posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 08:31 AM
Well, originally I was astounded by some ATS member's complete inability to stay on topic within a thread. Many threads start on one topic and end up
on something completely different and only slightly relevant. Some end in accusations, finger-pointing and generally snarkiness with the original
statement, question or problem not even thoroughly brought to a conclusion or concensus - Triangulation.
It seems to me that more than a few posters on ATS jump into threads with an agenda and not necessarily a quest for truth, information or to deny
ignorance. I find this interesting because "an agenda" is exactly what most skeptics accuse the "Powers That Be" of having.
I thought for a while about why this happens on ATS, where many members would consider themselves intelligent, broad-minded and/or aware. I came to
only a few conclusions:
1) ATS does not exist in a vacuum and must neccessarily reflect in its posts and threads the programming that occurs in society at large.
2) ATS minds are overwhelmed with information and disinformation fed to them by the main stream media and the internet - they can't think clearly
enough to focus on specific issues.
3) Some members have a big agenda or specific agenda and their only reason for logging onto ATS is to promote it
4) Some members are engaged in disinformation
5) Some members are not very smart
Truly no offense intended, just an analysis.
I am also wondering more about Triangulation as a tactic of control. What are its origins? Any examples of how it has been famously used in the past?
How is it being used now (specific topics).
I wish more people would join this thread. I find it hard to believe that most ATS members don't have an opinion about this.