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Reported By: Trey H. - Austin, Texas - October 30, 2005
Subject: UFO Sighting - Location: Austin, Texas - Date: October 15 and 16, 2005 - Zip Code: 78753 - County Sighting Took Place: Travis - Time: 2:30 AM - Witnesses: 2 - Number of Objects: 2 - Object's Shape: "Unknown" - Object had lights - Object emitted beams of light - Object changed colors - Object hovered - Additional Information: Eastern sky East of Austin -
Event Description:
On 10/15/05 my Daughter and I were outside looking at stars at about 1:00 AM.
We noticed something in the night sky which was flashing Red and Green lights. We thought it was an airplane so we paid it no mind. about 10 minutes later, it was still there.
I went in and got a small pair of binoculars and we looked at it. When we did it went dark. In about 30 seconds, it was extremely bright and we could see white, green, red and blue lights all flashing. The object didn't move for over an hour.
We went inside for a few minutes and when we came back out, we saw two of them probably 10-20 miles apart flashing their lights in sequence. We watched them for about 20-30 minutes, just hovering. They were probably 20-30 miles from us so we never got a close up view of their shape.
On 10/16/05 I went outside about 2:30 AM and saw the same object further this time, but still flashing colorful lights.
UFO? I dunno, but awfully strange and interesting. Hopefully I will get a better view in the next few days.