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Be honest.... Do you pay income tax?

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posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 09:18 PM
There's much talk about the Zeitgeist movie lately here in ATS, and I agree that it's a great movie. After seeing some former? IRS agents who say there is no law that states clearly you have to file income tax. Unfortunately, I live in Canada and they clearly state in law that I have to file.

Canadian tax myths

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 03:00 AM
Personally I haven't filed since 2002, and have no plans to ever do so again. And Revenue Canada can run around boasting the Income Tax Act all they want, the Supreme Court of Canada says otherwise, as does the BNA act of 1867. check out the link below, and scroll down to where it says "The Hart System" and read that. Actually the whole page is very informative. Good thread, also everyone should watch Aaron Russo's film "America: Freedom to Facism"

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 03:41 AM
Law or no law, they'll throw my ass in jail if i don't. And even though it technically isn't the law that you have to pay income tax, I would have to go out and find some rouge lawyer to defend me, who may or may not be responsible for me spending 10 years behind bars. Ill eat it, and pay 35%... it beats getting raped in jail everyday. But if anyone wants to try it, let me know how it turns out

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 09:25 AM

thanks a lot for the link. I never heard of Gerry Hart... I'm more familiar with Brett Hart instead... that shows you what my priorities used to be...
Why aren't more Canadians aware of this? I have watched the film by Aaron Russo, they also showed the same IRS agents in Zeitgeist as well.

Hikix, I know what you're saying. I am sure many people would rather choose the 'lesser of the two evils', but it's just that if I work hard for my fake not legal paper money, and there is no law that states that the people at the top can legally take 35% of it, then maybe it's worth looking into it.

I'm going to spread the word in the meantime to my fellow people.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 09:31 AM
Well if you don't pay your taxes in the states they can levie ones account for what one owes and in higher ammounts jail time is almost always certain. I hate to do it, but I rather pay my taxes than go to jail or have the govt. come and take all that I own. In away we actually pay for our freedom.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by quintar

thanks a lot for the link. I never heard of Gerry Hart... I'm more familiar with Brett Hart instead... that shows you what my priorities used to be...
Why aren't more Canadians aware of this?

Brett Hart is the MAN!!! As for why Canadians haven't heard about this, its basically the same reason that Americans don't know that GWBush's grandfather was arrested under the Trading with the Enemy Act in 1942 (i think that was the year) for using the bank he was president of to fund Hitlers rise to power before and after WW2 began. The information is out there, documented and all, its just that the media "chooses" not to tell the public about certain things, things that could potentially mess with the illegal state of affairs in North America we have all been living under since private banks hijacked our nations 90 years ago.

You would not believe how many people I know that don't know a single thing about the atrocities committed by the Canadian Government and Catholic Church in the residential schools that thousands upon thousands of Aboriginal people in Canada had to go to. It's all public knowledge now, has been for some time, but the only mention of it ever on the news is the occasional announcement of reparations being given to former residential school victims or their descendants, what actually happened is not taught in schools, not talked about on the nightly news or in the local newspaper, so people just don't know, just like Gerry Hart, the media just didn't talk about it so no one knows.

Another good example of Canadians not knowing something that is common knowledge is to go and ask people you know if they know what CSIS is. Most Canadians have no idea that the CSIS even exists. There are more people aware of the organization today because they were mentioned regularly for a time after 911, but still I bet only 25% of Canadians could tell you what CSIS is or what it stands for. And this is all thanks to one of these "choices" made by the media as well as educational institutions to just kind of leave the information out.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 12:52 PM
CSIS has always been interesting to me. It seems like my fellow canadians are under the constant impression (promoted by the media) that we are the meek simple and idiotic country of the world, completeing forgetting that we were once, and are still, a nuclear superpower (i was born near Comox airforce base, where there was a launch site) and that we have a secret agency just as secrettive and powerful as the NSA and CIA, but perhaps even MORE powerfull, because nobody remembers that CSIS exists...

However, on topic, Sadly the link to the "gerry hart" story is completely wrong. If you actually read those sections of the BNA act of 1867 (available on-line) it specifically states that the federal government has the right to raise money by "any and all means of taxation". So no, you could not avoid your taxes and declare it your constitutional right, sorry

[edit on 5-8-2007 by D.E.M.]

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by D.E.M.
CSIS has always been interesting to me. It seems like my fellow canadians are under the constant impression (promoted by the media) that we are the meek simple and idiotic country of the world, completeing forgetting that we were once, and are still, a nuclear superpower (i was born near Comox airforce base, where there was a launch site) and that we have a secret agency just as secrettive and powerful as the NSA and CIA, but perhaps even MORE powerfull, because nobody remembers that CSIS exists...

Yes exactly, very few Canadians know that we have probably the best, most highly trained, secretive intelligence community in the world, so secretive that only say 2 out of 10 people even know they exist. And the good old media sure loves not talking about them.

It's gotten so bad here in Canada for real news that I don't even trust the CBC anymore, and they were easily the only honest news outlet left, IMO, until a few years ago, when they started moving into the realm of CTV news, CNN, etc... and just report what everyone else is reporting. They still run the occasional good documentary, but the hard questions they were asking only a few years ago are now gone, replaced with the standard media line.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 01:07 PM
Yes...and a jackload of it to be clear.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 01:19 PM
Is it terribly wise to admit such a transgression here?

Not that I doubt the sites integrity but what would happen if the US govt forced ATS to hand over your IP addresses? Or what if they even don't bother to ask, just do a bit of hacking (don't ask me how, thats not really my area but i'm sure its fairly straight froward)

Wasn't it Capone who finally fell foul of tax evasion??

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 01:21 PM
they would just need to look at the servers account database.

And yes, i completely agree about the CBC! Anybody who watches peter mansbridge now, compared to a few years ago, can SEE that he is far from pleased with what he reports. If you listen to what he says, the way he says things, you'll notice that he laces it with "true" reporting as much as he can. And that he is usually highly digruntled and cynical during his reportings.

[edit on 5-8-2007 by D.E.M.]

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