posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 07:35 PM
You will most likely not get a reasonable answer. Even this site has those who discredit those who may see through the fog.
But I will try. Putin and any leader present and future will bow to the Globalist idea. Pleas refer to the enrollment of all leaders of industry and
nations for the last 100 years who are members in the following:
1. Trilats
2. Council on Foriegn Relations- it is fascinating that a majority of state department and DOD officials since 1921 have been members of this
3. Lucis Trust (Kissinger, McNamara ad nauseum)
4. and ofcourse, the real bugaboo in the room-
Really, though. Take a peek into those who belong and then research those names and their degree of membership. Not all who hold membership in these
orgs are
"arch conspiracists" and do not have a clue as to the top leaderships motives or occult beliefs.