posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 12:11 PM
All I can say is forget about if for now, governments aren't going to release any top secret information unless they want to, and they may never want
to. This is one of those subjects that people wish for information on right now and so people fabricate stories, theories etc and people believe them,
hoping they will find out what they desperately want to know. Disclosure could happen today, it could happen tomorrow, it could even happen on august
18th (seems to be thrown a lot recently, so why not eh!), or it may never happen, I guess time will tell (or not).
If and when disclosure happens, who is to say it will be to say governments know ufos exist, it could be that they don't exist, or that they simply
don't know (disclosure after all by definition is disclosure of information they have, and they may have none).
Either way I think people need to start worrying about the present for once and stop with the fantasy. Aliens may exist, who knows, but one thing is
for sure, you won't find out until the government or aliens themselves want us to know, and you can be sure it will not be on a random date some fool
with too much spare time or too little brain function throws in the air, it will be on their terms and nobody elses.
[edit on 7-8-2007 by mrmanuva]
[edit on 7-8-2007 by mrmanuva]