posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 11:47 PM
As a new member (about an hour ago), I had to join in response to a member of this discussion board, CaptainOblivious, as this entity is named.
I was directed in one of Mark's (oops, CaptainOblivious's) previous posts to look at 'Screw Loose Change', as a possible explanation for the
extremely popular and well-researched documentary on the 9/11 attacks on America.
After about 6 minutes, I was forced, as a rational and highly intelligent human, to quit watching this mockumentary, as the suppository (and I mean of
the hemorroidal kind!) interjections of the author, Captain Mark, were just too glaringly wrong to even consider taking in to my thought processes. A
few glaring examples from the first 6 minutes are presented, along with examples of obvious obfuscations of truth versus conjecture (on the part of
Mr. Iradian Oblivious):
At 00:09 of this 'presentation', there appears a text box :"It seems 9/11 Deniers (capitalization not added, implying that Deniers falls in to a
category, much like Nazis, NeoCons, Separatists, Communists [get the point?], instead of 'denyers', spelled correctly, which falls across a much
more broad geo-political spectrum) like Loose Change (notice, no quotation marks. It seems that this film, "Loose Change", is not to be given any
recognition as a film) have to revise the truth every now and then." The fact that the first edition is 1:01 in length, and the second edition is
1:29 in length would rather suggest that the makers had come across further evidence in support of their theory, supposition, or truth, not that it
was 'revised', as is stated.
This is the first of many mind-control attempts in this 'presentation', as I see.
At 00:16, another box appears: "I never heard of the Truth (stop there. I think that you're right!) requiring a 2nd edition or a Final Cut. (As new
evidence arises, more is added, moron! Try 'Discovery" phases in court proceedings, for example.) Must be a new fad (implying that this is like the
Hula Hoop, or someting. Don't worry, it'll pass!) for the cool kids." Korey Rowe is a veteran of Afghanistan, and was recently arrested on false
desertion charges. He is currently under pressure to re-enlist, and go back to the field of battle. A kid? I think not!
Next, a list of 5 'debunker sites', followed by at 00:43, a statement: "Corrections created by Mark Iradian." 'Created"? This implies and
suggests that Mark is a 'creator'. Show me how you created the universe, or something as simple as a piece of dust, out of nothing, and I will
accept that you could create 'corrections', sir!
As the limit of postings is 4,000 characters, and I am up to about 2,700 now (the number of first confirmed victims of this planned attack), I will
stop at only 45 seconds in to this 'debunk' tripe.
Word by word, thought by thought, this presentation has been taken apart, and this is only a minute in to the show.
The next 5 minutes that I could stomach were as equally false and misleading, CaptainMarkObliviousIradian!
Truth out!
Any takers on the debate (besides the plant into the blog, Mr. Irobablovidian)?
[edit on 5-8-2007 by corvetterepair]
[edit on 5-8-2007 by corvetterepair]