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Power of the mind, affirmation and unintended consequences.?

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posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 07:44 PM
Just running something by yers all.

What do people think of unintended consequences of wishful thinking.

There is someone I have known for over ten years. Never gave them much thought but a good while back a relative was very ill and I got to know this person quite well....and to be honest had fallen for them. But I put all thoughts out of my mind.

Anyhow, this person kept popping into my head at odd times during the day and during my meditation sessions. Even when I dremt or slept they seemed to be in my mind when I awoke.

So I started to visualise a life with this person, who is a very spiritual person and all their leisure activities and hobbies are as mine. I considered it a safe preoccupation, I was in no relationship...too this was a virtual partner I suppose.

This visualisation used to manifest quite deeply during meditation...and I always felt warm and happy thinking of them. I swear to god I could feel this person with me at times.

Because of this persons relationship, I kept away, as I do kind of believe what will be, will be, if we are destined to meet we shall. Anyhow after months of meditating and a virtual relationship I started to include this special person in my affirmations as I went to sleep, rightly or wrongly.

Last year, after a month or two of affirmations I heard that this person was to leave their partner. I was made up and thought the affirmation was working. I then felt a little guilty...but what will be, will

I started to get images of this persons partner in my head and thoughts of texting and saying to my love goal, "dump the loser" and stuff like that. I don't mean that I was really going to text, I feel sometimes the mind is giving you info in an abstract form...but buggered if I know what the message was. I remember thinking , I had never given their ex-partner-to-be a thought why am I thinking of them now? Is it guilt I thought?

Then, I heard that during this day or so of thinking about my desireds ex-partner, that the partner had killed themself...!!! I was not sure what had happened, or whether my wish affirmation without adding "no harm to come to any living or dead" may have had some part in it. I know it sounds crazy and I don't really fall for this nonsense but I am just curious what people think.

Could I, by not liniting the affirmation, have caused the partners suicide?

As I have said I don't totally fall for this stuff...but here we are a bit of time later and I am still thinking about it!!! Not sure if I am guilty or not!!

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 09:06 PM
Back in my school days we used to try stuff like that, like a group of us that were into the sort of left-field stuff tried to make people do things etc.

Never was really successful because there was no way to tell if we had done it or themselves etc. but i do believe that it is possible.

Be careful what you wish for i guess. I've always had the feeling that there is a catch to it. Like everyone possibly has the ability to use these 'powers' but if you do so you pay a price... weird i know, but thats why i'm on ATS!

Don't blame yourself for it, because the most likely and logical explanation is that you did not do it.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 09:30 PM
have you heard of the movie "the secret" well if not look it up and watch it all. it will answer your questions.

[edit on 13-8-2007 by tankthinker]

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by GoToTheLight
Then, I heard that during this day or so of thinking about my desireds ex-partner, that the partner had killed themself...!!! I was not sure what had happened, or whether my wish affirmation without adding "no harm to come to any living or dead" may have had some part in it. I know it sounds crazy and I don't really fall for this nonsense but I am just curious what people think.

Could I, by not liniting the affirmation, have caused the partners suicide?

As I have said I don't totally fall for this stuff...but here we are a bit of time later and I am still thinking about it!!! Not sure if I am guilty or not!!

i dont think your guilty i had the same problem mith my grandfather when he passed away (different circumstances). I dont believe our "phsycic powers" (or whatever you want to call it) is powerful enough to get people killed, influence people yes. Then again there are those of us who have stronger powers than others.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 09:56 PM
Perhaps your thoughts influenced this person... or perhaps the events in question influenced your thoughts (ie. the reverse of what you're thinking). Or... maybe something else.

Despite it being a terrible event (the suicide), I think your thoughts and the events were (and possibly still are) leading up to a synchronization. What happened and will happen was meant to be.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 10:03 PM
Maybe you were having premonitions of things to come as opposed to "wishing things to happen". I don't think you should feel guilty. You seem to be a person of honesty and integrity. I would be interested to hear if a permanent relationship develops between you and the potential partner. If so, would you tell them about your experience?

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 10:18 PM
theres also what i like to call the "green goblin effect" when their is something inside you (not ghosts) like your inner self who wants your secret desires to come true so they try as hard as possible to make this happen so info from them leaks into your concious self. Then they use your coincident power (its strange i have the exact same thing, i wrote it on another thread) to achieve what they or you want.

("peter it wasnt me it was the goblin he made me do it" Osborn)
but dont feel guilty you may have caused events leading up to his suicide but you didnt pull the trigger, right? (lol)

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by tankthinker
I dont believe our "phsycic powers" (or whatever you want to call it) is powerful enough to get people killed, influence people yes. Then again there are those of us who have stronger powers than others.

Yeah, not sure myself, its just something that's been on my mind.

I'll look into "The Secret" may be useful. I found the Green Goblin thing interesting its something else to look at. I have confusion with this stuff, a mixture from I don't believe, to is it a subconscious desire or an external influence or just fate? As you say I didn't pull the trigger but sometimes I just wonder....

