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Forging Your Potential

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posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 01:55 PM
Everyone's always looking for answers. Many find religion and look for God. Others devote themselves to the sciences to unlock the mysteries of the universe.

Both will never accomplish their mission.

Religion has been used to manipulate the masses, preying on their fear and desire for hope. It has become a tool to control people with. After all, everyone wants power. For more on this type of thing, click here.

Controlling The Masses


The Forbidden Teaching

Religion teaches a person to look for answers externally. Some of the eastern philosophies offer a different interpretation. A person can act as a guide, but if you want answers, you have to do your own leg work.

Science, on the other hand puts an emphasis on ease. It also seeks answers externally. However, in it's current phase, our science is still in it's infancy. It does not yet focus much on the big picture. Instead of the person, they look at the disease within the person. Instead the body, they isolate the muscle. Instead of the plant, they isolate a chemical compound within it. All of this, the emphasis on ease, the misdirection of attenion, the external focus, this puts us out of touch with nature.

For more on this concept, please look here.
Science vs. Spirituality- Debate

What I am going to be offering in this thread, is an alternative. There is another way. A much older way. The focus is internal, the emphasis is self-reponsibility, the applications are universal. There is much more to our world than we currently understand.

With the information that I am going to be providing, you can cut out the middleman, and inturn, restore your connection with the divine. We're all searching for answers. In the end, we are our own best teachers, but we sometimes need a bit of help.

The first and most important step is shattering the programing that holds us back. We need to severe our restraints. Society has imposed upon us certain ideas about who we are, how we're supposed to behave. However, we can change our perception of ourselves, by letting go. We're going to ask nature to help us.

Exercise 1:
Go to a park, or nature trail. You have 10-15 minutes for this exercise. No less. Do something outrageous that you'd never do. Maybe hop up and down, scream, roll in the dirt, jump into a river fully clothed and swim around making animal sounds, whatever. You must continue to do this the whole time. Pace yourself, don't get hurt, but if you wanna climb a tree, climb it, if you want to roll in the dirt, do it! Make sure it's something that you normally would never do. You need to let go. This will be very hard for most of you. As adults, we're not allowed to have fun and play like kids. But why not? Why can we not enjoy ourselves too? We just need to realize we're allowed to have fun.

Do this exercise at least once a month.

Exercise 2:
Go to a park or nature trail. You could do this after the first exercise, in fact, I prefer it like this. You have at least an hour. Find a tree, a plant, or a rock. Sit there, and look at it. At first you'll be thinking "The Hell with this...I have better things to do!" But you must learn to let go, reconnect with nature. As your mind wanders and you think of other things and turn away, remind yourself that you're here for a reason. Tell yourself you're looking at your subject, to try and find something interesting or beautiful about it. Ask the rock/tree/plant "Do you have anything to teach me?" Then just try not to think of anything, just enjoy looking at it. The first 20 minutes are most likely going to seem like they took forever. However, once you're connected, the rest of your time will fly by in a blink.

Do this exercise at least every two months. However, the more the better. If weather or health reasons restrict this, a house plant will work just fine.

Exercise 3:
Go to a park or nature trail. (See a pattern here?) Have a seat somewhere that you can be comfortable. Your mission is to spot as many animals(bugs included) as you can. Just relax. Open your minds, and set it to "look for animals." Once you get over tha\e urge to pan with your eyes, you'll start picking up movement easier. Other variations, focus on scent, and pick up changes in smell. Is a storm coming, etc. Or close your eyes and listen for changes in sounds, detect where it's coming from, try to identify it. Or, close your eyes, stay very still, and try to feel change. How has the sun moved, where is the wind blowing, do you feel the footsteps of animals? etc.
Play with this idea.

