posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 10:29 AM
Why are the FEDeral reserve and the central banks of the world getting really spooked? why are markets tanking and highly volitile?
that CREDIT DERIVATIVES market is collapsing amid decreasing liquidity
Credit derivatives market is 30 TRILLION
and the housing crash is the trigger foreclosures -tightening credit
this credit derivatives market can by very confusing and complicated but it is literally a GLOBAL CASINO gone mad
the market oracle link i attatched is the best, most simple explanation you will find
this is very bad and was predicted earlier in march by the same man who saw the housing bubble in 2003 MICHAEL HUDSON he has an I-tulip interview that
you may want to google
read this link just read it
also this is not related to the dollar and despite what most economists tell you the (especially the one's running into dollar assets i.e treasury
bills) as they try to sell market tops, and try to get you to flee dollars into bubbles. the only way there can be a massive sell off of the dollar
is due to a political and military event and break with the united states. sure the dollar can slide but country's will still support it for their
own good.
google the hudson interview or his website to read between the lines
[edit on 14-8-2007 by cpdaman]
[edit on 14-8-2007 by cpdaman]