posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 05:29 PM
Lately, on the weaponry-side forums of ATS, we've been finding a constant barrage of historical news, 'MY #REE IS BETR THN YRS.' threads, and
interesting developments.
While I enjoy two out of those three -- They are not the sort of things we can get too-indepth about; theoretics, country-propagandizing. Etc.
Furthermore, they're not the so-called 'bread-earner's' in the family of Weaponry discussion topics.
So, to start to revitalize our dear side of the forum, here's a question:
What is your favorite kind of munition?
Is it because of the system, the history, or etc.?
Personally, to start off, I've always been a fan of the squash-warhead.
[edit on 3-8-2007 by Iblis]