Exercise 4:
This last nature-based exercise for loosening up/expanding awareness focuses on tracking. Most of us cannot follow trails too well. However, if you see an animal, try to follow in it's direction. If you then see a more obvious trail from another animal, foot prints, scat, broken branches, moved stones, follow it. Move very slowly, and try to follow it. Use common sense, don't get lost, and don't follow a snake trail, or a black bear trail, or anything that could be dangerous for the untrained.

Exercise 5:
Every day, 3 times a day, morning, noon, and night, look in a mirror. Now, make the biggest, cheesiest smile you have ever made. Now, hold it, and breath naturally. Focus on this cheesy smile. Hold it for 98 deep breathes. You will find yourself changed in a month or two.

[edit on 12-8-2007 by TheGreySwordsman]

[edit on 12-8-2007 by TheGreySwordsman]

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 01:56 PM
Exercise 6:
Each day, the first 5 minutes after you get up, and the last 5 minutes before you fall asleep, visualize yourself as you would like to be . Make the picture vivid. Big, bright colors, feel the ground beneath your feet, the air, the smells. Are you strong, confident? Healthy, rich? Are you outgoing, or up-tight? Picture yourself at you very best. Practice making this look and feel as real as possible. Get your emotional energy into it. Enjoy being this new person. Feel this image with every bit of your being.

These visualizations do a number of things.
#1 They begin to reprogram your self-image, changing your perception of yourself.
#2 They build up your imagination, and make it more powerful. This'll help you later with inner journies. The more vivid and real, the more powerful the operation.
#3 These images, couples with intense emotional energy will begin to tell the universe this is what you want. When you later take physical actions to move in that direction, success will come more easily, with persisted practice.

Exercise 7:
Each day, change your schedule around a bit. If you brush your teeth with your right hand, use your left. If you cut your dinner with your knife in right, fork i left, switch. Change the route you use to go to work, or return home, if possible. If you drop something at home, pick it up with your foot, if possible. If you comb your hair, then wash your face, wash your face first. Always change the order around in your life. This will get your mind more used to change, build coordination in your body, increase intelligence by trying new things, and prepare you for any stresses you may encounter in your day. Try it out.

Now, understand, with these exercises, you've just scratched the surface of reprograming yourself. But with persistant practice, they will make up all the ground work for more advanced exercises. Do these first, without them, your perception won't be flexible enough to accept the experience, and you will be fighting yourself.

We're going to switch gears here. Now it's time to start focusing on some different mental abilities. The first one is discipline.

Exercise 1:
Obtain a small black square. It could be a cloth, a piece of fabric, construction paper, it doesn't matter. Next, find something much smaller that is white, and round. A stone, a marble, a rolled up piece of paper. Place the round white object into the center of the black square object. Focus on this white object. Don't let your eyes wander. Don't let your mind wander. Soften your gaze. There will be visual phenomenon occuring, ignore them. When your thought drifts, just smile and shrug, return to the object. Gaze at this object with soft vision for 5 minutes each day. You will develop discipline, and one pointed focus.

Exercise 2:
Place your back against a solid wall. Slide down the wall until your thighs are parallel with the floor, as if you were sitting on a chair. Your calves should be perpendicular with your thighs. Feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest, and breathe deeply. This will test your discipline. Focus on your breathing, and hold for time. Your legs will become stronger as a result of this, as will your discipline. When you can hold for 3 minutes, that's excellent, but shoot for 10. Once you can do 10 without being too mentally drained, that should be good enough, just maintain it, and try to take fewer, deeper breaths.

Another important aspect of your mental training has to do with intention. This'll give your other spiritual/psi work a whole new dimension of intensity. Not to mention if you are an athlete.

Exercise 1:
Go outside, somewhere with critters. Select one. Without making a movement focus on it.
Stage 1: For beginners, use an aggressive attitude. Picture strongly in your mind that you are hitting the animal. Eventually, as your intensity grows, you'll get the animal to move.
Stage 2: For intermediate use, try to use a less aggressive intention. Picture yourself just pushing the animal. Eventually, you'll be able to get it to move pretty consistantly.
Stage 3: For advanced users, focus on moving it a certain way, towards you, to the left, right, back, maybe even jump! You can eventually get it to move how you wish.

