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This has got to stop!!! Audio/Video Link Inside.

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posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 12:18 AM
This kind of infighting has GOT to stop if we are ever to be taken seriously in our efforts to exposing the big lie that was 9/11.

This is a prime example of counter productivity.

How are we to ever be taken seriously if we are fighting like this amongst ourselves? Sure, the no plane theory sounds ridiculous (and I personally believe that it is).......but to some of us it sounds ridiculous that we could believe planes really did hit the towers. THAT IS NOT THE POINT!

The point is, we have to expose this FARCE as exactly what it is. The whole point of all of these videos SHOULD be to get the american public THINKING FOR THEMSELVES. That is the key to exposing the mysteries of 9/11. Put the theories out there, show your evidence and let the american public decide.

Dylan and KT both sound like a couple of glory hungry babies in this clip. That is NOT the way to go.


posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 02:47 AM
United we stand, divided we fall. As I,ve posted before, until we put our tribalism aside, we'll not see the perpatraitors held accoutable for the injustice of the "official story".

That some can continue to hold onto the beleif that radical muslim terrorists acted autonomously with no outside aid is the most bitter pill that I've been forced to swallow.

No ammount of evidence will change some peoples minds, they will lable anyone that doesn't think like them nutcases.

Time will tell whether the "truth" comes out in our lifetimes.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by SimiusDei

Dylan and KT both sound like a couple of glory hungry babies in this clip. That is NOT the way to go.

Exactly. Visually, the video is like entering the mind and watching the random fantasies of a paranoid madman. This guy Killtown has watched the Matrix trilogy once too often.

The discussion is on the level of the worst flamewars in Youtube's comments section, totally adolescent.

The withholding and destruction of evidence led inevitably to crazy scenarios gaining a following, since elements of 9/11 are so anomalous. But this KT stuff is lunatic fringe.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 12:39 PM
back when dylan was still "enigs", I never saw him resort to this kind of "NO THAT'S MY TOY!!!!" childishness.

Maybe now that everyone knows his name, he's getting a bit of a big head and that's the cause of this sort of crap? I don't know.

It needs to stop.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 01:55 PM
im looking forwards to alex jones new promted expose. he says it will be the mother of all 911 truth evidence.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by infinityoreilly
United we stand, divided we fall.

That some can continue to hold onto the beleif that radical muslim terrorists acted autonomously with no outside aid is the most bitter pill that I've been forced to swallow.

You just expressed exactly how I feel about this. I know things are being covered up. WE all know it, yet, some still persist in taking authority as truth, rather than truth as the authority.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Churchmouse

Originally posted by infinityoreilly
United we stand, divided we fall.

That some can continue to hold onto the beleif that radical muslim terrorists acted autonomously with no outside aid is the most bitter pill that I've been forced to swallow.

You just expressed exactly how I feel about this. I know things are being covered up. WE all know it, yet, some still persist in taking authority as truth, rather than truth as the authority.

Well said, both of you.

On to the topic at hand, it's bad enough that we are all called kooks just because we actually hunt out the truth, the last thing we needed is to PROVE that we are kooks by acting the way Dylan and Killtown do here. Makes me sick, I must say.

Dylan, don't know if you grace ATS with your presence, but if you do and you happen upon this, shame on you for being brought down to KT's level.


posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by mastermind77
im looking forwards to alex jones new promted expose. he says it will be the mother of all 911 truth evidence.

Unfortunately, I haven't kept up with ol' AJ as of late. Sounds like I need to get on the ball as I've heard nothing about this new expose. I'm sure it will be worth the watch.


posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 07:37 PM
Why is this up here??

You are saying that we all need to pull together and do the right thing...

Adding this video isn't doing the right thing. They can fight, bitch, kill each other for all I care. The point of most people who INVESTIGATE 9/11 is to find the truth.

I own a site below is the link, I can care less if a million people a second hit it. The point of my site is to show things people can use as proof either for or against the official story.

I don't know why people try and pull sides in this 9/11 thing, I really don't...

Someone made a post earlier this weekend and say the 9/11 truth movement needs to start over... I agree wit him... Why cause of stupid bs like this that makes no sense what so ever..

If police acted like this.. All kinda idiots would be running free.

How about this.. Why doesn't everyone get their heads out of their asses and stop pushing some retarded agenda on people to prove your views on 9/11. I don't care if you think Santa was flying the plane into the pentagon or pgh or whatever... Just freaking show the proof and let things go how it goes..

Yes I am a 9/11 truther, My goal is to find the truth.. that's all.. Stop fighting about things and just do what your title states.. TRUTHER Find the damn truth.. That should be enough..

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded
Why is this up here??

You are saying that we all need to pull together and do the right thing...

Adding this video isn't doing the right thing. They can fight, bitch, kill each other for all I care. The point of most people who INVESTIGATE 9/11 is to find the truth.

This is up here to emphasize a point. Fighting and bitching are EXACTLY what will cause the truth movement to go NOWHERE. Dylan Avery is (unfortunately perhaps) a big name these days in the 9/11 truth movement. What will the new comers who happen upon this type of sh*t first think of us?

As my title says THIS has got to stop!!!


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