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How can I find a black op facility?

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posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 03:24 PM
Ok to try and make a long and possibly overreaching story short.

I live in Nashville Tennessee. I have noticed some odd things going on around here. For the past few days I have seen Black helicopters over our interstates (particularly the 24 connect to 65/24/40 near LP Field.) now this was interesting to see, and I was not extremely thrown off by it.
Mainly I thought it was cool to see the black helicopters for myself and not hear a noise... VERY COOL... anyways...

three days ago I saw something I NEVER thought i would see. I was riding with my parents to go to a celebration for a mayoral candidate. We were heading down 2nd ave (for those in TN 2nd ave. by way of gay st. Over by all of the Government buildings and police station.) to go to this event when We drove past a white security jeep.(also driving)
with this logo

Wackenhut security...


I thought these guys were only top secret military security???

so my question is...
a) is wackenhut so desperate for security work that they are contracting out to public sector security?
or(which I'm really hoping for this... I wanna research something myself.=P)
b) there is a New Facility either being built or now operational in Nashville, TN??

Any ideas?


[edit on 5-8-2007 by coven]

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 01:30 AM
Wackenhut is a security company, not necessarily a top secret military security. It just depends on who they have a contract with.

I had a friend work for Wackenhut for a while. Most of the work he did was security for concerts and special events in San Diego.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 03:19 AM
Wackenhut has the transit cop contract in Santa Clara county. Don't assume every Wackenhut rentacop is guarding a secret facility.

You are near the hotbed of rendition aircraft operations. Most of the action is in Fayetteville.

Around 8/3/2007, things were getting pretty weird out there. I'm not sure what exactly I can say, but the locals and the CIA pilots are having a bit of friction.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 04:18 AM
well Gairic I must say you have me intrigued.

You are near the hotbed of rendition aircraft operations

SO there are CIA companies (Vought?) retrofitting Aircraft to transport "enemies of State" to "Safe Houses" where they can torture them freely?

One would assume your suggested response to this is to "forget about it" or face a risk of rendition (just for the others reading... basically Rendition= being disappeared by your government) by investigating further?

Don't assume every Wackenhut rentacop is guarding a secret facility.

I definitely agree. The only reason I even raise the question of Secret facility, is that the area I saw Wackenhut around is basically empty factories... (and the proximity of where I saw the 100% silent black Helicopter flying days before hand)

I'm not sure what exactly I can say,

Well Dependent on your employer, if its on a federal level you should just u2u me... Local government workers need not worry! Spill Z Beans!!!!
So... if you think you can talk... please talk.

Most of the action is in Fayetteville

North Carolina, Kentucky or TN? (I know of one boondock town in TN named Fayetteville.)

Thanks for all of your help !

Coven Out

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by coven

Most of the action is in Fayetteville

North Carolina, Kentucky or TN? (I know of one boondock town in TN named Fayetteville.)

i one researches the 'Fayettevilles' --> almost every state has a town by that name.
the interesting thing is that most Fayettevilles' house some sort of prison or confinement facility...
[add a Fayetteville Alabama to that list you noted of NC, KY, TN etc..]

as far as Wackenhut, they provide security for some minimum security prisons, like at Rembert SC...and production plants like Garrett Engines in AZ...(producing jet turbines, for bombers and helicopters)

i venture to say any corp. or org. can have 'special' sections or departments which operate in secret or in a black op' mode.
i'd also guess that the Army CID (Criminal Investigation Division),
could very well have covert 'factions' in the organization
(the CID is very similar to the FBI, but attached to Military)
to collect intelligence & surveilance in all countries where U.S. troop concentrations are present...

(( but missed? the radical Muslim terror cells at Hamburg & Bremen, Germany ))

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 10:37 PM
North Carolina. Ok,Virgina too.

Tail numbers are all over the net. These I know have shown up at JNX
n312me (also shows up at RDU; Has visited Nellis range)
Once in a while, the blackwater aircraft show up at JNX, though more often at POB
n964bw n989bw

Pope is worth checking out. I caught their birds at basecamp

Once thing I need to clear up for myself is which planes are strictly for spook use, and which planes are just charters that the feds use once in a while. For instance, N1HC has been used for rendition, but it is also used as a charter. One assumes they hose out the interior between spook and commercial use.

Spook offices are probably more common than you would think. For instance, there was a lawsuit related to Groom Lake a few years ago where the person getting the shaft was "forced" to work at the Greystone building. Now this building was easy to find in Vegas. I think it was on Tropicana, south of the strip. Somewhere in Vegas, there is a location where contractors can review Red Flag data gathered by the instrumentation around the Nellis range. This is stated as a requirement for some Red Flag related contract I came across. Of course, where this is located has never been reported. It could be at the Greystone for all I know.

Buildings with no sign on them are always suspect, though there are non-spook reasons for not having a sign. Some Silicon Valley start-ups don't put signs on the outside. They are working on their initial products, so they have no customers. Google didn't have a sign until they moved to their campus. I came across a sign-less building in Berkeley (CA) with all sorts of security. It turned out to be a medical lab.

One of the classic no sign on the building story happened in Sunnyvale (CA). Varian was developing the ion implanter. They run the project like Skunkworks, putting it in a plain tilt-up. Well, the ion implanter needs strong magnetic fields to work. The prototype machine was not very well shielded. The magnetic fields were strong enough to deflect the CRTs (TVs) in the few homes in the area. Eventually this building was found to be the source of the problem.

There is the so-called underground office. I don't know how true this is. So the story goes, you have a building that has way too many cars for the size of the building, so the assumption is there are hidden offices underground.

The Pittman Station office related to Groom Lake was only found once the "security manual" was released in a lawsuit.

