posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 06:45 PM
It seems to me that everyone is waiting for 2012 to arrive to see what happens. Some predictions make me want to run away and hide in the hills as
this modern civilisation degenerates in mass violence. Some are more relaxed in nature, although they are few and far between. Well here is mine,
watch do you all think?
In the next few years we'll see an economic slow-down in the Western world, where Russia, China and others in the East will really grow. This will
cause friction but not war. The year 2008.
During this time, the war or 'oil takeover' in the Middle East will be getting nasty, and with the US and UK troops at breaking point, both
countries will start to call up citizens for a few years National Service. This will be aided by the fact that many are unemployed due to the
slowdown. This leads up to the years 2009/2010
In the Middle East, a person will declare themselves as the New Prophet. At first no-one listens but slowly their reputation for producing miracles
increases. People start to follow the teachings of this New Prophet, which causes further unrest in the area. Soon this person unites many different
religions under one banner, albeit, the numbers are small. The Prophet and their followers encounter attacks from the deeply religious areas they
travel between. The US/UK creates a safe zone for them to live as this threatens to destabilise the whole area.
This area is protected by the US/UK soldiers, and soon many of them desert to join this new religion. As the numbers grow, so too does the hostility.
The Pope and other religious leaders of the world denounce this Prophet as a fake and demand that they are trailed for 'inciting hatred'. The
Prophet agrees to this and in a televised trail denounces all past religions as frauds. This causes uproar, not only in the Middle East, but world
wide, as people take to the new teachings while others remain loyal to the ones that have existed for centauries.
Things are unsettled at this point, so every government unites and signs a treaty to impose martial law, world wide, to try and avert social
breakdown. The treaty consists of dividing the planet into 4 areas, New America, The European Sector (Australia/New Zealand and surrounding islands
are included.), The New Industrial Sector (Russia, China and The Middle East), and finally The Detention Sector (Southern African countries which are
planned to be used for shipping out the new followers of the Prophet to). A world wide government is constructed with the leaders of every country
involved. They elect a President, who has the final vote in matters and his main purpose is to stay neutral to all religious matters. The starting for
this will be the middle part of 2010.
Each sector is responsible for policing its own area, but all areas must abide by the rules of the New President of United Earth and the Supreme
Council. General control is restored world wide as the trail of this New Prophet enters its last stages. The Prophet is found guilty of breaking new
religious laws set up to control any more civil unrest. They are sentenced to death by the U.E.S.C panel, which consists of religious leaders only.
This is the end of 2010.
During the first few months of 2011, the Prophet is executed, broadcast live across the globe. Again this causes more unrest, and many more people, of
many nationalities are deported to The Detention Sector. The New President, rules that Martial Law must be upheld in all sectors until common ground
can be agreed upon regarding the restoration of the previous state borders. With the Detention Sector policed, focus turns to restoring the planet
back to its original state. Arguments breakout between Sectors about ownership of mineral rich lands and this quickly leads to war between New America
and The Industrial Sector. The European Sector tries in vain to find a common ground but it too is slowly dragged into the conflict. This leads up to
the end of 2011.
Dismayed at the deterioration of their quality of life, many residents from the three warring sectors, travel to the Detention Sector, which is now
un-policed and growing in size. Upon arrival they are asked only one thing, to reject all previous religious beliefs and follow the ideals of the
Prophet. Most do and a new social system is set up, based upon the Prophets teachings. Soldiers who, once belonged to the armies looking after the
Prophets Followers, form their own militia and call to arms anyone willing to fight to end the madness between the three sectors. But there is no need
for them to fight.
With each of the three sectors taking heavy losses, one after another they at first, launch Chemical Weapons at each other, then following up with
Nuclear Weapons. This devastates the population, remaining social structure and military capability. All three are joint losers. This occurs during
the spring of 2012.
Luckily for the Prophets Followers, wind direction was in their favour when the WMD’s were used. The prevailing radiation and chemical residue,
gathered in the wind currents in the Northern Hemisphere. Leaving them practically unspoilt. Realising that soon, contaminated people would arrive
there from the sectors, the Followers quickly set up a system of hierarchy, with the Prophets closest friend in charge. The militia that was formed,
yet unused, were sent to protect the borders and no-one was to be admitted. By the end of 2012, The Followers had taken the first steps to building
their own true society, disregarding the old religions and following the Law as laid down by Their Prophet.