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The Future Is Here - Microchips In Humans

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posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by carnival_of_souls2047
Hah! You think cellphones, blackboxes in cars, OnStar and VeriChips buried beneath your skin is all they need to track you? Right now they are developing nano-technology (currrently an annual multibillion dollar industry and growing faster than Bill Gates will get out his next operating system) that can be sewn in to the materials of the clothes you buy at K-Mart, JCPenney, Macys, etc.
We are talking about microscopic computers that monitor your every movement as well as clean your clothes for you. Google "self-cleaning clothes using nano technology.

Yeah, Carnival!! Now someones thinking forward!!

It's not the now that worries me, or even 5 years from now, but what are our kids going to have to deal with 20 years from now?

The sad part is, they won't even know the difference if we don't speak up now!! What we are seeing is an ongoing process that, left untouched and unspoken of, will take over what we have now (which is bad enough).

The problem is, is that it looks so convenient, so modern, so "with it" that the guiding force of our society will bring it into being without much effort at all.

So where do we draw the line????

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 02:40 AM
Receive this chip at your peril. This has been prophesied for thousands of years in Revelations.

Rev 13 concerning the antichrist

16He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.

Rev 14

9A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: "If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, 10he, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.

If you follow the technology it goes way beyond whats currently advertised. With biochips they are learning how to interface the biochips into the human nervous system. On the surface it seems benign, after all who wouldn't want to help amputees or provide an artificial eye for the blind. However they now know that certain signals can induce certain mental states in a human.

This will ultimately be used not just for tracking but for control.....

I imagine the full mark of the beast unit will render the wearers immune from the moral restraints of a conscience as they do their masters bidding. It's a one way ticket to hell.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 03:06 AM
It seems that one of the most swaying things about these chips is that you would be able to track your kids. As someone else said before, this is just out of fear and need for control. Yes, it might sound tempting to know where your kids are at all time, but think of it from their point of view, it's a total loss of freedom. Think of when you were a kid, I bet you snuck out a few times or ran around places you weren't meant to or even went for a nighttime walk or whatever, well that's how kids learn about freedom and rights and wrongs and stuff, then they grow out of it.

If kids are constantly monitored, they will get used to that and grow up with a mindset in which they are never allowed to cross any boundaries or just do something random, they have to just do everything as if they are being watched by big brother.

Now imagine that we are the kids and the government/NSA is our parents, keeping us in check like cattle. It's a total loss of freedom and individualism and as I said before, after a few generations of the population get used to it, people will grow up like cattle, scared to cross boundaries or do something different once in a while.

I like the way I grew up in freedom, and I like the way I turned out, so i'd want my kids to enjoy the same freedoms.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by lombozo
You know, I'm actually torn about Microchipping. I'm a law abiding citizen. Just an average guy.

Yes for now, but you know how quickly and constantly new laws are being introduced. And tracking chips aren't a threat right now, it's the future implications that are what worries people. Also it is just one more step towards totalitarianism, and a decent society would be stepping away from it, not towards it.

Imagine this future scenario; new 'national security' laws are passed which ban any form of organised protesting, arrestable with a short prison sentence. (I know it sounds far out, but security is getting tighter and tighter all the time so it's not impossible). ok so the USA decides to introduce compulsory military service for kids that are 16+, or even decides to introduce a draft to fight another phony war they are cooking up.

These days you would be able to go out and protest that anonymously with your friends to get a message across. Even if protests were banned, there would be too many people to arrest, so you would still get the message across and go free. But in the future scenario all the police would have to do is fly a helicopter over the protest, scanning who was present and they could have an arrest warrant sent out for you in seconds or have you added to a 'terrorist' watch list or whatever they wanted. There would be no sense of anonymity or individualism, and because of this easy way of singling people out, the population would be scared to oppose anything the government did.

I know it's just a hypothetical scenario, but with the direction 'security measures' are heading, this sort of thing isn't at all impossible.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by RandomThought
people who try to rob you of your cash and credit cards at gun point, won't have any chance any more. I say bring it on.