Exercise 2:
Now we'll be using humans, instead of more sensitive animals. WARNING! Do not get caught staring at people. You will make them uncomfortable and this can have any number of effects on your well-being. Go to a mall, festival, or other public place. Find a location where you can watch someone walk by without looking too obvious. Children are most sensitive, the younger, the better. Women are more sensitive than men, it takes a lot to move an adult male.
Stage 1: Aggressive focus, maintain until person is either out of sight, or until they move/look in your direction.
Stage 2: Mild focus, just work on getting movement.
Stage 3:Controling focus, get them to move how you wish. When you can get large macho men moving how you want from a glance, you're awesome.

Exercise 3:
With some friends, try this one. You can either be behind a single person, or you can have a person standing in the center of a tight circle. If you stand behind a person you vary your timing for focus. If in a circle, have a person point to who is going to be directing attention.

The person in the center has eyes closed.

Stage 1: person directing has aggressive focus and reaches out towards person slowly.
Stage 2: same, with mild focus:
Stage 3: Controlling focus

Some people will be more sensitive to this than others. But it is interesting sensing intention and becoming more sensitive, as well as projecting the intention.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 01:59 PM
please allow some time before replying. my server just deleted several pages of addtional replies....

Thanks for waiting...I think I left some stuff out...But I'm not positive.

[edit on 12-8-2007 by TheGreySwordsman]

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 02:43 PM
Now that we've explored some different methods for expanding the mind, increasing it's perception, and our awareness of the natural world, let us move on. We've focused on some of the abilities of the mind, now onto the heart.

The Cultivation of Virtue

Strength- the ability to move with power, boldness, without fear, enduring
Justice- knowing how and when to act for the benefit of others
Humility- Knowing and accepting our current limitations
Compassion- Being kind and forgivign to ourselves and others
Faith- Knowing it will work out, and the universe is on our side
Hope- Higher version of a psoitive feeling about a situation
Patience- Knowing the widom of timing, picking your spots, enduring
Prudence- Knowing the time and the degree of action that should be taken
Charity- Giving back, serving the circle of life
Temperance- Restraining your wrath
Gratitude- Being thankful for what you have
Harmony- Being at peace with yourself, and connected to nature
Truth- that which is reality

These are GREATLY summarized definations that I could go on for pages about. The Cultivation of Virtue is one of my secrets for attaining power.

The Virtues are the qualities of God. As we develop them, all of our works increase greatly in effectiveness.

There are essentially two main ways of developing the Virtues.

Exercise 1:
The Contemplation of Virtue. To do this requires a kind of meditation. So calm yourself, focus on your breathing. Now, select your Virtue, and start to think about it. Wonder how it relates to you. What it would be like at a Godly level. What can you do to develop it? The answers will come. As you think about the Virtues, your heart will open up to the qualities of that trait and you'll begin to understand it better.

Exercise 2:
The second way involves your life. Each day, select a Virtue to "wear on your sleeve." All of your difficulties, hardships, everything you encounter during the day, try to consider that specific Virtue, and act through it. You will find that, though you may have difficulties in the middle, in the end it will all work out for the better.

As the Virtues develop, you'll find that life changes completely. Everything you do will become more successful.

Now, there is a balance between these Virtues that you need to be aware of. If you are in a bank that is being robbed, and you lack spiritual Strength, you should not try to disarm the robber. Doing so will result in your defeat, and now he has a new hostage, or an example with which he can gain further control.

Instead, the better way to serve Justice, if you have insufficent Strength is to try to call the polive on your cell phone, or try to sneak yourself and others to safety.

You need to walk that fine line. As your spiritual power increases through these Virtues you'll find that all areas of your life will improve.

