posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 09:41 AM
I can only guess what I actually saw -- and yes, the whole incident may have an innocent explanation. But my smell sensor is working overtime on
this, and what I witnessed just doesn't fit into the "innocent" catagory.
For those of you from Atlanta, many of the roadways I'm about to mention will be familiar to you. And perhaps I wasn't the only ATSer to witness
this today.
I was just merging onto I-85 South from Steve Reynolds Blvd. around 9:30 this morning when I almost immediately noticed a white and blue "Federal
Police Homeland Security" SUV cruising in the far left lane. This caught my attention because I never have seen one before, let alone knew that
Homeland Security had its own police force with vehicles. While on the tail end of the morning rush hour, with traffic easing up, the SUV was still
traveling very precariously for the conditions, so it wasn't doing much to "blend in," if you know what I mean.
Which is why I spotted the other interesting aspect: A black Crown Victoria or Grand Marquis with very tinted windows, tags from Hall County and two
obvious communication aerials attached to the trunk, hauling a$# to keep a tail on the SUV. I suspect the car was an unmarked, but given the local
tag -- particularly from a more rural county north of the city -- I am guessing it could be either local law enforcement or GBI. Maybe I'm wrong,
who knows.
What was perplexing were these two cars were gaming each other, playing cat-and-mouse. The SUV -- still going an estimated 70 or so -- would deftly
change lanes and within say five or 10 seconds, the unmarked would follow. For those visualizing this, yes, I was speeding to keep up.
For now, we can just maybe chalk this up to two law enforcement officers heading to base somewhere and feeling the need to push the envelope of
federal highway regulations. I had that conclusion until they reached what we Atlantans popularly call Spaghetti Junction.
The SUV, maneuvered into the third lane to the right, which would position him to exit from I-85 and onto I-285 heading east. The unmarked
immediately followed. And then the eye-opening shocker happened.
The SUV literally waited for the very last second, cut across a lined island, and merged into the second to right lane which then placed him on the
exit ramp of I-285 heading West. But the SUV timed this move to cut the unmarked off from following by very nearly skimming a median wall.
I was stunned. A Homeland Security Police truck ditched what I guess to be an unmarked police car tail! What the hell???
My path led me to I-285 west, so I was following the SUV. Unfortunately, by the time it merged onto 285, the driver really started to haul it, going
85 or 90 in the far left. I lost sight of it somewhere near Ashford Dunwoody Road. As for the unmarked, I notice it brake after the SUV swerved over
to another exit ramp, kinda hesitate for a moment, and then continued on to the 285 east exit.
I really don't know what to make of it, let alone where a post like this should go. I have one theory: Perhaps the unmarked was an officer in
training, assigned to do his best to tail the SUV? Do Federal officers do that kind of training on public roadways?
Anyone else have any ideas?