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This is the source of conflict and war in the world.

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posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 09:00 AM
I still believe oil and religion are the mayor source and maybe a little bit about which piece of land is from whom. this can be solved by science that is true. so thats why we have to go ahead with the plans of pres. bush. Tech for collonisation and relocation.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 09:11 AM
i see the source of conflict in this thread, varying ideas and opinions and the lack of acceptance that others dont, wont or cant see things from your own point of view.

thats the wonderful thing about opinions, they come from our own point of view and are never wrong. they are not facts.

basically its people who dont wont or cant accept the fact not everyone is going to think like them look like them act like them believe like them want like them need like them feel like them. people usually either deal with it for what it is and accept the fact that noone may ever see things their way or they close their minds off to others as they feel this behavior is justified ("well if you wont think like me and see things my way i dont want to see things your way either!") and then wallow in this ugly ignorant quagmire they created for themselves and this is usually where certain groups of people get together to burn crosses or convince eachother that there's a conspiracy behind every little thing.

basically irrational behavior from not knowing how to accept the fact others disagree with them.

[Edited on 17-1-2004 by ThePrankMonkey]

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 09:30 AM
right on bandit.......people learn to to hate and fear...or are taught how to hate and fear and not accept others. humans have the intuitive want to help each other and themselves but unfourtunatly they usually don't experience that untill a 110 story tower drops on their head or a tornado rips thru their town. humans are so concerned with making $$ and getting ahead, we have forgotten how to live a truly fulll life. i'm not saying that we should all divide up our belongings and $$ and disperes it amongst everyone. when is the last time u talked to your neighbor or had a discussion with a stranger. we live amongst thousands but only interact with a few. people are afraid today..i am a male and go for walks in the neighbor hood. no one says 'hi' on the rare chance that we pass on the sidewalk..even though i smile and say 'hi'..most of the time they cross the street to avoid passing someone....that is our society today....sorta sad

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 10:30 AM
excellent thread, me. thank you, me!

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey
basically its people who dont wont or cant accept the fact not everyone is going to think like them look like them act like them believe like them want like them need like them feel like them.

That is not what I am talking about and I explained that already in the second page. What I am saying is this. According to the latest scientific theories that were made
indepenently from each other, We are all one. In no way does that mean that we can't be different.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 11:14 AM
I'm not sure what you all are looking into, but nature itself is all about separation and conflict. Not least of which is the inner driving force of hunger which causes most of the world's conflict between animals and between animals and humans. Territory/shelter is the second driving force. Sex is the third strong driving force of separation. To think that its only man that thinks of ourselves as individuals is not how it works. All creatures great and small, and even plants, compete to survive on a daily basis. We think exactly how we are supposed to think and act in this reality because of these driving forces. There is no being at one with anything while being alive. Death certainly evens things out as everything ceases to exist at that stage, but while you are alive, you are very much alone/separate/individualistic. To go against this is directly at conflict with how life itself works.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey
basically its people who dont wont or cant accept the fact not everyone is going to think like them look like them act like them believe like them want like them need like them feel like them.

That is not what I am talking about and I explained that already in the second page. What I am saying is this. According to the latest scientific theories that were made
indepenently from each other, We are all one. In no way does that mean that we can't be different.

doesnt strike me as being profound or gound breaking. we're all humans but because of our upbringing, enviroment, friends, education, etc we are all unique. this is not new to me, i've known this for a long time.

but what i said applies here. there are those who cannot or will not accept another person based on a gazillion criteria, color, intelligence, religion, opinion, hair color, hair style, clothes, etc. and how they react is one of two ways, with indifference or with hostility. seems more and more are choosing the latter more than the former. this especially holds true with politicial social and religious issues. why do you think so many wars have been fought? if you look at each war and the reasons for those wars it wasnt because they recognized the other side was different but also like them. it was because of social political and/or religious reasons. (there are exceptions to this rule, the world being what it is, nothing is set in stone)

people's inability to cope with someone have a differing opinion/idea even way of life from their own is what creates war hostility suffering small mindedness bigotry and hatred. they'd rather focus on those differences more than the similarities they may share.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 11:30 AM
i know where your coming from bandit, im also and avid believer in Bohm's holographic universe theory. if you compare every experience you have with its implications in this theory, it makes sense exponentially

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 11:33 AM

The source of evil in the world? It's so easy that no one is seeing it. The source of every crime, malicious act, lie and deception, whether it be murder, theft, conning, vandalism or whatever stems from SELFISHNESS. That's it. Humans, when it comes down to it are selfish by nature as we are always looking to better our situations. Some of it is probably part of our instinct to survive. But this is true. Satan takes advantage of, or uses this weakness of ours and tries to make us give in to it, which we do all the time. But whether you believe that Satan exists or not, it doesn't change the point about selfishness. I challenge someone to try and think of a crime that is unselfish. (I apologize if someone already said something similar and I missed it.)

