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Idea for ATS Mix Video Podcasts

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posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 12:13 PM
Oi Mates,

I have an idea for if and when ATS Mix goes to video.

With the old audio-only podcasts, you could use puppets on a green-screen, and then re-enact interviews, segments, and so forth, with the puppets. I'd love to see, for instance, a puppet re-enactment of John Lear's stories. And you could even toss in ATS users by using their avatars, and cutting at the mouth to make their heads flap a la South Park. Since it'd be on a green screen, the background would be easy enough to change as well. All you'd have to worry about are sock puppets for the primary characters involved, props, and whatever goes on the green screen.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 01:14 PM
Sock puppets, thats nice

The mix is already boarderline on its content, seeming to be more of a shock jock type of mentality then and actuly investigating show. Its more Don & Mike, then Coast to Coast.

What could have been a hard line approach to a sensitive and downplayed subject, insteed is a juviniele show that seems more intrested in shooting off one liners then trying to get out some information.

IMHO this show is not doing anything to advance the stance on this subject from something of a joke to a serious topic. This show is only reenforcing the misnomers and the 'childlike' atsmophere that we are trying to remove from this subject.

Go ahead jazz it up, do one liners and fart jokes, throw puppets in there and its a new version of crank yankers, way to go.

I hope these people get seroius at some point, or they get some seroius people....

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by TKainZero
The mix is already boarderline on its content, seeming to be more of a shock jock type of mentality then and actuly investigating show. Its more Don & Mike, then Coast to Coast.

Eh? When was it ever stated that ATSMix was going to be a serious hardliner show? Not that I don't think a -serious- show on ATS subjects wouldn't be a great idea, cause I think it would be, but I don't recall ATSMix even hinting at a pretense that it was going to be something other than entertainment primarily for ATS members.

To be honest, if there's a type of podcast on ATS that is missing, that you want to hear, then your best bet is to make one rather than denigrate the work of others. And if you knew anything of Dave Rabbit's history, (the inspiration behind the radio sketches in "Good Morning Vietnam") you'd know that a "serious, somber podcast" really isn't his cuppa.

Like I said, though, and I do mean this with all sincerity, because if there's one thing ATS thrives on, it's diversity, if you don't like what's available to listen to, make your own, and set the bar for "serious" podcasting.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by thelibra

Originally posted by TKainZero
The mix is already boarderline on its content, seeming to be more of a shock jock type of mentality then and actuly investigating show. Its more Don & Mike, then Coast to Coast.

Eh? When was it ever stated that ATSMix was going to be a serious hardliner show? but I don't recall ATSMix even hinting at a pretense that it was going to be something other than entertainment primarily for ATS members.

I was just expecting the best, from the site of the best and the brightest. i don't know the style you are refering to, im in my early 20's, and in my lifetime i want to see the subjects at hand on these boards to be taken, and examined in a compltly diffrent manner and light then they are today. I guess i should not have been expecting podcast of informative information, laced with well tought out commentary, that uses logic, as well as our vast supply of digital experts to take a "hardlook" at some things discused on these boards.

Like I said, though, and I do mean this with all sincerity, because if there's one thing ATS thrives on, it's diversity, if you don't like what's available to listen to, make your own, and set the bar for "serious" podcasting.

Mabye that is an evdevor that i could persue, i have no idea how, but im young so i should be able to figure that out automaticly... also on a mac, and can't upload to the show... at least not on first glance as it was specifed windows only...

I am also sorry if i ofended you, or other people assoiated with the show, i guess the show just doesn't ring true in a style i can be used too.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by TKainZero
I was just expecting the best, from the site of the best and the brightest.

Ah, but one man's trash is another man's treasure.

There's a few things to consider in regards to ATSMix.

1.) They need frequent content. Making a show, even a half-hour show, is a lot of work. I mean a LOT of work. You have to come up with research, content, bits, flavor music, sounds, get permissions for sources, and up until Show #9, they had to do all the post-production work, which is a LOT. Dave and Johnny offer ATS two shows a week. That's a LOT of work for a regular podcast.

2.) To the best of my knowledge, they don't get paid for it, even if they joke about those "big fat government paychecks." As far as I know this is entirely a volunteer effort.

3.) Most shows have a whole team of writers, producers, actors, hype, etc. This is pretty much just Dave and Johnny, and whoever they could get for an interview or debate.

So, to be honest, it's kind of amazing there's an ATS Mix at all.

More later, but my shift just ended at work, and I want to get home.

Originally posted by TKainZero
I am also sorry if i ofended you, or other people assoiated with the show, i guess the show just doesn't ring true in a style i can be used too.