We've examined the expansion of the Mind, and the Cultivation of the Heart. This last area is a bit more difficult to define. It will involve a third area.

It is known as the center, the hara, tanden, dantien, etc. It is located two fingers below and behind your navel. That's right, I'm assigning a chakra-esque location to this one! That's because this is the best way to learn how to utilize it.

Exercise 1:
First you need to learn to breathe deeply. If your inhalation is 5 seconds long, so should be your exhalation. Ideally there are 4 parts to the breath. The inhalation, the pause, the exhalation, the pause before the next inhalation.
Stage 1: Sit down, keep a smoothe even breath for 108 breaths. Count them. As you do, focus on your center. This will encourage a more even natural flow of energy. As your mind drifts, or if you lose count, simply start over.
Stage 2: Count 108 breaths, and then count back down. As you do this, walk around, back and forth through a safe area.
Stage 3: Continuously count 108 up and down as you do chores, or clean up, or write.
Stage 4: This is the ultimate. Lose the counting, but continue to breath deeply throughout the day. If you find yourself not breathing deeply and without stagnation, simply refocus and start over. Try to stay concious of your breath all day, this will train you to be present in your activities.

Over time, the 4 stages of breath should increase from 5-6-7 seconds and so on.

Exercise 2:
Whenever you're not comfortable, or in a "negative" state, focus on your center. So..
If you're sick
Sore as you work out, pushing for that next rep
Stressed out
Upset over the loss of a loved one
Or in any other form in an unpleasent situation, push it down deep into your center. It will nourish it, and allow you to let go more easily.

Exercise 3:
As you go about your day, when you talk, work, train, watch tv, engage in recreation, focus on your center. Stay present. Over time, as you do this, you will find that focusing on your center allows you to become more intuned with nature. Besides that, those efforts will become more easy and natural. If you are rock climbing, doing martial arts, making a sale, tracking, focus on your center, and do your very best. Eventually, the difference will become quite noticeable.

To conclude the main portion of this thread, I just wnat to comment on a few things.

#1 Learn to stretch and do it 2-3 times a day. This will help expand your mind, and will also balance out your meridians, thus smootihing out your energy flow, and encouraging health.
#2 Deep breathing will encourage health, and help to keep you present.
#3 Karaoke, dance, public performance will help loosen up certain people.
#4 being physically healthy, engaging in exercise, staying active will aid your spiritual work.
#5 regular practice of 10-15 minutes a day will bring great results. Much more than 2 hours once a week.
#6 Your mood will match your body posture. Chaneg and mainatin your body language, and your mood will soon have to match it.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 02:52 PM
If you would like some more ifnormation that could be helpful, here are some wonderful threads that will provide more exercises and food for thought.

What is the Difference between our Minds and Conciousness?

Totem Spirits, Domestication, and Our Place in the World

Spiritual Learning Tools

The Difference Between Spirit and Soul

Your Opposition: The Person in The Mirror

I hope that this thread and these links provide some helpful information.
You will find that nothing I have said is new. In fact, these concepts are much older than any religion or branch of science.

With these tools, I hope that you can expand your mind, cultivate your heart, and be more centered throughout the day. This information is vital, and has the power to rapidly chaneg your life, providing that you do the legwork, and practice.

Look inside for your answers. Connect with nature. It will not leave you wanting.

I leave you with my best wishes.


posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 05:48 PM

Wow, great idea for a thread! I recognize some of the things on your list that I’ve done and my life has been quite unusual.

Just to start could I add a few things, more detail to one category? I'll assume a yes this time,

here goes:

The importance of being in tune with nature.

Children should be outside and exploring as much as possible in this day and age. Go in groups, etc. Let them camp in the backyard if you can’t take them camping often. (Use the mosquito spray) Just the sounds of the crickets, an owl now and then, watching from a distance a raccoon raiding a pear tree and watching a few meteors should keep them in awe (make a wish). Don’t forget the flashlight so they can tell their stories (be sure and instruct them on how to shine the flashlight upwards to make their faces scary, lol). In the morning can they find a four leaf clover?

