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The Taos Hum

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posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 02:28 AM
Around 4-5 years ago, when I lived in Ojai, CA, a recurring event took place for several nights, to several weeks on end. I was hearing a strange frequency that would give me goosebumps, and actually make my eyes heavy and watery. I would feel nauseated sometimes and not hear anything, but sure enough, later on in the night, I would hear this noise again, and it would keep me up all night.
This sound is of extreme low frequency, a constant hum, if you will, as the official name of this phenomenon, the Taos Hum. I eventually noticed that every night when I would hear this noise, birds would be chirping as if it was in the middle of the day, when quiet nights, there would be silence, always.
Some nights, I would hear it, and it would resemble a distant loud truck, possibly a diesel, rumbling while at an idle, for hours. I drove around a few nights when I heard this, and could never find any source.
So I looked it up online, and researched it. It turns out, thousands of people across the country have witnessed this and are curious about it. Check out all of these reports... Taos Hum Reports
There are other links there if you are more interested in it.

I think it might have something to do with the military, perhaps on Catalina Island, or Vandenberg. If not, possibly something electro magnetic, or ??

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 02:55 AM
Very interesting, especially the link you provided which shows many others having the same experiences. Reminds me of the 11:11 phenomenon.

I wanted to ask about the area you lived at the time, is that a city/town area or a backwoods area in the middle of nowhere?

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 03:20 AM
It's a little town in the mountains about 15-30 miles SE of Santa Barbara, CA, although I have heard it in Ventura, CA as well. It's a small town 2 miles wide and 5 miles long, in a valley. Ventura is on the coast so I don't really think the topography matters very much as to where this can occur.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 03:55 AM
Having lived in Ojai at one point in my life , my Mom managed matilaha (sp)hot springs, I can say it is interesting news about the hum. Do you suppose it could be from the under ground waters heating up in preparation for the big one? I left the area long ago after a devestaing dream about the california coast which was my home for most of my life. It is beautiful where you are I used to love going to the health food store and then park with my twins when they were babies. Good people out your way!

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by antar
Having lived in Ojai at one point in my life , my Mom managed matilaha (sp)hot springs, I can say it is interesting news about the hum. Do you suppose it could be from the under ground waters heating up in preparation for the big one?

That's pretty crazy. I used to go there (illegally) when I was a teenager, and sometimes we heard rumbling up there. It was always really late at night, so we got pretty scared and ended up leaving 5 mins later. It's a nice town, with lots of interesting things going on all around it. I thought I saw a Mothman up there years ago when we were driving on Matilija Rd. during a cold winters night with the moonroof open. I swear I saw something HUGE flying around, I haven't gone up there since.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 10:24 AM
Here's the Wikipedia link.

[edit on 4-8-2007 by SpadeofAces]

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by antar
Do you suppose it could be from the under ground waters heating up in preparation for the big one?

The hum has been heard in Okla. and surrounding states for years and I don't think we have underground water heating here.

When I lived in the western part of the state about 15 years ago, the hum seemed to come from the north east. Now that I live in the eastern part of the state, it still seems to come from the north east.

Don't know why, but it used to make me feel like something was off with the Earth's rotation and it felt like my eardrums were vibrating. After I heard it for so long, eventually my mind began to shut it out. I guess it would be like living close to a train track. After awhile you don't hear it any more.

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