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To save America, we need another 9/11 (OP/Ed)

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posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 02:48 PM

To save America, we need another 9/11 (OP/Ed)

America's fabric is pulling apart like a cheap sweater.

What would sew us back together?

Another 9/11 attack.

The Golden Gate Bridge. Mount Rushmore. Chicago's Wrigley Field. The Philadelphia subway system. The U.S. is a target-rich environment for al Qaeda.

Is there any doubt they are planning to hit us again?
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 10-8-2007 by UM_Gazz]

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 02:48 PM
Well, I really want to read other people's thoughts on this. It was on Drudge and thought I'd share it here. Will another 9/11 really unite America? This guy suggests that because there is disagreement in a troop pull out from Iraq, another 9/11 will fix that and make people realize that the war is necessary. All I would like to ask him is that if Usama Bin Laden was the supposed mastermind behind 9/11, then what the hell does that have to do with the Iraqi occupation in the first place anyway? Iraq did not attack the U.S., Usama Bin Laden supposedly did. If anything, another 9/11 will just cause chaos and even more fear within the country, not governmental unity. What do you think? (visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 03:03 PM
Unite America? are you kidding?

Another 9/11 will bring the end of America as we know it, and will bring either a totalitarian rule or a civil unrest against the government.

Unity towards the government will be the last thing in the minds of millions of unhappy americans right now.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 03:10 PM
Another 9/11 would be the death of the Republican party. They have been making hay off of it ever since claiming that they are the only ones who can keep us safe. If there is another 9/11 style attack it will expose the lie for what it is.... a self serving lie.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 03:20 PM
I'd have to go with Marg on this matter, another 9/11 would mark the total failure of homeland safety/security measures, it would serve as an example to the public that no matter what the administration did during the past few years, it just didn't work. Invading countries and accomplishing nothing.

There are two options here like Marg said, either martial law, or major unrest.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 03:21 PM
Marg, I agree with you, we would lose America to totalitarianism, etc. IMO, Iraq is not so much the reason we're divided as as the fact that many believe 9/11 was an inside job and many believe the official story. This is the root of the whole thing, those that trust the govt and those that don't are often in disagreement.

Considering the executive order Bush just signed a short time ago, wherein he declares himself to be the sole "decider" and ignore the govt in the event of a national emergency, I'd say another 9/11 would only bring us fascism and the death of democracy.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 03:32 PM
That's just what 'they' want us to buy into. I think another '911 like attack' would make more people grab their muskets, and lock their doors, than any kind of unity as a country.
Oh yeah...but weren't all those pretty flags and 911 bumper stickers just to die for (pun intended)? You call that friggin unity? Look at the ATS board, if anyone believes 911 brought people into unifying aggreement; this site is the prime example that it did not. Craziness, I tell you, craziness!

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 03:32 PM
Fortunately totalitarianism and dictatorships never last.... it is in their very nature to be extremely fragile... North Korea is just a death away to total collapse.

bush minor and cheney might make a grab for total power, but it has no legs and if they did it would still be the death of the Republican party.

Their only saving grace is that the Democrats are so spineless.... it is so depressing watching invertebrates trying to stand up.

Still I really don't think the military would stand for a grab for total power; especially by those two.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by forestlady
Considering the executive order Bush just signed a short time ago, wherein he declares himself to be the sole "decider" and ignore the govt in the event of a national emergency, I'd say another 9/11 would only bring us fascism and the death of democracy.

Is that anything like the Executive Order that Clinton was supposed to have signed that would have let him use FEMA to stay in power? This isn't a shot at Clinton. There have been rumors about Presidents signing orders to let them stay in power as far back as I can remember. Nixon was the only one that was an exception to this. As much as I would hate to see another 9-11 type incident happen, it would show that there is still a viable threat out there.

I don't think it would be the end of the Republican Party, I think it would damage the Democrats far more. People would start remembering things like John Edwards calling the GWOT a "bumper sticker".

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:22 PM
That is were my thoughts conflict. If there is another "attack" like 9/11, wouldn't that just show that there is a threat?

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:30 PM
I saw this on Drudge this morning and was compelled to email the trog. Here's what I wrote:

Mr. Bykofsky:

I read your above captioned column. I can’t decide whether you are a government shill, Dick Cheney writing under a pseudo name or delusionally misinformed. It’s radical Islamists, you say, that are at the root of all (current) evil? It’s really that simple is it? The last generation’s boogey man (Communists) disappear and just like that a (convenient) new boogey man rises up to take its place: radical Islamists. Ah, life is so simple, is it not?

Americans “knew” who the enemy was on 9/11 because we were told who the enemy was. Almost immediately. And with names even. Hell, we even had an unscathed passport as proof. One that, by the way, escaped unscathed from a fire that incinerated an entire building and its contents. Never mind that it was later learned that most of our “enemies” were alive and well in the Middle East and had never even been to the United States. There exists a litany of “facts” surrounding the events of 9/11 that are in serious question (to say the least) so saying we “knew” or know anything is absurd. The people of Germany knew who was behind the Reichstag fire, too.