Plant a large vegetable garden with them and as it grows they’ll start noticing the caterpillars, blue jays that eat the caterpillars, etc…the whole chain. With each season their knowledge will grow as will yours as to the amazing dynamics of nature. Look through their eyes and it will remind you how it was for you when everything was new. And keep in mind that we (adults) are supposed to be as children also, never let the wonder of life leave us, always remember what it is like to be a child.

When I was a child I had it made. My uncle was the local wildlife rescue person with his own rehab rescue zoo. He was called The Doctor Doolittle of Queen City, Texas. People said he could speak to the animals and he did his best to teach that to us. The overflow always came our way and we were always wondering what animal was next when we ran to meet his old yellow Volkswagen pulling up the hill to our house in Linden.

Our neighbor across the road was Don Henley and he used to skulk and hang around watching us with the raccoons, skunks (their glands were removed, Rosie was my favorite, she liked vanilla wafers), baby bobcats, opossums, timber wolf cubs, etc. He was persona non-gratis because our housekeeper, Mrs. Sanders, said that he had a smart mouth. (Lol, he’s done pretty well with that mouth!) Anyhow, when we took the raccoons into the woods he would play with them and would usually call me “squirt” and give me Indian burns.

All great memories, all provide a bridge to wildlife wherever I may find it today, an easy camaraderie, a respect for each other all learned very young. If you missed out on this, please go with your children, grandchildren and you’ll be surprised how the wildlife will amaze you and teach you. Understanding our connection with nature our senses open up to a whole different spectrum than we are accustomed to. It’s almost magical, I can see where the fairy stories came from, you’re in a completely different world when you’re with nature.

Sorry if I rambled,

Anyhow, once again, great idea for a thread,

Can I add details about your other categories?


Note: After reading this post please click on the Alan Jackson "Drive" video link in my signature, it sorta goes hand in hand with the post. I had the same kind of memories (as I'm sure you did) but with wild animals, Uncle Ed and Dad with his experiments. (chemist extraordinaire). Think about the memories you're giving your kids. The lessons we learn are not just for us, they are passed down. Once learned go for it, have fun. Thanks!

[edit on 8/12/2007 by seentoomuch]

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 06:24 PM

Feel free to comment. The information isn't mine anymore now that I've shared it.

Lovely stories! Anything to avoid nature. Telling kids you need to stay clean, as if dirt would kill them. Got the soap that kills 99.9% of all bacteria!

I know some people who drink only filtered water. They watched a show(man vs wild) and saw someone drinking water out of the ground. They said "doesn't he know that water's dirty! What an idiot, drinking dirty water.."

As if everything in nature is green death coming for us,a nd it's "us er dem!"

Anyway, anyone, feel free to comment on my posts. Once it's up, it's not mine anymore, expand, detratct, dispute, wahtever you like.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 07:15 PM
Those may be the craziest set of instructions I have ever read... but you know what? I bet they work.

I'd like to try them, but with my luck, someone I know would be walking by the park/trail (or worse, a police car driving by) as I'm spinning in a circle on my side on the ground yelling "WOOP WOOPWOOPWOOP" or shouting "TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW!" at a large dandilion for nearly an hour straight.

I'm sure you'd be taken less crazily if you were with other people also doing the same, instead of just one nut. As backwards as it sounds, society finds it less crazy for several people to be doing something completely illogical than one person. I'll have to get together with some of my more rowdy friends that like to shout in public randomly.

I'm definately going to save your instructions for later. However, being a fairly shy and "socially programmed" person, I'm going to have to start gradually... probably alone in my house, then with family around, etc. Then when everyone close to me thinks I'm a nut, I'll start taking it outside.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Yarcofin
Those may be the craziest set of instructions I have ever read... but you know what? I bet they work.