No worries. I'm not offended, nor am I part of the show. I just know from my own experience, how bloody hard it is to do a good, quality podcast, that isn't just some guy sitting in front of a mic saying "ummm... uh... ummm... power to the people!"

Now, I forgot to recommend this last post, but if you are looking for some serious material, you might check out some of Justin Oldham's podcasts. He's got a lot of 'spect knuckles. And if you like science related topics or "radio-lab" type shows, you might like mine, but since I can only do at best, one a month, you won't have a lot to listen to.

The sheer prolific quantity and audio quality of podcasts from ATS Mix is one of the reasons I have so much respect for it, whether or not I laugh (which I often do). I certainly could not put out two 30+ minute podcasts a week.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 07:38 PM

Thanks for your input. As I tell all my worthless attorneys, we will take it under advisement. First off, the shows are split up into two shows... one for the regular shows and one for interviews only, if they exist. Anyway.... we were given a concept by the The Three Amigos to do what we are doing right now. What you may not realize, is that we are not trying to simply entertain our home here at ATS, but get millions of people worldwide EXPOSED to what ATS is all about who have never heard of it. Unlike Coast to Coast which is pretty straight down the line..... we attempt to bring a little levity to the ATS subject matter that might, just might, make someone visit our home here at ATS and stick around awhile.

IF the ATS MIX show was meant to ONLY entertain the troops here at ATS, I would tend to agree with you. And, if that were the case, Springer and Skeptic Overlord would still be doing their thing.

Again, we appreciate your comments and suggestions..... but our mission is to bring NEW BLOOD to ATS and make our SERIOUS SUBJECTS somewhat humorous. Judging by the feeds that I have established over 18 months with my Dave Rabbit re-emergence..... I think we are accomplishing this goal as the ATS MIX show has gone as high as number 49 OVERALL worldwide just in a few weeks.

Thanks again.


[edit on 8/8/2007 by Dave Rabbit]

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 10:14 PM
What Dave said.

And hey, Dave, how 'bout them puppets? Eh?

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 11:31 PM

I told Johnny about the Puppet thing and he laughed his buttocks off. So, as long as we can pay the puppet actors in ATS POINTS, I think we are good to go.


[edit on 8/8/2007 by Dave Rabbit]

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 12:37 AM
Everything I've heard on the Mix so far has been a blend of serious and funny. I'm all for the serious, but why can't we have a dose of the funny? We all need to remember that the ATS Mix is still new and growing. We're seeing something that is making every effort to be original. It's going to be a while before we see this project come in to its full bloom.

When we look back one year from today, we'll be able to see the evolution of this platform and what it might eventually become. I have limited experience in radio, but my hard knocks have taught me that much. We can't know what they are planning, but we can give "the guys" our feeback.

I have my suspicions about where this is all headed, and I think they've got the right idea. We can be honest and constructive, but we should also be tolerant. We'd be wrong to judge this project before it has had a chance to get off the ground.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 01:54 AM
I understand the need to infuse hummor with the seroius subjects, but i think extreme cation should be used, it is this hummrous slant on this subject that has driven us to this site, as a safe haven from the roars of laughter and the scrunity that people recive when they bring up the idea of EBE's, or UFO's.

I am glad to see ATS begin to take strinds in new and dangourous directions, with the new advertising on C2C, and i hope this ATS mix is the 1st jump into the podcast/news media that ATS takes on. Idealy, in the future we could have a ATSNN (ATS News Network) Wouldn't that be amazing.

I think ATS is the greatest forum of our time, a place were free thinking rains supreme, if SOcrates, and Plato were alive today, this is were they would be, not on the alphabet news media, they would be here, feelig the edge's opf what is, could be, and is way to crazy to be true

I can only hope that ATS willl have succes with this projet, and that succes will surely help other shows get off the ground. (isn't critizizm suposed to be healthly, the worst thing i could hear when i was doing theature was to hear what we perforemed was "nice" it is far better to be ripped to shreds with complaints and new ideas, this shows that the person clearly has a passion, but would like to see it become better.)

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 12:22 PM
TKainzero, I can see your point. The ATS Mix guys are laughing WITH us, not at us. As an actor, I'm sure you can appreciate the distinction. Any subject can be funny once you "get it" from the inside. These guys don't spend any time explaining themselves. They know what you know. They're on your page, and they read what's on ATS just like the rest of us do. Their humor comes from our side of the tracks, as it were.

I can be funny in person, in a flexible and spontanious way. I can NOT sit down in front of a microphone and be funny. It's just not in me. Wit and humor are not the same things. When they ask us to make contributions, we can be as serious as we wnat. Some ATS members who have the gift can be funny. Those of us who can't be funny on demand should leave the humor to the professinals.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 06:28 PM

The LAST THING people want is another "Two people talking to themselves", ZERO ENTERTAINMENT, broadcast of these topics.

