posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 02:38 PM
There are plus sides and down sides to everything.
There seem serious issues arround non lethalities in that it can work out just as lethal, in that it can cause carcinogenesis, brain damage, cooking
of the insides, etc...
Possibly better than the local SWAT team shooting an innocent Afro American for the crime of being of a different coloured skin, and the Cops
thinking/assuming that s/he seems a malcontent. Then starting a Riot by their cold hearted ineptness.
So there exists serious down sides, besides the Mind Control phenomena that hooks it self to the whole issue of Non Lethalities and Novel Effects
Weaponries. Serious Civil Rights infringements seem just around the corner, if not already.
I live in the UK and the only serious work that has ever been proved where Non Lethality was engineered was at Greenham Common Base, where the Peace
Campers (a Woman's only Peace Camp) were targetted with Microwaves. I find the wholesale experimentation on innocent civilians to exist as an
immoralist issue.
Now if it was done maybe to finish an invasion or a possible war quickly to finish a possible Low Intensity Conflict which goes on and on, where the
UN seem like pathetic do-do's, then mebbe it would have some momentum as a serious weapon for the Militaria and the Police or whatever you want to
call them.
Let us face it world wars seem a thing of the past, the theatre of war has now moved to a micro scale of the theatre of war. The Paradigm's have
shifted. Now we have Civil Wars, Insurgencies, etc.
Possibly the existence of these weapons like always will hold within the developed nations, so it seems within the future or now, we have now moved
from an Entropy based Fear Model of Mutually Assured Destructions to an Electromagnetic and Scalar New Wave, the Superpowers Model have shifted.
Now if you wanted to take out a whole island with the quickest force available, I would postulate that you could easilly utilise an Electromagnetic
Pulse Bomb to destroy the Communications and Media and Computer Infrastructure, thus disabling the Comms Lines. Communications is paramount to a good
defence especially in these Information Model soaked times. Then you could dispatch Special Forces with ease with less firepower than what was used,
especially if you could soak a whole area in Electromagnetics and Newer Communications to replace the existing Junta's or Marxist Rebels, that is to
hijack the Media Streams and Feeds.
With Satellite Imaging from Stealth Airplanes it maybe possible to target rebel strongholds with sound cannons and deionisers and weather warfares to
demoralise the core of the rebel forces. This is Psy Ops in effects.
Real War may mean TV hits and Gore but it must become apparent to have a quick and efficient takeover, and I hasten to add that Real War TV has
reduced the populist sensationalist drenched quest for war - people don't like corpses when they are eating their TV dinners that's what happened to
Vietnam, it was as they say FUBAR and SNAFU.
So look at the EEC and the UN treatises on Non Lethalities they don't trust it yet, as the nomenclature that have carried out the R & D will keep the
secrets to themselves, such seems the price to a Corporate Miltary Industrustrial Complex that has the Spheres of Non Lethalities all to themselves,
as with any esoteric and future now technologies.
# I feel ashamed of myself I like to call myself an anarchist or a libertarian but I have just imagined a takeover of a third world nation by the
developing nations! Futuristic tech is all too real and hush hushed I fear.