I understand your timid nature. When I used to do theater I had no problem doing the outrageous, however in my daily life, I was always very restricted. I was afraid of judgment. Doing those exercises take a courageous attitude. It's not about not being afraid of humiliation, but being willing to act, despite it.

If you need to ease yourself into them, that's ok, though their results will be less profound. Please, then, work on the exercises that do not require as much embarassment.

It was my intention to avoid as much fluff as possible with this thread, and get the reader right to the good stuff. These exercises aren't the be all and end all, however, they build a solid foundation. I took a few exercises out of a number of chapters from my upcoming back, and shared them with everyone here, in hopes that they can find some fulfillment with them.

Now, it's important to remember, that brushing into and going beyond the comfort zone, and experiencing humiliation are powerful transformational tools. They help free us from society's shackles.

I hope you find success on your path.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 10:05 PM
I have a few questions-

what results can i expect?

what if i do some exercises but not others (lets say i do only three quarters of them)?

and can it be in my backyard (my back yard has lots of plants and trees and an artifical pond/waterfall)?

also its wierd because some (very few) of your excercises i already do but i wasnt aware i was doing them.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 10:38 PM
TheGreySwordsman, did you come up with this stuff? Interesting for sure, and useful. Personally, I have less drastic methods though.

For one thing, becoming one's 'ideal self' doesn't require huge amounts of emotion, most especially self-embarrassment. While jumping around in the park screaming like a monkey will certainly help you 'let go', that could cause a few side-effects.

Also, there are easier ways of achieving synchronicity than trying to influence the movement in animals and humans. Zeiner cards for instance. Ya gotta start small... baby steps.

Good bit about the virtues and balance. Virtue is basically balance itself. Like bravery is in between cowardice and foolhardy.

I find the best way to becoming my 'ideal self' was through empathy. Trying to see myself through the eyes of others.

Anyway, good stuff. Sounds like you're trying to help people to make every action intentional. Too many walk around on auto-pilot.

EDIT: Just wanted to add... many of those suggested exercises sound something like Patch Adams would do. I loved that movie.

[edit on 8/13/2007 by Kruel]

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 12:17 AM
let me add greyswordsman that science is in it's infancy like you say, but it doesn't even give itself a chance at looking at the whole picture because areas like consciousness, spirituality and other "mystical" realms of our existence ARE NOT FUNDED. They aren't tangible, you can't right down a formula for them, BUT THIS DOESN"T MEAN they aren't there. I have read possible reasons for this but i will stay on topic, and what a great topic, i love nature,especially the ocean, and i will give your excercises a try, although as an ADULT , i have no problem playing like i was half my age.

GREAT topic, and i especially enjoyed the first 1/3 of it.

but you do realize a lot of people become tied into both these belief systems for there present day sanity due to upbringing and rigorous schooling.

I would also say that anything u wish to accomplish is attainable with a combination of will but more importantly finding a way to represent that goal with the will of your HEART,

* thought energy from the heart is powerful it can cut thru other less desirable energy's/emotions and create what you like.*

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 02:57 AM
I hope this can help me.
Do you have any strange abilities? If so has this helped you in anyway?

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by tankthinker
I have a few questions-

what results can i expect?

what if i do some exercises but not others (lets say i do only three quarters of them)?

and can it be in my backyard (my back yard has lots of plants and trees and an artifical pond/waterfall)?

also its wierd because some (very few) of your excercises i already do but i wasnt aware i was doing them.

You can expect the results described for each exercise you do. If you don't do some of the exercises, you shouldn't expect the results I described from them.

If you have a backyard that large, go for it. I simply said park because not everyone has that luxury.

If you already do some of the exercises, great!

[edit on 14-8-2007 by TheGreySwordsman]

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by Kruel
TheGreySwordsman, did you come up with this stuff? Interesting for sure, and useful. Personally, I have less drastic methods though.

