posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 03:05 PM
Good ole israel doing its best to not cause war in the middle east
"Under the Oslo peace agreement, Israel retained overall control of water from the West Bank. The Palestinians now regret the deal. 'The defect is
in the Oslo agreement,' says Amjad Aleiwi, a hydrologist at the Palestinian Water Authority. 'The fact is we can't even drill a well without
approval from Israel, while they pump all the water they like into the settlements.' More than 80% of water from the West Bank goes to Israel. The
Palestinians are allotted just 18% of the water that is extracted from their own land. Palestinian villages and farmers are monitored by meters fitted
to pumps and punished for overuse. Jewish settlers are not so constrained, and permitted to use more advanced pumping equipment that means the
settlers use 10 times as much water per capita as each Palestinian."