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How to get people to see the Truth of 9/11!

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posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 08:44 PM
Some people seem to have a mental and emtional blocks on this topic so you have to take small steps. If you blast them with the whole truth at once it will be an emotional overload, few will accept it. Baby steps of truth, gradualism is key.
Come on too strong right away and most will reject you, and that is hard when you are enthusiatic and passionate about such an important topic.

Remember most are blinded by inbreed patriotism that has been trained into them since infancy. Also even if you believe that the truth of 9/11 is some of the more far fetched therioes, DON'T USE THEM, you can't sell them on these too early, so don't even try, you are just hurting your own cause.

These are the two movies that turned it for me.

Since we are trying to proceed with caution, this movie should be viewed first. It proceeds to get people to thinking just how the government was involved or failed to act. Since many are now very unhappy with the current government, it's starts them down the path of doubt and distrust, this weakens there patriotism that was already wavering because of this.

After at least a week, so they can digest the information emotionally and mentally, get them to view this one, this one drives the point home that some poorly trained piliots could never have pulled this off alone. And the rules of physics were being violated all over the place. It goes on to ask so many questions, that nobody has answers for.

If people watch both these movies and still think that the governments story is the the truth, and that no branch of the government known or unkown had anything to do with it, then they are blinded by emotional denial. Just move on, remember people need to decide this on there own, we can't tell anybody what to believe, they have to decide for themselves.
Having a dogmatic educated opinion means nothing to the man on the street, but that 9/11 CT people are nuts.

Some will refuse to watch these movies for some reason, either they are too lazy, or don't care, or are just are too scared too, and want to continue to eat fake steak in the matrix because it's just easier too.
It's that last group that bothers me the most, they sense the truth but thats where it ends, they are to scared to pursue the issue, it's like taking the blue pill and they know it, so they pick the red pill on purpose.

Ignorance is bliss....that is until it kills you.

PS. One last thing ignore the trolls both online and in real life they just waste your time and energy, most of them are most likely employed by somebody that won't benefit from the truth coming out. And thats not always the government. Or they benefit from the current belief in some way.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 08:55 PM
You know, people still think Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor.

9/11 was an act of terrorism. Everything else is crap. IMHO. It's not patriotism talking, it's common sense. Everyone wants to think that America is a great big group hug waiting for everyone and everyone loves us. People find it hard to believe that someone hates American so much, they are willing to die for their perverted religious beliefs.

This is the conspiracy problem with this issue. People want to put a ration value on an irrational act. So believe the government knew or had a helping hand if you want. There are any number of nut jobs out there hawking books and theories to make a buck on the suffering of innocent people.

The bottom line is still an act of terrorism.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by hinky
You know, people still think Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor.

Ok fair...

Why don't we talk about the USS Liberty..

That seems more dead on to saying something like.....

"I want that damn ship at the bottom of the sea!" - Lyndon B Johnson

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by hinky

9/11 was an act of terrorism. Everything else is crap. ............

The bottom line is still an act of terrorism.

A question, can a government terrorise it's own people to accomplish certain goals it deems need to be accomplished? If you study history you know the answer. And it is a sad answer.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 11:20 PM
Blue_Jay -

What makes you so sure 9/11 was a government conspiracy? Because you read a few articles or watched a few movies put together by people who may have their own agenda? You're being spoonfed secondhand knowledge at best, and you're smiling and asking for more.

There are many good points being made in the articles, books and movies out there. But everyone has an agenda. Everyone is biased in one way or another.

It's a human reaction to want to know the whole "truth", but at this point, what will we gain by finding the truth? A whole bunch of "told ya so's"? I don't think the truth would change anything at this point. The victims would still be dead, the towers would still be gone. Personally, the "truth" would not change me one bit.

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss...

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 02:58 AM
Mankinds awareness of the world around him is the driving force behind wanting a better explanation for the events of 911. It's been part of us since the begining of time if you will. So if the truth stinks to high heaven and we can't do much about it, that doesn't take away from the satifaction of simply knowing.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by DOcean

It's a human reaction to want to know the whole "truth", but at this point, what will we gain by finding the truth? A whole bunch of "told ya so's"? I don't think the truth would change anything at this point. The victims would still be dead, the towers would still be gone. Personally, the "truth" would not change me one bit.

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss...

This is exactly what I was talking about in my opening post of this thread, there are some that don't care, that a false flag op. started the "War on Terror"
Should you care if you are an American that the government has spent
1 trillion dollars since 9/11 on the so-called "war on terror"?
Pehaps that money could be better spents on thing like...failing bridges at home.
Should you care a about massive debts being made for this, or more importantly the American blood that has been shed over this?
Or maybe you won't care until this thing bites you on the *** when somebody you know comes home in a body bag.
I feel compassion for my fellow man & woman who suffer because of a policy formed off the back of a false flag op.
Tillman and his grieving family are a prime example of this.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by hinky
You know, people still think Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor.

Problem with your statement is that we have declassified documents that were decoded weeks before Pearl Harbor that the Japenese were spying on the ships in harbor. Unless you think they were just doing it for no reason.

I guess you never heard of the National Cryptologic Museum.

Also if you want to now the truth of what happened on 9/11 you can file FOIA requests or e-mail the companies and people that were actually there. Problem is a lot of poeple that still believe the official story will not do either of these things because they are afraid it will prove the official story wrong.

