posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 01:43 PM
Many people may not be familiar with Savage, he is alone on his island in San Franphysco. Blacklisted from other news outlets. Not one person in the
political relam will get close to him, the only 'major' player to ever go on his show was Dennis Kussinich, i think... it was him or Nuewt Ginrich,
i always get those two mixed up.
His view on homosexuals is radical, considering where he lives...
Savage does not support homosexual behavior, citing sources that argue that it is dangourous to the body, and will cause desise. Savage disagres with
the notion that "homosexual" behavior is 'normal'. In a world were we are bombarded with entertainment and ads that feture homsexual behavior,
this reenforccenment of what is right, this reenforcement of what is right/normal, and the sexual drive driven on self-pleasure
The fact is i don't care what orface you want to stick things into, it should never come up in conversation, you do what you want to do, just don't
tell me that ass is a prize winning Horse.