posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Leveller
Listen to everyone.
It doesn't mean that you should believe 'em though.
I would have to agree with Leveller on this. Ask them for reasons or evidence backing up what they're saying.
If someone just says "Well, the greys have a monarchist government" without explaining why or have any evidence supporting that, I wouldn't buy it.
If someone says "George Bush and every other person in power is a reptoid. I can back this up because when I see them I can just tell," don't buy
it. If someone tells you something and states arguements supporting their belief, presents sources for where they got their information from, then
even if the idea is totally outlandish, it might be worth looking into.
As for news sources, start with mainstream media, but then, when you find a story, check it out on some blogs, and some international news agencies.
If it all syncs up, chances are the mainstream reported it right. But all too often, the main stream media leaves out importaint details that we have
to find on our own. One reason for this is the sheer number of stories they report on. There's not enough time to tell all the facts. The other
reason is more contrivertional, which is that they are trying to put a spin on the news and only report the facts that allow them to give that spin.
So in short, never rely on one source.