posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 03:06 PM
I am wondering:
if you build a mini cities/ bases miles underground for around roughly 500,000 people and according to certain experts with a high degree of
sophistication ability to survive for years not months underground. Tie in the so called 'tunnels' which connect according to some countries never
mind states, with high speed transport tied in.
If you believe that this has happened, then it must have happened for a reason, not just on the off chance something might happen, I am guessing
someone knows or is planning something.
1. Natural catastrophe
2. A planned re balance of the population to a sustainable level.
3. Alien attack.
4. Space based disaster/ sun or asteroid
Then if your up top so to speak then no B.O.B. is going to help.
Anyway whats the point of this musing well I am still after thoughts on why build DUMBs and why so many in the USA and not in other countries (at
least I dont hear or read much about other nations going crazy and spending trillions on underground bases).
So Do you believe they are real
What is there purpose
How soon will they be used
What will be the sign they are being filled (so to speak) trains disappearing into mountains?
Anyone interested.
I find this the most important subject and I feel we have a opportunity to highlight thius if we find just one then if you prove one you prove them
Last point a bit radical do you support the need to reduce the population by natural means - chinas one child rule or by force - is it truly the
biggest threat to humanity and the fact our resources are diminishing will it drive organisations to take drastic action.