posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 06:08 AM
Some scientist say the gravity of black holes are so strong that NOTHING can escape from them [within the event horizon.]
However, the same group of scientists also say that gravity is caused by gravitons emitted by all objects with mass and that gravitons travel at the
speed of light.
The above two views expressed by the same group of scientists remind me of the origin of the Chinese words for self-contradiction.
A weapon merchant tried to sell his shield to people. He boasted his shield is so tough that NOTHING can pierce through it. When nobody bought the
shield then he tried to sell his spear. He boasted his spear is so sharp, it can pierce through ANYTHING. Then a spectator asked him to pierce his
shield with his spear to see what would happen. The merchant then realize what he said were contradictory. Therefore, spear-shield became the words
for self-contradiction.
So if nothing can escape from within the event horizon of a black hole, how come those scientists say all objects with mass, which include black holes
of course, emit gravitons. It is just self-contradictory.
I think if gravitons do exist, then they must be able to escape from within the event horizon to produce the gravitational effect outside the black
holes, then their view that nothing can escape from a black hole must be wrong. For graviton to escape from within the event horizon, some people
think that they travel faster than the speed of light.
However, some scientists think they can avoid the gravitons explanation by using Einstein's explanation that matter warps space around it and causes
the effect we call gravity. Beside the four problems that I mentioned in the earlier posts about the curvature of space explanation, these scientists
don't realize that in fact they are holding the same belief which they have been sneering at about one aspect associated with Newton's view of how
gravity works, that is action at a distance without a mediator. Some scientists deceptively call the theoretical deformation of space-time geometry a
mediator of gravity but in fact if deformation of space-time geometry does occur, it is a manifestation of action at a distance instead being a
mediator. If they say matter emits graviton that change the geometry of space, then the problem of how graviton can escape a black hole is still a
If the geometry of space can be really be changed then space is not just a void but should be regarded as something that is not a void.
Using the existence of gravitational field in flat space near matter to explain gravity is most sensible.
Asserting that the flat space near matter is imparted with a stressed by gravitational field without displacement or change of shape of the space but
a change to the property of the space to explain gravity is still acceptable but meaningless because it is impossible to prove whether the
gravitational pull was caused directly by the field or by the alleged stress of space,
But the explanation that space near matter is bended, curved, wrapped or having a changed geometry is bad science as they all imply displacement of
space which does not occur at all, at least in the macro world.
Einstein should have just used gravitatinal field to explain gravity and faced the challenge to explain how gravitational field or gravitons can be
emitted from black holes.