They'll have to remove your arm from your body

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by -0mega-
Oh god, the odd comments these people sometimes make.

Why in heavens name, would a random RFID Chip embedded in your arm with limited to as good as zero range, have the capability to:
-Decapacitate you
Until someone comes with adequate support that X chip has these capabilities,...

NO, most definitely NOT. you might be inclined to live in an area which is encolsed by barbed wire, complete with dogs&guards and floodlights at night - as long as you're free to go, right?


if someone voluntarily walks into such a trap, s/he must be a complete fool, obviously.

there are precedents, espedcially in the realm of Cellphones. remember when the 'paranoid' said they feared them because they could be used for tracking and clandestine sureveillance, people did not listen. as it turns out, all these allegations are true.

so, how much cyanide or VX in the chip does it take to kill you via remote command? you wouldn't know, would you? the idea that its range is insufficient is laughable at best, because they don't need to stay within the FCC's limits if you're above the law anyway, do they? secondly, how many potential locations for scanners can be found in anti-theft equipment, around gates and elsewhere? the coverage is already very dense, this smacks of individual motion profiling.

[edit on 4.8.2007 by Long Lance]

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by mrwupyIf you have a cell phone, you are chipped. You did it happily.


I don`t have a cell phone and I`m not going to get one, even if I`m the last person on Earth not to. Apart from the chip you mention, I also wonder how harmful the electromagnetic waves are.


posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 04:49 PM
I read a sci-fi book that some of you might enjoy. It was "The Light of Other Days" by Arthur C. Clarke/Stephen Baxter.

The book starts out as your usual dystopian totalitarian big brother society scenario, but than develops into something more interesting. Its about everyone owning a "cam" with which they can not only look & peek anywhere they want and find out anything they want anytime, but can also do so for the entire past. Now with EVERYBODY being able to be Big Brother, the entire ballgame changes. The book gives you a real idea of what it feels like to loose your entire privacy, even that of your past, but at the same time gives you a feeling of how much fun it is to be able to find out EVERYTHING. Thats a lot of food for thought.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 07:04 PM
Someone posted Revelation 13:16 about the mark of the beast, and I want to expand on that for a moment.

I know most here aren't Christian, and many seem outright hostile to it. Even the Christians here can't always agree on everything (heck, I hardly go to church because of the actions and beleives of many "christians", but that doesn't change the fact that I do beleive in Jesus and His divinity). However; I want all to consider something.

When the verses says, "he causes be given a mark on their right hand or on their forhead." I have read (and I don't have a reference at the moment) that the translation is a bit off. The Greek version uses the word chigma (I think that is the correct word/spelling, I will try to get a reference). This word esentially means etching, or etching in/under.

So esentially we have the writer, 2000 years ago, seeing/prophecing/or being told that in the future, the inhabitants of the earth will have a mark or etching IN their hand, that without, they will not beable to buy or sell.

That's pretty remarkable, a man 2000 years ago, seeing this technology. I think if one studies all the other prophecies concerning Isreal, the middle east, and the other events to take place before Christ returns, they may need to seriously think about what they beleive. Talk to you all later!!!

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 08:25 PM
Right now I'm reading William Gibson's Neuromancer. Yes, I'm well behind the curve on this one - LOL! But some of the characters in his novel have well more than some basic little tracking device embedded in their bodies. Cybernetic modifications are actually fashionable in the universe the story of the novel takes place in. Anyway, I thought it funny how I'm very anti-chip-implant when, at least as far as the novel goes, much, much worse is on the horizon. So now a little chip implant with my medical history and whatnot implanted in my body doesn't sound so bad. I'm still against it, but, if folks do not have to be tied to their desks or tote around laptops, if they can just get upgradeable technology implanted in their bodies, then they will. This novel is so believable in that way that it's scary to contemplate. And I really don't consider myself to be a Luddite. I just don't want a tracking/information device implanted in my body, but my children, yet to be, just might have me foot the bill so that they can do it!

