posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 12:36 PM
Here's the story from this tv news:
The tv channel is "TelePordenone" , they say they has been the first to show this material on 24/7/2004.
This video has been sent to an italian ufologist, Antonio Chiumiento, who appears in the tv studio.
He says he received the videocassette on july 22, 2004 with the following message attached: "I've seen the ufo in 2003, i'm scared and i don't
want nothing other." Next day Chiumiento went on TelePordenone to make a public request to the author of the video to show up, but nothing has
In the following months (or years?) the TelePordenone staff said they have received an e-mail from two students of a "multimedial school" in which
they claim to have made the video, but no proofs in support were given.
The ufologist Chiumiento says he doesn't believe the video is true, because of a too high detail in the object. The ufologist and the TelePordenone
staff, still asks to the authors to show how they made the video.
Looking at this hig-res version of the video (that probably is the first or second generation) it seems a fake also to me. But not for the ufo's
detail but for the movements of the object that are not in sync with the background for more than one time.
Anyway i'd like to see a deep video analysis of the video from experts, if they exists.
[edit on 7-8-2007 by mystr]
[edit on 7-8-2007 by mystr]