For one thing, becoming one's 'ideal self' doesn't require huge amounts of emotion, most especially self-embarrassment. While jumping around in the park screaming like a monkey will certainly help you 'let go', that could cause a few side-effects.

Also, there are easier ways of achieving synchronicity than trying to influence the movement in animals and humans. Zeiner cards for instance. Ya gotta start small... baby steps.

Good bit about the virtues and balance. Virtue is basically balance itself. Like bravery is in between cowardice and foolhardy.

I find the best way to becoming my 'ideal self' was through empathy. Trying to see myself through the eyes of others.

Anyway, good stuff. Sounds like you're trying to help people to make every action intentional. Too many walk around on auto-pilot.

EDIT: Just wanted to add... many of those suggested exercises sound something like Patch Adams would do. I loved that movie.

[edit on 8/13/2007 by Kruel]

Not one exercise is a TGS original. A few of them are variations of Tom Brown exercises. A few I learned in martial arts circles(the intention section), as well as some of the centering work) A couple from Western Occultists and Eastern Sorcerors, etc. You get the idea.

If you have other ways to achieve the same results, I won't argue with them. However, there are specific reasons why I have people do things they don't want to do, or ask them to get emotionally involved.

These exercises are designed to make up the foundation for someone who wishes to be more in-tuned with nature, and after a spiritual experience. After a person has let go of themsleves, there are some exercises that do not need to be repeated regularly.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by cpdaman
let me add greyswordsman that science is in it's infancy like you say, but it doesn't even give itself a chance at looking at the whole picture because areas like consciousness, spirituality and other "mystical" realms of our existence ARE NOT FUNDED.

GREAT topic, and i especially enjoyed the first 1/3 of it.

but you do realize a lot of people become tied into both these belief systems for there present day sanity due to upbringing and rigorous schooling.

I won't even get into the reason why these sorts of things aren't funded or scoffed at. Glance at my "Controlling The Masses" thread for more info.

I'm glad you enjoyed ANY of the thread! I appreciate it when someone tells me they liked what I killed a good hunk of a day writing.

Yes, I realize that. We're all programed and manipulated. Again my "Controlling The Masses" thread is all about that. The idea here is to lose that programing and find your true self.

The parts I did not quote I won't comment on. It's good material and doesn't need my thumbs up.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by Elijio
I hope this can help me.
Do you have any strange abilities? If so has this helped you in anyway?

I hope so too! Otherwise you wasted your time reading material that wasn't helpful, and that's my fault.

I included a number of my experiences in nisurastar's thread.

Are You Psychic?

I've also done a number of weird things with intention, and frequently go unnoticed when people are not expecting to see me. However, they are not "abilities". I can't Lord them over anyone, they haven't done anything dramatic.

If you do the exercises that I described regularly, you can expect I change of outlook to come, and varying degrees of influence over others.

Don't expect to read about me flying around, or transforming an asteroid into sunshine that does not burn or a cloud that rains down smiles. I've never done anything that hasn't be done many many times before and nothing that won't be repeated many times after I'm gone.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 08:13 PM
Thanks for the reply. So this will teach control?
I have abilities, I just need better control of them because they're not "good".
It doesn't make any sense to me because i'm a good person I shouldn't have these abilities. It's a mismatch and its holding me back. I cant let anyone get close to me because they might get hurt. Being alone is no fun but I am getting used to it. I've given up on being happy(not going to happen) and i've accepted certain things now. Just let me know if you think this can teach me control or will at least help, thanks again for your reply.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Elijio
Thanks for the reply. So this will teach control?
I have abilities, I just need better control of them because they're not "good".

Well, as I do not know the nature of your abilities, I cannot comment on them directly. I can tell you that my abilities have worn holes in the relationships I've had in the past, before I gained control over them. u2u me if you'd like more info on this specifically.

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