Americans aren’t tired of the wars in the Middle East because they have dragged on for so long. A simplistic conclusion, yes, but one that ignores the real picture. The first Gulf War was a direct response to an ally being invaded. And no, Bush Sr. did not “do everything right” as you proclaim. There are many, especially senior military personnel, who strongly believe that by prematurely ending that war we all but guaranteed the need to repeat the process years later. Americans --- even the masses of poorly informed sheeple --- have turned from the war because they have come to realize that we were misled from the beginning about the reasons for that war. Besides being of questionable intent, it was poorly planned, incompetently executed and has resulted in the devastation of a country and its entire people --- not to mention the cost to our own people, our fractured economy, eroded dollar, dismantled Constitution and seriously tainted international reputation. What began as a ‘War on Terror’ quickly became something entirely different. Fight them there so we don’t have to fight them at home? Isn’t that like saying that we need to fight the communists from North Vietnam so they don’t invade the U.S.? Oh yea, they already used that one.

If we truly were concerned about “national security” we would have focused our efforts on securing our country. Instead, we have borders in name only. 25% of the top jobs at DHS remain unfilled. The only thing FEMA seems to be competent in is melting ice at the end of a $12M road trip. Stop drinking the KoolAide, Mr. Bykofsky, and open your eyes. Things are not as they seem and anyone with a whit of discernment could figure that out. We are less secure now than we have ever been and have been spending more than $12B a month to get to that state. If this wasn’t such a monumentally serious situation it would be laughable. I’d like to believe that we are at the mercy of a government that has set new standards for incompetence and cluelessness. I’d like to believe that. I wish I could.

Maybe writing an article as inflammatory and infused with ignorance as yours gets you web hits and temporary notoriety. Maybe it buys you points with your senior staff. Maybe it forestalls an inevitable firing. But if you think for one second that it serves the American people or the Republic of the United States in any way, shape or manner you are seriously, seriously deluded. Rather than offering any assistance to a badly listing ship of state you, sir, have placed yourself squarely in the middle of those that are actively destroying this country. I hope your mom is proud of you.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:40 PM
Jtma - Thank you!

I'm glad that you took the time to write and send that out. I couldnt agree more; all I hope is that someday someone will actually respond to the REAL issues going on, not to mention the past issues that have no explination either

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:50 PM
JTMA, you are the man! I sincerely hope this jackass takes some time out of his miserable life to read what you sent him.

Ah the oh so convenient All Seeing Eye. I think we know who this guy works for....

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:51 PM
gee, lets have more of our citizens die, our economic stablity be threatened, and more limited resources be spent on warring with wrongfully accused soveriegn nations. Great. This so we can get over all this "un-americanism". That to me sounds pretty in-human to say the least. Is there any one here that REALLY thinks this is a good idea? Some might kid, but did that actually come out of someones mouth? You know I want to kill some one, maybe I should have them kill a member of my family so the whole gang will want to help be KILL PEOPLE! great, sign me up, I'll fly the plane this time, its my american duty to silence all the opposition, that'll show them!!!! Then I will have a big sign at my funeral saying "I told you so, hippies"

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by newyorkee
gee, lets have more of our citizens die, our economic stablity be threatened, and more limited resources be spent on warring with wrongfully accused soveriegn nations. Great. This so we can get over all this "un-americanism". That to me sounds pretty in-human to say the least. Is there any one here that REALLY thinks this is a good idea? Some might kid, but did that actually come out of someones mouth? You know I want to kill some one, maybe I should have them kill a member of my family so the whole gang will want to help be KILL PEOPLE! great, sign me up, I'll fly the plane this time, its my american duty to silence all the opposition, that'll show them!!!! Then I will have a big sign at my funeral saying "I told you so, hippies"

I know! I get more angry by the day!! There has to be a way to get all of 'us' logical, reasonable, intellects from these boards and discussions to unite against major idiots that get THEIR voice heard. Seriously, maybe that will be my research assignment: Decide who on ATS is a REAL person, with REAL beliefs (meaning no disinfo. agents, not people who have the same beliefs as I, necissarily), and REAL concern for our country. Root out all those that I dont believe fit this catagory, and start some kind of 'secret society' of our own. I guess I just blew the secret, but screw it, Ill take the rap! Does anyone have a hushmail account?
I'm friggin serious

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 05:24 PM
I wonder if this guy is willing to volunteer to jump out of a burning skyscraper, or burn to death in a cloud of flaming kerosene, or have a giant building collapse on him, or hit a solid object at 550mph, in order for us to have another "moment of unity"?

Somehow I doubt it.

If America has "come apart" again since 911, it's because much of our country refuses to accept two major lessons we should have learned that day: 1) no matter how powerful our military is, it will never make us invulnerable to attack and 2) if we want to have a foreign policy that consists of sailing around the planet, poking every hornet's nest in sight with a stick, sooner or later we can expect to get stung here at home.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 05:44 PM

xmotex 2) if we want to have a foreign policy that consists of sailing around the planet, poking every hornet's nest in sight with a stick, sooner or later we can expect to get stung here at home.

oohhh, Good thing this isn't the Republican primaries or else Guilliani would have claimed that you were saying it was 'our' fault for 911; just as he did with Ron Paul.
And there goes the sheeple applauding Guilliani...Isn't it so cute?

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 06:13 PM

I enjoyed reading that lettler, truly a gem.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by nowayreally
oohhh, Good thing this isn't the Republican primaries or else Guilliani would have claimed that you were saying it was 'our' fault for 911; just as he did with Ron Paul.
And there goes the sheeple applauding Guilliani...Isn't it so cute?

Yeah I caught that, truly repulsive, but about what I'd expect from Guliani.

It's like telling someone that it's a bad idea to tease a rabid dog cause they might get bit, then having them tell you "you're taking the dog's side!!!"

People have no damn sense sometimes.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 09:05 PM
I captured a video of the author being interviewed on FOX:

I thought some of you would be interested.

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