[edit on 5-8-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 01:29 PM
Well, I don't know about the other debunkers here, but I'm not blinded by patriotism, I'm blinded by science(lol good song) and facts.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Problem with your statement is that we have declassified documents that were decoded weeks before Pearl Harbor that the Japenese were spying on the ships in harbor. Unless you think they were just doing it for no reason.

I would be willing to bet we are doing the same thing right now with, you name any country including Allies, with spy satellites. Heard of these, they are like flying human eyes. Spying is as old as any military champaign. Nothing sinister about spying unless you are looking for a reason to place a conspiracy or cover up on it.

As for the missiles disguised as airplanes to fool the people and cameras on 9/11, yea...that's a big cover up. All those people who supposedly died but are actually living on an island with JFK and Elvis... great a life...

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 01:32 PM
I love how incompetency breeds conspiracy theories. Sigh.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 01:59 PM
I think these two videos are an excellent way to introduce people to the truth of what happened on 9/11. I had not seen the 9/11 Press for Truth video and was quite pleasantly surprised by it. It's a great intro that certainly must raise questions in the minds of reasonable people. The pain of victim's families is quite apparent in the video and is a good reminder of why we must continue to try to bring the perps to justice.

I just cannot understand why anyone with a brain in their head can support or make excuses for the smirky half man who occupies the oval office. When I look at him and Cheney and the whole crew of rogues around them, especially when they are wrapping themselves in the flag, I think of those child molesters who hide themselves by joining in the search for the missing or attending the funerals of their victims. It's totally disgusting.

[edit on 5-8-2007 by ipsedixit]

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 02:06 PM
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

You can provide all the information in the world, but the individual must cross the gap themselves to achieve understanding.

It has to be the will of that individual to desire that understanding.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Choronzon
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

I always heard "You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead."

This goes without saying, so there we are....

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 03:03 PM
The press for truth video is the best way to introduce people who have no clue about 9/11, other than the governement story.

The next big day for 9/11 and the truth movement is about 1 month away.
cool music to

I don't think the media will be able to avoid them this time they will be everywhere and in huge numbers.

Loose change final cut is being released the day before too.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by hinky
It's not patriotism talking, it's common sense.

Alow me to desagree, as far as i know "common sense" is not a real proof for nothing! Common sence is nothing more that a faith or believe act of thinking, not a proof.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 06:31 PM

DOcean There are many good points being made in the articles, books and movies out there. But everyone has an agenda. Everyone is biased in one way or another

Yes, everyone is biased one way or the other, but everyone in not biased in all ways, and at all times - That would be unrealistic if we were always biased. But, keep in mind. There are many people who are not always blinded by emotion, or infatuation with one side or the other.
Most people who are on ATS that do not believe any conspiricy has occurred in the name of 911, can never prove that the 'terrorist' conspiricy is correct. They can only try and disprove the theories of CTs by playing devils advocate, or trying to debunk.

But, whenever I have asked an 'official story' believer for some official, hard evidence as to what did happen then? There is nothing.
Honestly, I just want your 'low down' on what happened you believe happened to account for the obvious conflicting data between government and the actual scene, (ie, tv camera shots, news shows and newscasting )

When you can account for those 'realities' that are scientifically, and evidently aray in the situation, and give me a decent theory as to why these things occurred, then I see no point in arguing. And thats because sometimes we are biased in our own ways, but yet do hold the mental ability to view a situation from the open, eager middle ground.

[edit on 5-8-2007 by nowayreally]

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 06:32 PM
speaking on a blog just after the 911 incident i talked to a man who said he was part of the delta shadow team and that it took them 2 weeks to plant the explosives inside the wtc buildings ...i spent 5 years researching the false flag operation and only 133 sites were talking on the internet when i started...there are millions now.
and i had been a FEMA employee 7 years and also saw facility and held a high security clearance ...but all the truth i found was removed from the internet and frankly people just did not believe me. so i gave up and vowed never to talk about it again...the target wall at the pentagon and the northrup grumman preditor type control drone on the second plane and the hidden object under the blue tarp all intrigued me so i stayed on it night and day looking and searching for clues...but no one gave a darn about what i uncovered and i just lost hope of the truth getting out...i guess it really doesnt matter since people are being ignorant and believe all the lies. someday i hope the truth does come out...

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 01:35 AM
Dog5 there are numerous investigators who would love to talk to you, if your experiences are as advertised. Have you tried to contact Alex Jones for example, or Webster Tarpley?

The Delta Shadow Team member would be a very interesting person to talk to if he is what he says he is, but these situations can also be a can of worms. Given the current situation regarding the Patriot Act, it might be a crime to even talk to someone like that about this sort of thing.

If perps are making laws, they will make laws that enable them to keep their secrets and keep the scam going.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by hinky
I would be willing to bet we are doing the same thing right now with, you name any country including Allies, with spy satellites. Heard of these, they are like flying human eyes. Spying is as old as any military champaign. Nothing sinister about spying unless you are looking for a reason to place a conspiracy or cover up on it.

We have documents stating that the Japenese were targetting our ships. We had this information before the attack. Which proves the government knew about the attack but let it happen. Please do some research.

As far as a life, i have a great life. I have a government job and support our troops in the field on a dialy basis.

[edit on 6-8-2007 by ULTIMA1]

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