posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 12:15 AM
Today microsoft word kept showing a grammatical mistake when I typed the tautology nothing is nothing. It suggests I replace the second nothing with
anything. Nothing is anything.
Scientists see no boundary to the Universe, no center of expansion, nor do they know what the Universe is supposed to be expanding into. But it’s
both necessary and contradictory for there to exist infinite nothing outside a finite Universe. Thereby inflationary cosmology’s potential
something they call nothing defies its definition upon existence. The only reconciliation is to agree with my word processor. Nothing isn’t
nothing. Nothing is anything, and the anything’s infinite.
Now, this is important. Big bang theorists think the Universe is finite yet began as an infinitely dense, hot and infinitesimally small singularity.
The theory also maintains that since then, the Universe has been expanding and cooling. This means shortly after the space-time singularity, certain
aspects of the Universe (heat, density, and size) somehow changed from infinite to finite. We must either accept this mathematical impossibility, or
that space-time singularities are extremely small, hot, and dense, but are not infinitely so. And if this is true, it means at some measurable heat,
size and density, all physical laws break down. Like at 100 googolplex degrees, 100 googolplex grams per negative cubic centimeter all laws of
temperature and density hold, but at 100 googolplex and 1, everything changes allowing space-time itself to enter or exit existence.
Big bang theorists also think the Universe is between 10 and 20 billion years old, yet We’ve recently discovered huge galaxies and quasars 15
billion light-years away from Us. Based on Einstein and Hubble’s own equations, this means that fifteen billion years ago, the fabric of space-time
was stretched at least 15 billion light-years across, and gigantic celestial bodies were already formed. These are both quite incompatible with
current inflationary cosmology. To top it off, We can’t observe the red-shifting of galaxies beyond the Hubble radius because they’re approaching
and possibly breaking the light barrier at the very bounds of Our perception. Theoretically We’re left with few options. Either galaxies break the
light barrier past the Hubble radius where We’ll never see them or they mysteriously disappear for another reason, because We don’t yet see a
boundary, just the infinite anything.
Everything in space rotates round bound in elliptical orbits or swings unbound in parabolas and hyperbolas. The Earth spins on its axis at 1000mph,
around the sun at 66,000mph. Our solar system orbits the Milky Way at 500,000mph and the galaxy speeds through the known Universe at 1,000,000mph.
Then the known Universe likely orbits another, larger, more central entity at even greater speed etc. I highly doubt this fractal trend of orbital
motion ends in the mysterious non-orbital expansion from a singularity. And if so, what resultant force from the big bang is responsible for
beginning both space-time’s expansion and matter’s orbital motion? For the outward expansion of space-time and the orbital motion of matter to
co-exist in the same Universe, the original acting force either exerted its power in a spiraling, circular pattern, or matter mysteriously developed
the motion on its own.
Whichever way, the spiral and other fractal shapes, are abundant in nature, and I suggest the logical progression from quantum physics to cosmology
suggests not the expansion of a singularity that defies causality, physics, and mathematics, but instead a timeless, fractally infinite and
infinitesimal Universe in perpetual centrifugal motion around itself.