Lastly, I'm told the FBI has employees in the offices of the larger Vegas casinos. I have no idea if this is true. However, I would assume the same goes for east coast casinos.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 10:54 PM

Can you Investigate John C. Tune Airfield and KBNA.... I don't know how to trace these tail numbers but I think Nashville is a pass through point, due to the activity I'm seeing.

Also I am Positive the Warehouses (in the area where I saw the Wackenhut SUV)are supposed to be abandoned as my Father is good friends with one of the people who owns the building and they have not leased or sold the building (he said something about he hasn't had an offer on the building in 8 years...) I don't know if I'm getting closer to sniffing something out, or if I'm just getting sucked further and further down the rabbit hole???



posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 03:37 AM
I'm on the left coast, so KBNA would be kind of tough.

I can tell you from my database what spook planes have visited KBNA:
N968BW blackwater
N4967K I'm not sure why I'm tracking this one. I need to check my notes.
N623BA The lockheed shuttle. Not spooky per se.
N10EG This plane used to be owned by the department of energy (DOE). It was used by the Nellis base Remote Sensing Laboratory. It is now privately owned. I don't know if it still has the sensor package.
n22889 This is a cool bird. It flies to the CIA training base at Camp Peary. It makes frequency flights to NTU (Oceana) also.
N475LC rendition bird
N5025 CIA jumper plane. This would look like N196D that I photographed at basecamp.
N5083j This is a photo plane. I have audio of it photographing the Nellis range.
(referring page )
N512AR This is one of the Twin Otters based at North Las Vegas, though they are hardly ever there. It is a photo and remote sensing plane.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 03:44 AM
I forgot Tune (KJWN)

N6161Q is the only spook plane I have logged there. This is one cool bird due to the antennas on the top, plus the delivery of very fit journalists in Afghanistan.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 09:33 PM
Thanks for the links Gairic, it makes the researching a little less tedious.

I really think I'm onto something here... Maybe we have a 'Facility' for 'storing' these detainees, until we need to get information from them.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 03:21 PM
Old mother ScriptKiddie's patented recipie for finding secret bases;

-Get a world map

-Divide the map into two halves (by longitude)

-Assign each area 'heads' or 'tails' and toss a coin

-Divide the selected area into two halves (by lattitude)

-Assign each area 'heads' or 'tails' and toss a coin

-Repeat until a manageable area is selected

-Go look for your secret base in that area

The thing about governments is they have all the resources they can tax from the world to play with. If they want a location SECRET they can keep it SECRET. Ooooh, witty...

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 03:34 PM
You're a nice afternoon's drive from a USAP used for specialized facility assault/defense training by the US and several of our international allies, but it's not really close to Nashville. It's sort of like the MOUT trainer at Ft Polk, only way cooler.

Other than that one, I don't know of any other "black op" facilities in central TN. There's a really nice engineering base just outside of Tullahoma, but it's not "black ops".

That doesn't mean there aren't any, mind you, but it's the only one I'm aware of.

[edit on 20-8-2007 by Tom Bedlam]

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by ScriptKiddie
The thing about governments is they have all the resources they can tax from the world to play with. If they want a location SECRET they can keep it SECRET. Ooooh, witty...

the only flaw to your logic is the maintenance of such a logic. Those unwilling to investigate will never learn. Those Trusting enough to believe, are bound to be lied to.


posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Tom Bedlam
Other than that one, I don't know of any other "black op" facilities in central TN. There's a really nice engineering base just outside of Tullahoma, but it's not "black ops".

That doesn't mean there aren't any, mind you, but it's the only one I'm aware of.

[edit on 20-8-2007 by Tom Bedlam]

Thanks for your input Tom! I have heard of training facilities in the area (further south of course) but have yet to see any signs. My biggest concern was whether or not one could be located in the heart of Nashville, due to the few signs I noted in the OP.

Thanks again!


posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by coven
the only flaw to your logic is the maintenance of such a logic. Those unwilling to investigate will never learn. Those Trusting enough to believe, are bound to be lied to.


And so our state of ignorance is maintained. As an analogy - what better way to hush up a sighting than to spray the observer with rum, or force feed him hallucinatory drugs? Instant loss of credibility.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by ScriptKiddie
And so our state of ignorance is maintained. As an analogy - what better way to hush up a sighting than to spray the observer with rum, or force feed him hallucinatory drugs? Instant loss of credibility.

NICE!... I didn't like where you were going at first, but now I'm catching your drift.

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by coven

As far as Wackenhut goes, they are getting into the private security business as well as military sites. When I was doing private security with APS, Wackenhut got the BofA account away from APS. Although they did have a different logo at that time and we had to wear blue cowboy hats..

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 10:27 AM
Black ops in W-burg at Camp P. I designed many things out there. However, i have to say it is not as glamorous as i would hope.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 12:09 PM
The easiest way to find a "black ops" site is to join the military and get yourself assigned to a place. You will need some sort of technical skill, but the military provides great training. Not everyone in the military is a bullet absorber in Iraq. Actually, only a small part of all the troops available are in Iraq, regardless of what the media tells you.

Get inside the organization and learn all the secrets. You can then be a mole for ATS!

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by hinky
The easiest way to find a "black ops" site is to join the military and get yourself assigned to a place. You will need some sort of technical skill, but the military provides great training. Not everyone in the military is a bullet absorber in Iraq. Actually, only a small part of all the troops available are in Iraq, regardless of what the media tells you.

Get inside the organization and learn all the secrets. You can then be a mole for ATS!

Though I may be intelligent... I have a feeling I am a born and breed Bullet Catcher... I shoot too straight to not be on the front lines... =(

Maybe I can give myself a life long injury accidentally during training... No walky right = no war.... right?

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