[edit on 4-8-2007 by Areal51]

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 09:57 PM
Prophecy is a guess that came true.

Nothing more.

Perhaps I may be becoming just a little too jaded, even for ATS.

Still, the more I try to run away, the more I find myself returning here.

It's like being in quicksand and too stupid to know that the human body will float in quicksand, If you will only relax and not fight it.

Or learning not to drink and type, as I seem to do so often these days.

Which leads to posts like this...

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by Sr Wing Commander
That's pretty remarkable, a man 2000 years ago, seeing this technology. I think if one studies all the other prophecies concerning Isreal, the middle east, and the other events to take place before Christ returns, they may need to seriously think about what they beleive.

Id really like to emphasize that the bible getting one or two things right does not mean that the entire thing or even the entire religion is valid.
Thats EXACTLY how you sell something people dont really want: You throw in a few good items and the buyer takes the whole package. If there werent ANYTHING true about Christianity, it would have no followers.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Sr Wing Commander
When the verses says, "he causes be given a mark on their right hand or on their forhead." I have read (and I don't have a reference at the moment) that the translation is a bit off. The Greek version uses the word chigma (I think that is the correct word/spelling, I will try to get a reference). This word esentially means etching, or etching in/under.

So esentially we have the writer, 2000 years ago, seeing/prophecing/or being told that in the future, the inhabitants of the earth will have a mark or etching IN their hand, that without, they will not beable to buy or sell.

That's pretty remarkable, a man 2000 years ago, seeing this technology. I think if one studies all the other prophecies concerning Isreal, the middle east, and the other events to take place before Christ returns, they may need to seriously think about what they beleive. Talk to you all later!!!
I just want to re-post this, because I agree 100%. To be able to tell a prophecy that can even begin to comprehend such an idea (at that historical time) and to have it be so comparably similar to something so foreseeable within our 'own times' is amazing! Well, said Sr. W

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by Sr Wing Commander
That's pretty remarkable, a man 2000 years ago, seeing this technology. I think if one studies all the other prophecies concerning Isreal, the middle east, and the other events to take place before Christ returns, they may need to seriously think about what they beleive.

Id really like to emphasize that the bible getting one or two things right does not mean that the entire thing or even the entire religion is valid.
Thats EXACTLY how you sell something people dont really want: You throw in a few good items and the buyer takes the whole package. If there werent ANYTHING true about Christianity, it would have no followers.

Skyfloating, I dont think that Sr. W was necissarily trying to sell anything. Just like any other piece of reference or opinion, Sr W just wanted to reitterate his belief in the Biblical prophecies as being a similar reference to the topic in question. Trust me, I dont like pushy spiritual/religious dogmas either, but that wasn't what I believe was the case this time.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 04:31 AM
Hey SevenThunders - Pretty heavy post. Nice job.
I have to tell you, I never, not once, looked at it from your angle. I see alot of doom and gloom here on ATS. Frankly I take most of it (more than 50%) with a grain of salt. I'm starting to wonder though.............

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 01:15 PM
Lombazo- Great thread! And I love your openess to accept all possible opinions, beliefs and theories.

But, I must agree that whether or not you have anything to hide is not the issue at hand.

It's much bigger, as I assume you already know at this point. Why is it that 14 years old girls 'rich parents' (exaggerated use of a stereotype to make my point; I realize this
) are the ones dishing out money to the so called 'psychiatrists', better yet, therapists, for the mental help they (adolescents) need? Why are we not, as Americans, (and/or citizens all over the world) spending the time, effort and money to get these supposed 'doctors' of behavior and mental health to work with the people who really need it, like inmates, or criminal offenders?

Does this seem off topic?

Maybe. But, truth be told, the only reason that any 'normal' citizen would agree to even begin a microchipping initiative is due to their fear of 'societies worst'. To hell with that! Seriously, lets stop running away from fear for a second, and spend our free moments, while we catch our breaths, finding a solution to our endless race against fear.

