posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 05:03 AM
i know im a little late coming in on this but my husband and i were just talking about this yesterday so i thought i would throw in my $.02
I am totally against the war, against the fact that a draft even has to be considered,
BUT if our soldiers, many of whom are still kids themselves, are going to be there fighting and dieing they need to have enough boots on the ground to
sustain missions/combat, give troops adequate rests between deployment, and provide a relative safety in numbers.
During the vietnam war the draft was only for males, but now there is a high percentage of women in the military, so i assume that females will be
included in this draft.
Before it was sons, brothers, fathers horrid enough in itself!
but will they honestly send mothers into mandatory service during war time. Can you imagine the effects on an entire generation of young children say
0-6 having their mothers sent off to war, i do realize that father's are of the utmost important but the role of the mother in the very young child
is usually quite different that the father in those early years.
Also the make up of the family unit has changed so drastically, what about single parents of either sex raising children on their own. I can only hope
that would be a given exception, though if so i can see more than a few divorces on paper happening in order to avoid serving.
Unless motherhood gives automatic exemption I would be likely eligible as a healthy female in my later middle twenties....(i refuse to say thirty-ish
not for another year or two) and my husband would not be eligible due to having several siezures as a reaction to a medication as well as knee
injuries from playing baseball semi-proffessionally in the past.
Scares the hell out of me
[edit on 16-8-2007 by gluetrap]