Originally posted by Kruel
Perhaps your thoughts influenced this person... or perhaps the events in question influenced your thoughts (ie. the reverse of what you're thinking). Or... maybe something else.

Despite it being a terrible event (the suicide), I think your thoughts and the events were (and possibly still are) leading up to a synchronization. What happened and will happen was meant to be.

Yes, I have wondered, that if something was "afoot" it could have been the reverse of what I have been thinking. Maybe I am fates pawn. Be interesting to see if there is a synchronisation though. Perhaps it was just meant to be.

Originally posted by annestacey
Maybe you were having premonitions of things to come as opposed to "wishing things to happen". I don't think you should feel guilty. You seem to be a person of honesty and integrity. I would be interested to hear if a permanent relationship develops between you and the potential partner. If so, would you tell them about your experience?

Premonitions, mmm a weird thought. Integrity and honesty yes I like to think so. You ask an interesting question "Would I tell them?" Quite a dilemma for me. The person concerned is quite spiritual and open to ideas I feel that they could accept it possible to influence events and people.

As for a relationship with this person..I was working away at the time and had little to do with them. I felt it wrong to keep on getting the thoughts I had in my mind so I kind of blanked them. I stopped meditating but found this person turning up in daydreams or dreams where I woke with a start.

Some mornings I would awake smiling and happy convinced they were laying next to me. Don't get me wrong it was not a sexual thing. I done my best to totally and completely get out of their life. So after the "text message event" and the suicide I was spooked and was already suffering from another personal "life event". I was in turmoil, a mixture of wanting to console them and run with guilt. As a coward I kept away.

Now, thing is, a similar event occurred before. There was an old, old house of character near where I live and I started to wish I lived there..not own it...just live there would be enough for me!!! My then partner, a local, knew of the homes "dodgy" history and basically said it was a creepy old place and essentially that they would not live there under any circumstances. A series of events lead to me meeting the owner and I got talking to them about a project they had in mind. I then started thinking things were heading towards my wish and got cold feet...because I believed my loyalty and love for my partner was more important....(I like to think I mate for life!!).

Thing is, a few months later my partner left anyway and that's got me thinking. This person is now coming back into my consciousness again, its like I feel her near me in the morning and during the day. I am meditating again too and they are there. Now on reflection, the thing is, if I had followed the original wish path my partner would have left before the suicide and I would have been part of this persons life. Not sure where the house comes into it though.

Thanks for your replies...its getting me thinking.....if something comes of it I'll let you know.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 06:16 PM
I agree with another poster who said you should see the movie "The Secret" or read the book. It discusses the universal law of attraction and how we attract things to us by our thoughts and wishes. You should definitely check it out!

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 09:22 AM
Thanx....I hope to have a copy today and will watch with interest. It is strange I can remember a sort of subliminal nudge towards this DVD before but I can't remember when. I was looking in at the trailers for it and remembered that they were familiar...I am wondering why I didn't get to buy it before now?

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 07:24 PM
Thanks people!!!

Just watched "The Secret" very interesting!!!

The beginning threw me I thought "Oh no not another crappy bit of modern pop editing".

I can see where its coming from. I am now examining my "situation". Could it be possible that at a subconscious level I have been wishing this person into my life?

I was not aware of it then but back then I did have a momentary thought of what an ideal partner / friend they would have been. We had so many common interests and I felt 100% comfortable in their company. In fact, on reflection I had met this person once before, about ten years previous and we were talking easily about "stuff" and at one stage we just sat there staring at each others eyes and said nothing. It was strange but as we stared I felt a warm hugging feeling and a "connection" like we were joined at the solar plexus and head. Weird how this stuff is coming back!!! Or is it, am I creating a "reality"?

One more thing. Does anyone have a take on the effectiveness of pagan spells and how you would know if you were the subject of one (if they work!!)?

It might sound weird but its just that while surfing I have come across ideas that seem to indicate that "love spells" can work. I thought that the spell had to be cast with freewill of the subject. Its just that the person I refer to, has used white magick in the past, for protection of loved ones and themselves. In fact when we first "encountered" 10 years ago, I was busily ridiculing their bag of protective magick talismans or whatever you call it / them.

I am not saying that I believe I am the subject of such a spell, I am just trying to make sense of things. The way this person has and is popping mentally into my daily life must have some reason and as I see it at the moment, either I have had subconscious "cravings" for their company or they have had a requirement for mine....I have no reason why they would want my company!!!!

Regarding "The Secret", is it ethically correct to want someone in your life? I mean its fine if the feeling is mutual but what if all that is happening is a subconscious desire from me....its just a creation of my mind?

I don't live that near to them at the moment, so its not like I can just pop round for a coffee and find out!! But I do feel in my heart that I should "have a go" and see where it leads...But it would have to be their free will...anything else would be unacceptable to me.

DVD was a nice find though...more stuff to think about. Has anyone had any personal examples of it working for them?

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