posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 11:43 AM
Controlling Empathy
I will attempt to avoid going on a philosophical tangest about energy and emotions, and all of that. If you're interested in that end, u2u me.
When dealing with any form of empathy it is critical that you learn to distinguish your feelings from others. In order to do that, we use vivid mental
pictures and feeling to program the mind to achieve what we want.
Picture your emotion as a color that is quite distinct from everyone else's.
In order to identify your emotions more easily, here is a simple qigong exercise.
Take a deep breath. Inhale, and as you do so, imagine your body filling up with heavenly positive healing white light. The white light is coming down
from Heaven, through the top of your head and filling your entire body. As you exhale, dark misty negative energy is pushed out of your feet into the
earth, where it is grounded and released.
repeat 21 times.
Continue to breath deeply. Now, focus on your solar plexus. As you do this, imagine a the biggest cheesiest, happiness smile in the world in your
solar plexus. The happy smile gets bigger and stronger with each breath.
Repeat 21 times.
You should be feeling pretty good now. This will help you to distinguish your emotions from others. Now when you picture your emotions, imagine that
they are seperate from what is around you. Feel the seperation form. Throughout the day, maybe for 10 breaths an hour, imagine your emotions
remaining distinct.
If you find yourself slipping into depression, or anything else, supercharge your inner smile again, and that will not only make you feel better, but
also transform any energy you may be projecting into positive, loving, healing energy.
Onto the problem-
When your do not have control of the energy you are projecting, it violates another person. It invades their turf. So, when people feel this, they
will be made uncomfortable. When people are uncomfortable with something, they either ignore it, or attack it.
As your previous experiences demonstrate.
In order to deal with this you must learn to relax. Exist presently, naturally, stop fighting yourself. Learn to relax and be at peace.
#1 Forgive yourself
Understand that you are human, and making mistakes is part of the experience. You have a gift, and you simply don't know how to use it yet. As you
tell yourself this, imagine yourself letting go of tension, grudges, pain, any feeling of attack or guilt you have focused on yourself. Just let it
go. Whether you picture yourself letting the feeling run out of your feet into the earth, picture your heart shooting out steam, whatever you do, just
let yourself be forgiven.
As you forgive yourself, instead of attack yourself, any energy you may project will be positive, not attacking, or painful.
These exercises will help.
Exercise #1 Look in the mirror, breathe deeply. As you breath, star at your face. Smile the biggest cheeseiest smile you can. As fears, or judgements,
or anything else arises, just smile. Do this for 200 breaths. try to do it 2-3 times a day. In 90 days, you won't be the same person you were.
Exercise #2 Look in the mirror, breathe naturally. Now, tell yourself, over and over again, out loud that you forgive yourself. Doing this often will
reprogram your mind to stop attacking you.
#2 Forgive others
Anyone who has ever hurt you, or made you uncomfortable. Understand that they too are human. They are ignorant, or scared. They don't realize your
situation, they don't think what's going on. Alot of us go through life with blinders, and in doing so, end up running over others at times. Forgive
yourself. Picture yourself in court, or in a meeting, looking into the person's eyes, and telling them you forgive them. Believe it!
This exercise will help.
Exercise 1- Look in the mirror. Name a person, and say out loud "I forgive (person's name) for (fill in the blank) I hold no grudge or ill will
towards them
#3 See yourself at your best
When you imagine yourself, picture yourself how you want to be. Your Gift is spreading comfort and love and healing to all those around you. You are
successful in all you do. When you have troubles, imagine yourself shrugging it off, smiling, and trying again, and achieving the goal. When you stop
beating yourself up, you will learn to relax more, and gain greater control of your power.
Don't worry if you can't do something perfect right away, or if you have problems. Don't try to be someone else, or try to eb how others wnat you
to be. Just be yourself, trying to do better than your previous best, each new attempt. This is how we improve in life, we keep trying to do
btw these last 3 were from Dr. Maxwell Matlz' book Psycho Cybernetics. It may further help you.
I don't need to tell anyone who participated in this thread how a Gift can make life difficult, so I won't share my horror stories of a power out of
control. Just remember to be vigilent. Remember the tools I and others have shared with you in this thread. Remember, the worse a situation is (or
seems) the greater reward once you overcome the difficult. It need not take long. We can overcome most obstacles with eae once we just stop fighting
When you're not attacking yourself any longer, you won't be atatcking others, at least as much. Persistance and attention will further deevlop your
control over your Gift. There may be times when it becomes more difficult for you, but that's ok, you've risen to the occasion before, and you will
do it again.
We all have our own demons to slay. We slay them by reprograming ourselves, we do that with vivid mental pictures, deep breathing, and powerful
positive feeling and enthusiasm. Then, we take positive action, to see how transformation through. Without the action, we're missing the dynamic part
of the equation.
I can understand how to do a pushup, but if I don't do them, I won't get stronger, same with these tools I've shown you.
Just remember, this is a gift you have, and you're just adjusting to it. Don't be so hard on yourself. You're not alone in society. Look at all of
us in this thread if have had similar problems. You're not alone, and if you look within for answers, you will find them.
Take Care-!