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Chemical to blanket city

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posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 02:37 PM

They slipped this under our noses, and later tonight, state sanctioned Chemtrails will be dropped over the city i am living in.

A couple weeks ago, news came out that Fresno county had begun doning these sprays to combate west nile and mosquetos

The reasoning seemed to go like this, "well fresno is doing it, why aren't we, now quicker then you can imagine, it been turned around, and now they don't even have to be convert to pour chemicals on us.

For those in Bakersfield California, tonight at about 830 the skys will be filled with chemicals.

I am unsure what i am going to do, one part of me tells me to stay, and observe the contrails, and see it they differ then the chemtrails that we have spweed into our air on a daily basis. The other part of me tells me to get the hell of the city for the night. Head for the hills.

Also, the chemical they are using is Pyrethrin, an extract from chrysanthemum plants, i don't like this measure, 2 poeople have died from west nile, so we are going to expose over the 1 million occupaints(not citizens, well you would know if you lived here) of the county. So thats right, a very small fraction of less then 1% of the populaition.

This is a low level toxin that is "harmful to fish, but less toxic to mammals and birds" Well, im glad that i will be bathed in something that is only slightly toxic, and something taht is alot worse.

Also "For humans, pyrethrin is known to irritate eyes, skin, and respiratory systems"

Doesn't that sound nice

[edit on 8/9/2007 by TKainZero]

[edit on 8/9/2007 by TKainZero]

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 02:42 PM

"People won't even notice the spraying," she said.

Wonder what kind of aircraft they are going to use? Altitude? If we can figure it out, take some pictures so we can compare that with other chemtrails. This truly is a chemtrail. lol

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 02:45 PM
You have a valid reason to be concerned if you're talking about your body's possible reaction. If you have a doctor, it would be advisable to consult him/her about this.

Besides that, I don't think you have much to worry about.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Quasar

"People won't even notice the spraying," she said.

Wonder what kind of aircraft they are going to use? Altitude? If we can figure it out, take some pictures so we can compare that with other chemtrails. This truly is a chemtrail. lol

Yea i thought that was odd too, becuase i see contrail in our sky on a daily basis, today there are not any visible contrail in the sky as of now, just of standard smog cover that blocks a nice % of light, i think i might move over the the west hills and see if i can the trails.

Other strange qutoes form article

For more information about the aerial spraying, call [661] 868-0367. Anyone sensitive to chemicals should consult their doctor.

Sensitive to chemtrails, how are we supposed to know this, until now the stance of goverments is to tottaly disreguard the existence of chemtrails, and the implications of the everyday chemtrails, now they are infusing this type of activity in the daily life of our people, make chemtrails sounds not dangourous.

The talk on the local radio seems againt this, the entire area has just had this droppped on them, and theres nothing we can realy do about it.

[edit on 8/9/2007 by TKainZero]

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 02:47 PM
Was this for yesterday? This stories date is Wednesday, Aug 8 2007 8:25 PM

They only gave 5 minutes notice?

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Quasar
Was this for yesterday? This stories date is Wednesday, Aug 8 2007 8:25 PM

They only gave 5 minutes notice?

LOL, im sure they would like to do that, the article apears in todays paper, it may have been finnished yesterday and posted onto the web yesterday. The sparaying is definatly happening tonight, at about 830

Ill snap pictures, and i will tell other local people of this site, if they want to state thier displeasure.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 03:11 PM
Can i please see a picture of this... I would like to see if it looks like a 'chemtrail' ... I imagine it would but... this seems odd to me.

How can people deny aerosol spraying saying things like "there is no planes equip with that technology." and "show me a picture of a plane with spray nozzle"

If this were my city, I would be protesting! Did they honestly give you 5 minutes notice lol? thats a joke!

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 03:12 PM
The spraying can take place in two forms, using small cessna type spraying planes, or 737 like chemtrail planes. If it is the latter, then this would mean that they already have these planes kitted out. This doesn't happen overnight, which may prove important evidence for the chemtrail debate.....

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 03:12 PM
Back around 1990, they sprayed Los Angeles to erradicate a fruit fly (forget the name) that was supposedly threatening agriculture. At about 7:00 a.m., I heard a loud rumbling approaching, looked outside, and there were 3 or 4 military-looking helicopters side-by-side, pumping it out.

They said it was perfectly safe for humans, but told everyone to cover their cars as the spray might eat away the finish. After seeing how effectively they can blanket every square inch of a city, if there was ever a repeat, I'd make sure I was out of town for a couple days.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 03:45 PM
"perfectly safe for humans... might eat away the finish of your car"
Now thats an oxymoron! This is making me angry!

Heres a link to a youtube video on the matter...

It is mentioned that they told people to take patio furniture indoors and that that was incorrect and it wasn't necessary. So.. I guess it was experimental the 'first time'... I don't want to be an experiment!!