When I say "people" I mean those who do NOT have a clue what's happening in this world, people who buy what the MSM feed and sell them. Unfortunately that is the best part of 90% of the population.

Now, if we are to attract them to the reality do we simply duplicate something that has been done before and FAILED to bring the "average Joe" into our mind space? NOPE.

We need to market to the masses, in the hope they will come for the entertainment and start to really LOOK at and UNDERSTAND the rest.

To think you can attract the average person to these topics with "serious and somber" entertainment less produce is to utterly misunderstand the "average person" who only laughs at these topics now BECAUSE they have no sense of humor or sense of HUMANITY in their presentation now. In other words, the "average person" laughs at us and our ideas because they are CLUELESS of the validity many of these topics have. The ONLY way they will ever get a clue is to look into it for themselves. They will never look into it unless they are attracted in the first place.

ATSMIX is the answer to all this somber, horridly Unattractive to the average person, attempt at getting them interested and their EYES OPENED.

You don't get many flies with salt my friend.


[edit on 8-9-2007 by Springer]

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 06:42 PM
I'm no media-whiz, but how about a regular short segment that does feature "ATS News-Rated" items with an editorial component? A few minutes a month? Structure it after a MSM "news" show as a semi-satirical lampoon chock full of info and double-entendre, or not. Perhaps use This Hour Has 60 Minutes or the Mercer Report for some ideas.



[edit on 9-8-2007 by V Kaminski]

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 01:44 AM
I'd like to follow up on what Springer said, just for a moment. As a self-employed self-promoting self-starter, I understand the ATS position all too well. There is no market and certainly no bank in speaking from an alternate perspective to an alternate perspective. Preaching to the choire does not pay. ATS can't market itself to its members and make payroll. It's got to talk to "everybody" with the goal of capturing interest...and market share.

How do you do that? First, you take the edge off. Make your subject attractive and un-scary. Make it easy for people to understand you, and they'll spend more time listening. Answer their qustions, and they'll come back for more. Keep on informing them in a way that they like, and they'll tell their friends. This project will be tuned and tweaked over time. Don't let these early efforts discourage you.

In my own professional life, I'm doing some of what the ATS crew is doing. I know from experience that carving out a niche is h-h-hard. Cut the Amigos some slack and give them time to work this out. I started from nothing with nothing, so I have a lot of sympathy for them just now.

Grab your microphones and start making those podcasts that Dave and Johnny ask for. Learn what you need to know and get ready to participate in this video thing. If you don't get your hands dirty with this, you won't really be in a position to gripe.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:14 AM
The ATS mix can offer a "hook" to someone that is not familiar with the subject. Allowing for a non-formal disscusion of these type of events.

After a person becomes, 'hooked' then i belive that they are goiong to look for something to sink thier teeth into. Once they reach that point, they are were the majority of our members are, in a posistion of wanting more, and evidence, i just out of reach.

I like what Kaminski said below, on a monthly report, im not sure on the MSN refrence, as i stopped watching TV quite some time ago, and was in my mere infant state when i was well aware that the alphabet news channels, have nothing to offer.

Could theier be a possiblility of a show, where the premise is to obvserve these events in a reasonable and ordly manner. Things that could be highlighted in a show could range on a vairty of type of subjects. We could have a section that would examine the classic UFO case stories, such are Rosewell, Battle of Los Angeles, O'hare 06, ect. Breaking down these events would be benificary to all members, leaving them insight on the events.

Anouther segment could be 'how to spot a fake' a segmanet that would help our members, givening them the ussaly signs of video/phtoto fakery. Others could be , 'Greatest HoaX's pf all time' segment were we look into some of the more popular hoax's that plauge the subject that we are in. This database of hoaxs that we would break down would be amazing, and helpful, it would also cut down on the threads that pop up with the same de-bunked photoage over and over.

These are just ideas that are coming out of my head at the momment, but not only do i belive that we have a base audience for the serious exporation of this subject, but i belive that we can be ground-breakers on this subject.

*** i just saw the theme song "Hoax-Busters" top the tune of ghoastbusters.... you could alter the lyrics a little bit, and it would be perfect, "when theres something wierd, in the sky, who ya going call, Hoax-Busters"

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 04:22 PM

You bring up some great concepts and some, quite frankly, that I would think would be GREAT for "The Owner's Box" segments which premier every other week. We have Simon coming up..... why not go there with some questions for him about SPOTTING A HOAX, etc.

Thanks again for your input.


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