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MYSPACE spying?

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posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 01:28 PM
Ok. Got a brand new iMac... went on Myspace and I swear the thing locks up.. not just the browser but the whole Mac - for seconds at a time. WTF? Think about it. What better way of spying on the young populace than by through a social networking site now owned by one of the most evil and powerful organisations on the planet (Murdoch's NewsCorp). What else would explain why this website acts and behaves totally different to any other. No other site locks up my entire (new) computer like this.


posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 01:47 PM
I agree myspace is evil, I would delete my account but i figure by keeping it i'm at least slowing it down a little. You know if we all keep chipping eventually the wall is gonna fall theory.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 02:08 PM
Part of the reason is that you're using an iMac. They're worthless, it's a miracle that you can even post on here.

The site loads a lot of images and scripts. That could it it, coupled with the fact that your computer can't handle it well (maybe a bad browser or the computer is just slow).

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 02:42 PM
It’s not the iMac that’s garbage, but rather its packaged web browser - Safari.

But yes, MySpace is garbage.

If you insist on using it, you should use Firefox or Opera as your browser.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 02:53 PM
I've heard of alot of people who have had problems with MySpace. I prefer to just steer clear of it.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 04:49 PM
As usual the people who don't have Macs getting their knickers in a twist
All I'll say is I was a Windows user for 12 years and what a waste of life that was looking back. Once you go Mac you'll never go back. Now.... Myspace is spying? Can any tech bods answer on this.... is it feasable. I reckon it must be.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by theem
Ok. Got a brand new iMac... went on Myspace and I swear the thing locks up.. not just the browser but the whole Mac - for seconds at a time. WTF? Think about it. What better way of spying on the young populace than by through a social networking site now owned by one of the most evil and powerful organisations on the planet (Murdoch's NewsCorp).

Macs freeze up all the time, and myspace always has its problems. Myspace is just a spam heaven, and many profiles get some type of viruses on them that sends out spam to others' profiles, repeating the process. This could be your problem.

As for the spying, what exactly are "they" going to watch you do when your computer is frozen?

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 05:03 PM
Well I don't know much about the tech stuff but I'm sure they not only can but most likely are.
I'm using a pc and I do have problems every now and then and yeah, stuff turns up but I'm not sure if it is myspace themselves or advertising on the pages.
On a side note, everybody thinks they are clever by finding information about you on myspace.
I know that employers search applicants on myspace to find out information on peoples personalities etc and lets just say that those listing alcohol and sex under 'interests' don't go down well.
I personally use my site for a little dis-information of my own.
It has actually proved a quite useful tool.
For those spying on me they get what info I want. Thats it.
Usually it's individuals, however is big brother watching?
Why not, he seems to be looking everywhere else.
Just my opinion.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 05:21 PM
Safari = The Mac's back door hack tool. I heard that's the problem w/ the iPhones too

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 05:24 PM
I hthink the problem lies with the Bill Gates / Windows.
As Mac is a direct and threatening competitor, if only the public can see it

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 08:27 PM
Imac enthusiasts are one of the greatest mysteries of the modern age in my opinion . I've seen a lot of the arguments for why Imac is a better and more secure choice than a Windows based computer... but I'm just not impressed. Someone said earlier that "Once you go Mac, you never go back", well there was a time that I did go Mac... and you better believe I definitely went back. At top speed, as fast as my legs could carry me to my vulnerable, screwy, quirky Windows based desktop. I've been happy ever since, and hope to never again repeat the nightmare of having to suffer with a God forsaken Imac.

On topic: MySpace is bad news I think and for those who use it, I'd suggest really minding your P's and Q's because there are lots of prying eyes in there apparently.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 08:45 PM
I wholehearted believe MS and Apple fight, but MS isn't a problem w/ his Mac crashing unless he's using MS stuff, but millions use MS on Macs every day.

Mac won't be a huge threat until games are mass produced for them.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 08:52 PM
i've actually been testing this theory out for some time, i occaisionally post messages to friends with recipes for homemade bombs(i have the potential to be a devastating terrorist except i prefer the term "serial killer" lol) one such example is down here in my home town we have just had our first mall to you americans this is a mere corner shop but its fairly huge compared to the rest of my quaint little city (incidentally plymouth england is where the pilgrims set sail from)

anyhoo myself and my buddy diago have conversations via myspace with various plots to blow up the mall, they have been as silly as flying remote controlled airplanes filled with home made semtex (can be made with over the counter bleach), sneaking into the air vents and placing enough thermite powder to melt the entire building into hell and then igniting it when the air conditioning puffs it out in the on so forth...all of which are viable plans and would cause panic and terror...but thus far...there have been no vans parked outside, i havent been followed, harrassed or arrested...i guess its just not true. MSN on the other hand...

log into hotmail and send yourself 2 emails...the first email should have such key words in it like osama bin laden, al qaedo, bombs, C4, so on so forth...words that will trigger a worried response...the other justa mundane message...if dont correctly when you go into your will have recieved the mundane email first...thus proving that the worrying one was picked up by some sort of checking thing

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