EDIT: the video isn't the spraying going on near you but, its still the same.

[edit on 8/9/0707 by Bumr055]

[edit on 8/9/0707 by Bumr055]

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:22 AM
These sparys that took place did not leave the normal contrail that you see higher in the atsomphere. The video that you posted is not the same Chemical, the chemical used in the video is aimed at adult mosquetos, and what was sprayed on our county was aimed at Mosqueto Larva.

The craft that droped the chemoicals was a small aricraft, a cessna type vehical, im not an aircraft expert. This happen just at dusk, so it was hard to see the effects.

Tommorow will be intresting to see the effects that the spray had

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by Bumr055
How can people deny aerosol spraying saying things like "there is no planes equip with that technology." and "show me a picture of a plane with spray nozzle"

Nobody has denied that there are planes that spray chemicals. What is being denied is that there are thousands of military and commercial planes out there with spray kits just spraying away over all these cities and not one person has figured it out, that works near them, or can show actual evidence of it.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 05:17 AM
Thanks TKain for bringing up the topic.
It is disturbing at the least.
As far as I have been able to dig in to this there is no research depicting the long term effects of human exposure to any chemicals, natural or synthetic, distributed in this manner.
This viewed upon my presumption that the population is not in all cases informed, we are probably exposed much more often, with out a chance to protest or take proper precautions.

Giving, even a days notice is ridiculous, and insulting. These events are presumably well planned, could be and should be notified publicly and broad casted in every news source, months in advance.
We are properly advised of naturally occurring random weather situations and how to approach them.
Should we not have a choice to seek education in this matter?
It is an insult.

The question isn't safety, it is that we have no voice in this, we have become diminished to mere lab rats.

This is beyond my intelligence. Crop dusting is performed carefully to not target human habitat. Not that I condone any type of chemical alteration/manipulation of our environment.
Crop dusting performances are strictly regulated to not harm humans, directly.

These "agents" will remain on the surface of every thing in the their path and presumably have an almost total coverage as they are air-born. They do not "politely" refrain from entering your living quarters.

Even a minute dosage can cause an allergic reaction to a person whom is intolerant to the agent in question, what ever it may be at a given time.
This person will not be able to avoid it, protect himself nor find the source.

Too early for ranting, now I am ready for java.


posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 05:28 AM
'Chemtrails' exist at heights in excess of 20,000ft ....... So if anyone can prove that this spraying operation takes place at that altitude or higher, and that the immediate effect is a steady blanketing over of the sky with what looks to meteorological observers like cirrostratus, then you've finally won the debate

On the other hand, if that doesn't happen .......

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 03:48 PM
I was visiting with some friends today, in two diffret groups of people this topic came up, they could not belive that they were spraying chemicals on us. One of my friends was realy mad, he just found out this mourning on the news, he called ans started yelling at the people, they gave a phone # to file complaints.

The issue with the chemtrails higher in the altiude is disturbing, but this act is horribly, they just come out and say "were pouring chemicals on you"

Everyone is in shock that this happen

also, the spraying took place just a few hundred meters above the ground

Here is a link to the area that was sprayed if you are intrested, it covers about 70-80 of the enitre city, and only over the city. The river is a dry river bed, just to let you know.

[edit on 8/10/2007 by TKainZero]

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:03 PM
well it sure doesnt sound like its something i would want to sprayed from above with. but what can you do about it? i guess little to nothing, really, short of moving to another country. or you could always write your congressmen or senator but i doubt it would resolve much if anything at all.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:20 PM
My property lies right along a wetland and we can have outrageous mosquito problems. I salt the wetlands with mosquito dunks (bt) twice a season and the county does airborne spraying twice a season (once early with a larvicide (also bt) and a second time (around now with an adulticide: sumithrin) to control adults and stop EEE. In our area they use helicopters at low altitude. It would be pointless (not to mention expensive) to spray at high altutude where contrails/chemtrails would be seen.

I'm comfortable enough with the spraying that I invite the county onto my property to use their ULV (ultra low volume) truck mounted cold sprayers that use sumithrin at less than 0.5oz/acre. When I notice the population surging I email them and they come out in the middle of the night. I'm personally convinced that the sumithrin is far less of a threat than EEE and the other organisms potentially carried by these buggars.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by jtma508 It would be pointless (not to mention expensive) to spray at high altutude where contrails/chemtrails would be seen.

I'm comfortable enough with the spraying that I invite the county onto my property to use their ULV (ultra low volume) truck mounted cold sprayers that use sumithrin at less than 0.5oz/acre.

Instead of spraying over a wetlands like in your area, this was a 4 hour blanket on the city from several hundred meters up. It was 0.76 oz/acre with the chemical i detailed above.

And good going for doing a great job getting those little buggers.

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