posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 08:52 PM
i've actually been testing this theory out for some time, i occaisionally post messages to friends with recipes for homemade bombs(i have the
potential to be a devastating terrorist except i prefer the term "serial killer" lol) one such example is down here in my home town we have just had
our first mall to you americans this is a mere corner shop but its fairly huge compared to the rest of my quaint little city (incidentally
plymouth england is where the pilgrims set sail from)
anyhoo myself and my buddy diago have conversations via myspace with various plots to blow up the mall, they have been as silly as flying remote
controlled airplanes filled with home made semtex (can be made with over the counter bleach), sneaking into the air vents and placing enough thermite
powder to melt the entire building into hell and then igniting it when the air conditioning puffs it out in the on so forth...all of
which are viable plans and would cause panic and terror...but thus far...there have been no vans parked outside, i havent been followed, harrassed or
arrested...i guess its just not true. MSN on the other hand...
log into hotmail and send yourself 2 emails...the first email should have such key words in it like osama bin laden, al qaedo, bombs, C4, so on so
forth...words that will trigger a worried response...the other justa mundane message...if dont correctly when you go into your will have
recieved the mundane email first...thus proving that the worrying one was picked up by some sort of checking thing