A solution!

A solution which does not require the innocent to be persecuted, and invaded because of the malice and evil in a handful of the population.
Yep. The handful that should be the beneficiary of the x amount of money all the rich parents are spending to pay someone else to listen and wipe away their childrens tears. Apparently, they're too busy to do that themselves

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by lombozo
Hey SevenThunders - Pretty heavy post. Nice job.
I have to tell you, I never, not once, looked at it from your angle. I see alot of doom and gloom here on ATS. Frankly I take most of it (more than 50%) with a grain of salt. I'm starting to wonder though.............

It's all too real and they are pushing this quite vociferously.

The unique properties of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and the application of nanotechnology to the nervous system may have a tremendous impact in the future developments of microsystems for neural prosthetics as well as immediate benefits for basic research. Despite increasing interest in neuroscience nanotechnologies, little is known about the electrical interactions between nanomaterials and neurons. We developed an integrated SWNT–neuron system to test whether electrical stimulation delivered via SWNT can induce neuronal signaling. To that aim, hippocampal cells were grown on pure SWNT substrates and patch clamped. We compared neuronal responses to voltage steps delivered either via conductive SWNT substrates or via the patch pipette. Our experimental results, supported by mathematical models to describe the electrical interactions occurring in SWNT–neuron hybrid systems, clearly indicate that SWNTs can directly stimulate brain circuit activity.

from the journal of neuroscience.
There is a lot of research like this and it would be naive to think that it won't be employed in the coming biochip implants.

The religous question one might ask is why is God so offended by the implants? I can only think of two reasons. The first is that the implant is an open pledge of dedication or as a mark of personal property of the antichrist.

The second is that the mark somehow interferes with the normal restraints of moral conscience.

Somehow I suspect both shall be true.

[edit on 6-8-2007 by SevenThunders]

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 02:52 PM
I keep checking this thread over and over just hoping that one day it either wont be there, or better yet, that microchips don't even exist.

Honestly guys, how is it that not even a whisper of this technology being tested and implemented not just scare every man, woman and child half to death?

How can 'they' even think that they can get away with this? That 'they' or anyone, past, present or future deserves any kind of power over our entire being, right at the flip of a switch...'If necissary.'

It all just sounds like one of the old comic book scenes where Dr. Doom is holding us in the palm of the hand, and chuckling all evil

Only problem is...Where is our 'Wonder Man' or friggin 'She-Ra'
Where do I need to go, I'll sign up right now, I just need to learn the way,and let my confidence get me through the rest...
I guess?

But for God-sake (literally-hehe!) What's the freakin way?
Sorry, I couldn't resist the venting.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 03:57 PM
Okay, so, if anyone cares...
I did a little surveying lately. I asked a number of people from the 'younger generations' (by that I mean, ages 20-25) about their take on micro-chipping.

It is mainly the 'drinking, partying crew' I asked, and my results are skewed since it was mainly males who answered (most females appeared bewildered at the question, so...), but the overall consensus was in disagreement with micro-chipping.

I asked the question in 2 parts; would you ever micro-chip your animal, and/or your future children, in case of kidnapping or abduction, ect..? I tryed not to show any experimenter biased either.

These findings did give me a better taste in my mouth about the issue, so I thought I'd share with you all!

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by nowayreallyThese findings did give me a better taste in my mouth about the issue, so I thought I'd share with you all!

That`s good to hear Nowayreally. And it gives me hope for future generations. On another note I see the British Government is starting the bidding process for companies who wish to be part of the new ID card system, which is just a stepping-stone away from micro-chipping the population.


Britain begins ID card procurement process
Published on ZDNet News: Aug 10, 2007 7:35:00 AM
Britain launched on Thursday the selection process to choose companies to run its multibillion-dollar national identity card program, the world's most ambitious biometric project.
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