that outlines that territory, please? Also, why do the Palestinians want their own country now if they were given it back when Israel was created? And, whose land were the Palestinians given?

[edit on 18-8-2007 by TheComte]

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