posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 11:23 AM
Ok.... let me go into a little detail here. This may help you with understanding my "position".
From a young age, I have been a loner. For reasons that are going to be made perfectly clear, you will know why.
When I was really young, I had "visitors". More or less what you might call imaginary friends. By about 4 or 5 I had "outgrown" that, as,
imaginary friends should not be had (according to adults). So, I kinds forgot about that stuff.
When I was 5, I was sexually molested by a cousin who was much older than me. Even though I had a few "school friends" that was all they were. Once
school was out, I hid in my room the rest of the day.
Imaginary friends came and went through the age of about ten. At this point, I started seeing peoples thoughts, hearing voices of people not there,
seeing things, just out and out weirdness. I also knew something was strange when I could tell who felt what way. I could sence peoples' emotion. I
passed it off at that time as being "all in my head". I really couldn't have been much closer to the truth, but, in the opposite direction.
I turned suicidal from ages 11 - 14. Then I realized I was only kidding myself. I gave up that crap and realized suicide was for kittykats and
went on with life. Still hearing voices, still catching glimpses of things from the corner of my eye.
I got used to this and played it off for many more years. I hit age 20, got married and settled down. Everything still going on, me still 'ignoring'
it more or less. However, I really enjoyed beating my wife to what she was gonna say.
I had read about empathy and decided I may have it. I had also been into meditation, OBE etc for quite some time when we moved to a new home.
In this home many things started happening. Strange things. Seeing people not there, voices, feelings, chills everything indicitive of a haunted
place. So, I had the home investigated. The medium involved stopped and said before she went on, that, "they are here because of you. You can hear
them and feel them and see them, and they know it. They want you to communicate". Then she went on.
After they determined my house was (and still is) haunted, I asked for clarification. She told me I have latent mediumship abilities, I am empathic,
and eventually through developing my abilities, I could be very good with them.
I have been developing for s few years, and am successful sometimes, and unsuccessful other times.
I know this was a long answer, but, yes, I know exactly what you mean Valdemar.