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How to get people to see the Truth of 9/11!

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posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 08:22 PM

Some people seem to have a mental and emtional blocks on this topic so you have to take small steps.

Either that or common sense and a lack of paranoia.

Come on too strong right away and most will reject you

I would like to ask you something.

What is the first thing you want to say to someone to lead you into your theories?

As soon as anyone says "The US government planned 9/11" i liken it to being in a bar when a huge burly hairy man starts running at you tearing his clothes off saying "WANNA DO IT!!?!"

Seriously, the reaction is to be away, far away.

Remember most are blinded by inbreed patriotism that has been trained into them since infancy.

Not exactly, for the rest of the world, remember them?

Since many are now very unhappy with the current government, it's starts them down the path of doubt and distrust, this weakens there patriotism that was already wavering because of this.

Why has a no confidence vote been done yet? Im curious to why this idiot remains in power.

poorly trained piliots could never have pulled this off alone.

Hitting the World Trade centre isnt exactly trying to circumcise a fly, the things were fricking massive.

And the rules of physics were being violated all over the place.

It all depends on who's physics you listen too.

If you get your info from that 'loose change' twaddle then i wouldnt be surprise.

It goes on to ask so many questions, that nobody has answers for.

Not true, if you look on this site everyone has a different answer to those questions. Just most of them are uninformed, or totally crazy, or lack motive.

If people watch both these movies and still think that the governments story is the the truth, and that no branch of the government known or unkown had anything to do with it, then they are blinded by emotional denial.

And reading that makes me think your just an arrogent ...goddamn fricking swear sensors.

Just move on, remember people need to decide this on there own, we can't tell anybody what to believe, they have to decide for themselves.

But if youve established that You need to give them videos and graphs and all these other things to convince what they should find on their own...

Some will refuse to watch these movies for some reason, either they are too lazy, or don't care, or are just are too scared too, and want to continue to eat fake steak in the matrix because it's just easier too.

Too scared too?! Who the hell do you think you are? You dont want to speak "the truth", you want people to congratulate you for being right.

It's that last group that bothers me the most, they sense the truth but thats where it ends, they are to scared to pursue the issue, it's like taking the blue pill and they know it, so they pick the red pill on purpose.

just a question, did you just watch the matrix before posting this?

Noone is too scared to persue the issue. You imagine them to be, in reality we just think you are crazy.

Ignorance is bliss....that is until it kills you.

How will this kill me?

PS. One last thing ignore the trolls both online and in real life they just waste your time and energy, most of them are most likely employed by somebody that won't benefit from the truth coming out. And thats not always the government. Or they benefit from the current belief in some way.

here is how you sidestep people like me who have common sense. I am employed by a South American based Restraunt in Australia.

I dont benefit, i dont lose anything. You can believe whatever you want and i dont care, got me?

But as soon as you start patronising people to 'make their own decisions' and then slagging them off when they dont pick the decision you like, then you have to stand back and revaluate your life.

I am here not to deny ignorance, but to stop stupidity

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 08:28 PM
I'm sorry - but the truth about 9/11 is - - it's time to move on....
That's the REAL truth about 9/11...


posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 08:39 PM
(Gee-whillikers) it i hate this stupid maximum character allowance!!

A question, can a government terrorise it's own people to accomplish certain goals it deems need to be accomplished? If you study history you know the answer. And it is a sad answer.

I study history professionally
People remember the terrorising governments, sure. but how about the billions of governments who didnt terrorise their people?

that don't care, that a false flag op. started the "War on Terror"
Should you care if you are an American that the government has spent
1 trillion dollars since 9/11 on the so-called "war on terror"?

No, i shouldnt care. it was their choice to do so. But your telling me that the goverment knocked down the WTC (Costing money) to rebuild it (costing more money) and starting a war (costing, as you say, more money)

So where is the motive?

Problem with your statement is that we have declassified documents that were decoded weeks before Pearl Harbor that the Japenese were spying on the ships in harbor.

Yes, the Japanese were creating an Empire. They were spying on the harbour, the other islands, the surrounding area as a whole.

So were the Americans.

This means that spying on one area doesnt mean you are going to hit it.

Anyway, the architect of Pearl Harbour, Admiral Yamamoto, didnt want to do it because he knew fighting the US at the peak of their Industrial power would be suicide.

I guess you never heard of the National Cryptologic Museum.

no i havnt.

Nothing sinister about spying unless you are looking for a reason to place a conspiracy or cover up on it.

Hinky- You are a smart man (or woman, of course) Would you like to aid me in my war against stupidity?

I just cannot understand why anyone with a brain in their head can support or make excuses for the smirky half man who occupies the oval office.

No, we arent defending Bush. I definatly am not. But just because he is a moron doesnt mean we can accuse him of things which he hasnt done.

Loose change final cut is being released the day before too.

I wonder if it will be as badly made, based on false evidence and including spliced video from the gulf war as its first 2 incarnations? Look for "There is no Twin tower conspiracy you morons" or something to that effect. Maddox gets it all right, once again.

Common sence is nothing more that a faith or believe act of thinking, not a proof.

Actually, common sense is a persons own set of beliefs and ideas. based on every aspect of his or her life. Sorry buddy, your unique, not representative.

Yes, everyone is biased one way or the other, but everyone in not biased in all ways, and at all times - That would be unrealistic if we were always biased.