A collective consciousness?
Whatever. What is the proof? We all are the same in terms that we all have minds, souls and bodies, but they are not linked to others. Just because some scientists are trying(keyword) to prove this, doesn't mean much at all. It is just some idea that is exciting or new to think about, but don't let the fact that it might be cool if it were true influence you. Inotherwords, don't start believing in something just because you WANT it to be true for whatever reason. You will just decieve yourself, and put yourself at a disadvantage.

That's the simpletruth

[Edited on 17-1-2004 by SimpleTruth]

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey

people's inability to cope with someone have a differing opinion/idea even way of life from their own is what creates war hostility suffering small mindedness bigotry and hatred. they'd rather focus on those differences more than the similarities they may share.

Only one question: What's the underlying source of that???

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by SimpleTruth

The source of evil in the world? It's so easy that no one is seeing it. The source of every crime, malicious act, lie and deception, whether it be murder, theft, conning, vandalism or whatever stems from SELFISHNESS.

Once again... Satan is a creation by the zoroeastrian religion. Nothing more.

A collective consciousness?
Whatever. What is the proof? We all are the same in terms that we all have minds, souls and bodies, but they are not linked to others. Just because some scientists are trying(keyword) to prove this, doesn't mean much at all.

In body and mind it has already been proven (and I repeat: the different scientific experiments and theories have been made independently of each other yet they still reach to the same conclusion, which also gives scientific support to what ancient religions, including christian have already known for thousands of years. The proof that all bodies and other physical objects come from the same source has been verified by multiple and different scientific institutions and experiments.

Here's information about the global consciousness project, and they have some intriguing data:

It is just some idea that is exciting or new to think about, but don't let the fact that it might be cool if it were true influence you.

It's known for thousands of years already by different eastern religions. And it's also in the gospel of thomas, verse 3.

Inotherwords, don't start believing in something just because you WANT it to be true for whatever reason. You will just decieve yourself, and put yourself at a disadvantage.

No, I've seen the same thing in different religions, different books and then I started to find the scientific experiments and publications which supported it. Even some of the early christian religions supported it.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 05:07 PM

You do have a point there. But the scientific evidence and support of different religions is still there.

I can give a totally different explanation for this, but it's from what I've read in different books. Namely that the Source (God or whatever) split itself a near infinite amount of times so it could be able to experience everything and know itself more. Just like a fish having to experience being out of the water for it to know that it has been in the water for it's entire life. And just like how unity can not be experienced without individuality and seperation. You can't know above without knowing below and you can't know left without knowing right.
All that you, the animals, plants & myself experience is in a deeper sense nothing more than the source experiencing different aspects of itself. This is also known by the ancient religions.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey

people's inability to cope with someone have a differing opinion/idea even way of life from their own is what creates war hostility suffering small mindedness bigotry and hatred. they'd rather focus on those differences more than the similarities they may share.

Only one question: What's the underlying source of that???

human nature is my best guess. i've caught myself doing it and i know full well i wasnt raised that way and i didnt associate with anyone who acted that way. i grew up in a fairly liberal kind of environment, i wasnt taught that others who think look or acted differently were somehow evil or wrong, i was taught to judge a person based on character, how they acted, how they conducted themselves, how they treated others. i grew up seeing different kinds of people hearing different points of view. but i have still caught myself growing defensive and even hostile in certain situations but i wasnt taught to act that way. i knew better but still, the fact it was even happening shocked me. its a defense mechanism we all have. how we react to it is what makes us seem accepting or intolerant.

i'm me, noone else can be me and i cant be anyone but me. and i love that. i love the fact i am a unique person. i love the fact we are all unique yet all the same in some ways. but i'd be a liar if i said i never acted or felt a certain way when faced with a different point of view or a person who looked different from me or acted different from me. i want to say part of that comes from societal conditioning. not everyone is universally accepted by society, lets be honest. its not even something some of us want to be feected by but we cant help it, we are social creatures and that leaches into our psyches and becomes a part of our subconcious.

we discriminate, animals dont. animals view every other living thing as either a potential meal or a threat to their next meal, plain and simple. we view each other as threats according to the most rediculous notins one could imagine. even tattoos and piercings catch the ire of people. yet the wearers of them are still people.

WE are the source of conflict and war, as those conflicts and wars are waged by us and our stupid shallow ideas and concepts society teaches us whether we pay attention or not.

i hate society!

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