posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 03:09 PM
Originally posted by prepared4thefuture
The question-
What is the religion you believe in based upon?
And how do you know it is true?
Personally, I don't believe in any religion. Most of them have bits and pieces right, but I have yet to find a single religion that doesn't strike
me as either hypocritical or condescending to those who don't follow it. There are so many religious people out there, not just Christians I'm
talking about all religions here, who preach one thing while doing another that it's not even funny. For instance in Christianity (using it as an
example because that's what I was raised in so I know it the best) there's that whole love your neighbor as you do yourself thing, and yet most of
the Christians I know think it only counts if your neighbor is Christian too. Maybe it's just me, but that's not how it's suppose to work.
As for my personal beliefs, while they don't fit neatly into any specific religion, I feel that they will lead me to being the best human being I
possibly can. I don't really believe that there is a god/goddess/spirit watching everything I do and deciding if I'm bound for heaven or hell. I
don't believe that there is some all-knowing, all-seeing being out there.
What I do believe is that every person has a duty to help others, allow others to live how they want to live as long as no one gets hurt, protect
those who are weak, accept the fact that not everyone believes the same things you do and it's ok for them not to, and generally just be a good