Sorry, if you ever go to a history lecture at university its quite evident that bias is ALWAYS evident. but some people manage to keep it to a small degree, and also add in other viewpoints that conflict with theirs.

In the search for truth you cant exactly do this.

There are many people who are not always blinded by emotion, or infatuation with one side or the other.

Your a gem
Here is someone who knows the real truth!

When you can account for those 'realities' that are scientifically, and evidently aray in the situation, and give me a decent theory as to why these things occurred, then I see no point in arguing.

hehe, the thing is that i dont care how many graphs people give me. Im still stuck on Motive.

And thats because sometimes we are biased in our own ways, but yet do hold the mental ability to view a situation from the open, eager middle ground.

Another ally in the war against Stupidity!

We have documents stating that the Japenese were targetting our ships.

Really?! "Mwahaha lets get the US SHIPS!"

I doubt it.

Removed profanity and replaced it with 'gee-whillikers'

[edit on 10/8/07 by masqua]

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Umbra Sideralis

Alow me to desagree, as far as i know "common sense" is not a real proof for nothing! Common sence is nothing more that a faith or believe act of thinking, not a proof.

Or it is really this:

Main Entry: common sense
Function: noun
: sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts

Why do others insist on forcing their version of a truth on to others? Run your theory by someone, if they choose not to have the same view on it as you, let them believe what they want to believe. Or, just continue to berate and belittle those who do not have your veiw of the world and it's events.

I remember when documentaries were just that and not someones propaganda and hidden agenda.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33
PS. One last thing ignore the trolls both online and in real life they just waste your time and energy, most of them are most likely employed by somebody that won't benefit from the truth coming out. And thats not always the government. Or they benefit from the current belief in some way.

So what you're saying is, "Believe what I have to say, and ignore anyone else that might have their own opinion/belief/theory"?

My personal theory is that some crazed terrorists that hated the US decided to hijack some aircraft, butcher the crews, then drive them into the WTC, Pentagon, etc.

Why does everyone have to think there's more to it than that? Why does everyone think this was masterminded by Bush and Cheney, the same people they call idiots and morons? Guys (and gals), either they are stupid or smart; pick one.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Octavius Maximus
(Gee-whillikers) it i hate this stupid maximum character allowance!!

A question, can a government terrorise it's own people to accomplish certain goals it deems need to be accomplished? If you study history you know the answer. And it is a sad answer.

I study history professionally
People remember the terrorising governments, sure. but how about the billions of governments who didnt terrorise their people?

that don't care, that a false flag op. started the "War on Terror"
Should you care if you are an American that the government has spent
1 trillion dollars since 9/11 on the so-called "war on terror"?

No, i shouldnt care. it was their choice to do so. But your telling me that the goverment knocked down the WTC (Costing money) to rebuild it (costing more money) and starting a war (costing, as you say, more money)

So where is the motive?

Nothing sinister about spying unless you are looking for a reason to place a conspiracy or cover up on it.

Hinky- You are a smart man (or woman, of course) Would you like to aid me in my war against stupidity?

I just cannot understand why anyone with a brain in their head can support or make excuses for the smirky half man who occupies the oval office.

No, we arent defending Bush. I definatly am not. But just because he is a moron doesnt mean we can accuse him of things which he hasnt done.

Loose change final cut is being released the day before too.

I wonder if it will be as badly made, based on false evidence and including spliced video from the gulf war as its first 2 incarnations? Look for "There is no Twin tower conspiracy you morons" or something to that effect. Maddox gets it all right, once again.

Common sence is nothing more that a faith or believe act of thinking, not a proof.

Actually, common sense is a persons own set of beliefs and ideas. based on every aspect of his or her life. Sorry buddy, your unique, not representative.

Yes, everyone is biased one way or the other, but everyone in not biased in all ways, and at all times - That would be unrealistic if we were always biased.

Sorry, if you ever go to a history lecture at university its quite evident that bias is ALWAYS evident. but some people manage to keep it to a small degree, and also add in other viewpoints that conflict with theirs.

In the search for truth you cant exactly do this.

There are many people who are not always blinded by emotion, or infatuation with one side or the other.

Your a gem
Here is someone who knows the real truth!

When you can account for those 'realities' that are scientifically, and evidently aray in the situation, and give me a decent theory as to why these things occurred, then I see no point in arguing.

hehe, the thing is that i dont care how many graphs people give me. Im still stuck on Motive.

And thats because sometimes we are biased in our own ways, but yet do hold the mental ability to view a situation from the open, eager middle ground.

Another ally in the war against Stupidity!

We have documents stating that the Japenese were targetting our ships.

Ok...hmmm, where to begin. First off, I believe that you quoted one thing I said for a 'war on stupidity', then called another statement 'real', I think.

Regardless, the whole post was aimed at people. You say 'No, we just think you're crazy,' and that you need no 'graphs' to prove anything to you.' Okay, so why are you on ATS? Doesn't being on here and posting make of 'us', and that you are crazy as well (mmwwhhaaahaha)

Again, a de-bunker who doesn't need any real 'facts', cannot be a 'real' debunker; Can they?

And, p.s.- I'm in different history classes, with different history teachers almost all year round, and not a single one of them would ever say half the things you just said. Why? Because you didn't really say anything...sorry

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 01:09 AM
Wait OM- I just remembered that you said you were stuck on motive.

If you don't know the many alterior motive(s),. and the many number of ways that 911 became a very useful tool for many power players, then you should do a little more reearch, I would suggest.

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