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dumbing down the world... why stop at education?

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posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 03:32 PM
i recently read a post about how the population is being dumbed down by the education system and by the media, and i could not agree more.

but then why don't they make drug use legal? that surely would numb our minds more to them, enhancing our ignorance. why are they raising taxes on alcohol? why are they not encouraging us to waste our brains?

it just doesnt make sense to me to stop at education. tell me what you think..

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 04:21 PM
Bcuz Our govt. makes a gazillion dollars importing drugs, selling drugs and arresting drug users. It's too lucrative for them. Legalize MJ? It'd be hard to police those who'd grow their own. We don't need the govt. to encourage Us to waste Our brains, We do just fine by Ourselves. They'll continue to raise taxes on alcohol and people will continue to buy it.

Peace. K*

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by mobear
but then why don't they make drug use legal? that surely would numb our minds more to them, enhancing our ignorance. why are they raising taxes on alcohol? why are they not encouraging us to waste our brains?

Drug use is already legal. It's called prescription antidepressants and they are pushed on the public via the media and by paying off medical doctors.

I was on them for almost 7 years and they really messed me up. I finally did my research and found out that it's really the chemicals in the food supply that causes depression so I cleaned up my diet and now I don't need the meds anymore.

Most other people don't realize that the food they purchase is making them sick and causing neurological damage, so they keep consuming it and then take prescription medications to "manage" their illnesses.

It's a huge scam by the medical, pharmaceutical and food industries. They've been doing it for over 100 years and they've been increasing the chemicals in the food about every 10 years.

We don't have to go out of our way to get stupid, the government has it all under control.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by annestacey

Drug use is already legal.

I finally did my research and found out that it's really the chemicals in the food supply that causes depression so I cleaned up my diet and now I don't need the meds anymore

i just put a 'star' on your astute reply

we're being dumbed down in a wide scope of behaviors;

alcohol consumption
fast & processed foods
dental fillings
tobacco/nicotine consumption
consumerism--&--designed obsolesence of the products available
instantaneous communication (to say little or nothing 98% of the time)
etc etc
OH! i wanted to add 'Methadone Clinics' for more of the Legal-Drug thing

a generally sad state of affairs, built on a mound of 'sand'....

[edit on 4-8-2007 by St Udio]

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by St Udio
we're being dumbed down in a wide scope of behaviors;

dental fillings

Many dentists aren't using amalgam fillings anymore, and are opting for resin-composite fillings. They cost a tiny bit more, but considering the aesthetic value of fillings that match the color of your teeth, and the fact they do not contain mercury, is a small price to pay for what you get.

Of course, if you buy into the fluoride theories, you are brushing your teeth and being dumbed down. Then you rinse with fluoridated water.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 06:46 AM
I've had my dental experience since age 7 up until 18... I mean constant visits for several 'braces/retainer' mods.... got them tinted, got a nice muffler, and wow, check out the body! okay seriously, I had mercury fillings twice by the age of 10 and well, as far as I know, I am still SMRT!

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by mobear
i recently read a post about how the population is being dumbed down by the education system and by the media, and i could not agree more.

but then why don't they make drug use legal? that surely would numb our minds more to them, enhancing our ignorance. why are they raising taxes on alcohol? why are they not encouraging us to waste our brains?

it just doesnt make sense to me to stop at education. tell me what you think..


Drug use is already legal and very widespread around the world. Here in America is is epidemic..wholesale..everywhere. It is called television and movies. It is also what passes for much of public education. Television also deeply alters our perception of reality.

Take a close look at the people around you for whom you know and converse. How many cannot describe a experience outside of a movie or television program they have watched. They have so few experiences of their own. They describe things and concepts in terms of a movie or television program they have watched. Right and wrong are on the basis of a emotional jag they got from a tv program or movie.
YOU can tell this truism just by many of the posts here on ATS/BTS.

This is called altered states and is precisely what you get on drugs.

Remember too...emtional jags are what the two political partys often use to get us outraged and able to pull the correct lever or push the correct button in the voting booth. Is this too...putting us on a predictable controllable drug in order to gaurantee how we will perform on election day?? Television is often the medium used by political partys.

By the way...remember who pays for public education in this country...politicians. Correct!!??

Public education=television/movie education=politics/political indoctrination=drugs=altered states.

it is 24/7 today. It never lets up..unless you teach yourself to think outside the box..then act and conduct yourself outside the box. A tall order for many of us....especially if we are hooked on the drugs.

Education today means a television in every room.

I am the kind of nut who goes through the stores shopping and turns off the television sets. Same thing in Costco and Sams club. I dont want to be bombarded by this rubbish when I am spending my moneys. My time and moneys are to valuable to be bombarded by such when I am out and about.It is offensive to me.

Just another angle on what you are describing. I think so many Americans have been on this drug for so long they think it is entirely normal. It is not.


posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by mobear
i recently read a post about how the population is being dumbed down by the education system and by the media, and i could not agree more.

but then why don't they make drug use legal? that surely would numb our minds more to them, enhancing our ignorance. why are they raising taxes on alcohol? why are they not encouraging us to waste our brains?

it just doesnt make sense to me to stop at education. tell me what you think..

They need to make money still. Even dumb people spend cash on things they want.

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